U-coin is a kind of digital currency, Tether. Our country's attitude towards this currency is "not recognizing" the legal tender status! ! ! !

Definition of legal tender: According to the current laws and regulations such as the "People's Bank of China Law" and the "RMB Management Regulations", the currency form of RMB is physical currency, including banknotes and coins, but not intangible digital currency. As a legal tender in digital form issued by the People's Bank of China, the legal status of digital RMB (e-CNY) is gradually being established, but this process needs to be achieved through the revision and improvement of relevant laws.

Nature of Tether: Tether (USDT) is a stable currency that aims to maintain a 1:1 exchange rate with the US dollar, but it is not issued by any central bank of any country and does not have the attributes and status of legal tender. Therefore, under the legal framework of our country, Tether is not recognized as legal tender.

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