1. Anyone who takes the initiative to take you to play contracts wants to cheat you of your money. Contracts are high-risk financial products, and few people can play them well, so if you are not greedy, you will not be cheated.

2. Anyone who asks you to do web3 arbitrage or arbitrage for free is a scammer who wants to defraud your capital. The service is so good and they teach you everything step by step. What is he trying to do? Are people in the cryptocurrency circle so kind? If you believe it, you will risk losing all your invested capital.

3. Anyone who actively posts their income and assets is trying to trick you into investing. Why do they post their assets and income every day? They say that wealth should not be exposed, so why do some people post it every day? They have only one purpose, to attract you to admire and envy them, and then teach you, and then use various means to deceive you, such as customer loss, helping you invest, etc. For you, the risk is all on you.

4. Anyone who actively teaches you how to get airdrops is doing it to help him make money; airdrops are now a very ineffective method. Not only can you not make money, you will also lose the handling fee, and even worse, you will lose the principal in your wallet. An authorization opportunity will cause your wallet to be monitored, and once there is money, it will be emptied, and those who taught you would have run away long ago;

5. Anyone who actively posts private keys is trying to defraud you of your capital. Think about it, would you post the keys to your safe every day? If something is not normal, there must be something wrong. Don't be greedy and you won't be deceived.

Seven Don'ts

6. Don’t recommend any coins to anyone. If you make money, it’s fine, but if you lose money, you will become a sinner. Good intentions don’t always bring good rewards, not to mention that it is difficult for you to make money in this circle.

7. Don’t believe what any project party says. Retail investors are just their assets and they will sell you out at any time when the time is right.

8. Don’t listen to anyone’s inside information. If someone has the ability to do it, why would he share it with others?

9. Don’t go to any small platform. If you go to a high-risk platform to buy a high-risk target, the risks are self-evident.

10. Don’t trust strangers. You can’t figure out what others are thinking. You can only figure out your own thoughts.

11. Don’t borrow money, don’t take out loans, and don’t leverage. These will only accelerate your loss of money.

12. Don’t give up your original job and trade cryptocurrencies full-time. Just treat cryptocurrency trading as a side job for entertainment.

Three Exits

13. Quit all worthless chat groups. They are worthless if they cannot improve your abilities.

14. Unfollow those KOLs whose values ​​are different from your own. The more you listen to them, the harder it will be to execute your plans.

15. Uninstall the news software and just keep one to read occasionally. 99% of the news is worthless. You can get the valuable news without the software.

Eight Points of Attention

16. Pay attention to contract risks. Contract risks are very high and most people cannot play well with them.

17. Be careful with OTC merchants. If they are involved in problematic funds, your bank card may be frozen, affecting your daily life.

18. Be careful not to operate frequently. Frequent operations are no different from gambling and will only contribute to the exchange's transaction fees in vain.

19. Pay attention to those old leeks. Some of them just stay for a long time, and their cognition remains stagnant. You should listen less to what they say.

20. Pay attention to the wealth stories in the group. Be wary of being carried away. Most of the wealth stories are just baits.

21. Pay attention to new concepts. 99% of new concepts are just for you to take over.

22. Pay attention to risks. Risks are always there. If you don’t pay attention to risks, one setback can lead to irreparable consequences, just like the bankruptcy of FTX, which wiped out the assets of many people.

23. Pay attention to what any project owner says. No matter how grand their dreams are, their core purpose is to get you to take over.

Four Certainties

24. You must develop the ability of self-learning, study every day, and study day after day for ten years. Whether in the cryptocurrency circle or in life, the accumulation of knowledge will allow you to surpass others.

25. You must reject laziness. For example, if there is a message from Twitter user xx in the group, you should open Twitter and check it yourself, and confirm the information that is useful to you with your own hands. Laziness is your biggest enemy.

26. You must respect the market. The market is ruthless. If you dare to take risks, it will make you lose everything.

27. Be sure to learn how to use Baidu or Google. When you encounter questions or terms that you don’t understand, search for information yourself.

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