Unfortunately, there is not one in the mainland~~~💻💻💻

Cryptocurrency ATMs are widely distributed around the world, mainly in the following regions and countries:

United States: As the main concentration of cryptocurrency ATMs in the world, the United States ranks first with 21,161 locations. These cryptocurrency ATMs are spread across major states, including smoke shops in Montana, gas stations in the Carolinas, and delicatessens in remote corners of New York City.

Canada: Following the United States, Canada has 1,698 cryptocurrency ATM locations.

United Kingdom: The United Kingdom is the third country with more cryptocurrency ATMs, with 174 locations.

In addition, there are 75 countries/regions with cryptocurrency ATMs around the world, with a total of more than 24,000. These ATMs enable customers to conveniently buy or sell digital currencies at these locations, and sometimes withdraw cash.

It is particularly noteworthy that in some areas of Latin America, such as the border areas of Colombia and Venezuela, locals even use cryptocurrency directly to exchange food, and some areas are distributed with numerous Bitcoin ATM machines, even more than local banks. This reflects the popularity and acceptance of cryptocurrencies in specific regions.

In summary, the distribution of cryptocurrency ATMs is mainly concentrated in the United States and Canada in North America, as well as developed countries such as the United Kingdom, but is also distributed around the world, including Latin America.