
Since breaking 73,700 in mid-March, it has been fluctuating in a wide range of 56,500-72,000 in the past few months. Under such market conditions, the decline of the altcoin is even lower. If bad news comes and panic intensifies, the altcoin will break through 56,500, and then the altcoin will be in a very bad state. Very bad. Then the market will stabilize, and then good news and liquidity will come, and then the main upward trend will really begin.

Careful friends should have noticed that the prices of many altcoins are still profitable compared to the lows in October and November last year. Of course, I am not saying that they will definitely fall to that level. In fact, it still depends on the big background, that is, the mood of BTC. Look at the project side.

It is almost July. The big background has been mentioned many times before. It will not be until the end of the year, that is, November (election) and December, and then next year, that there will be favorable conditions and liquidity growth. The main upward trend needs liquidity support (just like the previous 40,000-73,700 wave, it is obvious that stablecoins entered the market in large quantities to convert buying, buying, buying, and the trading volume is also very good). Some favorable conditions are shouted, which is useless and will not last long.

Liquidity is not good now, and the net inflow of BTC ETF is very bleak. This has been mentioned many times. So will there be more positives or negatives from July to the end of the year? There are some potential events in these months, and of course, we are still playing games, such as the interest rate cut; there is also the FTX incident, the Mentougou incident, etc.
Note here: the first interest rate cut, in previous macro cycles, would cause large fluctuations in the risk market, which does not mean that liquidity will immediately flow into the risk market for buying. Of course, some friends will say that this year is different, there are BTC ETFs that can provide a bottom line, so let's wait and see.

So to put it bluntly, can it continue to fluctuate above 56,500 in the next few months, or will it break through? There are only two situations, and the risks brought by each situation are different.

The low point of BTC is the low point of the altcoin, so everyone has a clear idea of ​​how to operate the coins they currently hold, and how to maximize their profits in the face of possible situations.

Some friends will definitely ask how to choose a copycat. I have talked about this many times before. Pay attention to the popular tracks of major firms, such as meme, gamefi, L1, ai, etc. Of course, there are also new narratives and new tracks that will bring incremental funds.

The bull market is still going on. If you are not sure how to position yourself, you can find me through the pinned articles. I am willing to share my experience and strategies with you, just for like-minded people! Let's get rich together!!

#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $REI $VGX $ZK
