💥💥Why is it difficult to make money in the B circle in this cycle?

1. The entry of BTC+ETH spot ETF and Wall Street capital means that not only the ability to screen varieties and sectors, but also the ability to conduct financial transactions is required. The previous way of making money by holding on to them has been eliminated;

2. The bull market law of "Federal Reserve easing + B circle four-year cycle" has gradually faded and may even be broken. The army is unpredictable and the water is unpredictable. The only constant in this market is "change";

3. The excessive issuance of copycats, the people and money who take over cannot catch up with the coins and projects that issue them, and the liquidity in the hands of the leeks has been squeezed out. In the future, only a very small number of copycat varieties can outperform the mainstream big coins. The vast majority of copycats are at their peak when they are listed, and they have completed their life mission in a few months. In the future, they will gradually return to zero. Even if the price of the big cake rises to 100,000 or 200,000 US dollars, the price of junk varieties is still at the foot of the mountain, and there will never be a bull market;

4. When the consensus and certainty of this industry are getting higher and higher, it will not benefit the entire industry, but the strong will always be strong, and the weak will become weaker.

This is no longer a bridge for ordinary people to counterattack, but a soil for masters to harvest leeks.

More bull market strategy layout potential coin sharing, Gongzhonghao: Coin Guide

#非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $BTC $ETH