Liang Xi, a genius trader who made 30 million yuan a day with a few thousand yuan in the 519 market in 2021. Regarding this matter, I am still too young and mistaken luck for my strength. In fact, the biggest difficulty for a person is to recognize himself. It is important for people to have self-knowledge. Investors who can clearly understand their strengths, strengths and weaknesses are rare in the currency circle. Most people fail and succeed in a muddle. If you are lucky, you can still save a lot of results after you get up. If you have any questions, please consult or make a group payment. 6 Wuchang Jiawei: GOOOKOOOY If you are unlucky, you will go down after you get up, and there will be no future. So it is better to be cautious in life, and reflect more on failure and success. Try to keep a normal mentality and guard against arrogance and greed. Liang Xi has left countless joys and countless emoticons to friends in the currency circle. Most of the top streamers in the global investment community are just meteors, and there are really not many who can continue to be popular.

Liang Xi is currently in debt. He borrowed money to do contracts but never paid it back. He masturbates in his rental house every day and begs for red envelopes to get by. He lives a worse life than a dog. In the end, no one can save him.

Originally, he was a top-tier cryptocurrency player. He could do commission-backed advertising and would never be short of money in his life. But Liang Xi is even more stupid than a fool. He vowed that he would never do advertising to do commission-backed advertising, and he lost himself into a debt of tens of millions. Not only did he not pay back the money, but he also spoke ill of his creditors. As a result, he now accepts advertisements, countless fraudulent advertisements, does commission-backed advertising, and begs on the Internet every day. He has become a clown.

Foretelling Ti spent thousands of yuan to buy Liang Xi's Weibo account to do commission-backed advertising, and also encouraged investors to do contracts, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. Liang Xi now has to operate Weibo for Foretelling Ti.

As a top cryptocurrency player, Liang Xi has much richer life experience than most investors, and his speech is also very interesting, making everyone very happy. When he makes money, he will think about giving red envelopes or donating it to everyone, and there will be remarks on the platform to protect the image of the motherland. It is still quite sad to have come to this point. After many years in the cryptocurrency circle, only my public account will remember a myth or joke like Liang Xi.

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