How many bull markets are needed to pursue financial freedom?

You have 30,000 U, which is about 200,000 RMB. In a bull market, it seems not impossible to multiply this money several times or even ten times. Imagine that if you experience two bull markets, your assets may expand to dozens or even hundreds of times. Then, it seems that having tens of millions of assets is not so far-fetched.

But that's all, is it really that easy to operate in practice? Many people make a lot of money in the bull market, but they are often greedy and end up losing money again. In the bear market, they are eager to get their money back, but they get deeper and deeper, and may end up with nothing left.

The current market is like this. Although everyone says that they should be patient and wait, there are really not many people who can do it. Indeed, there are many people who make money in the bull market, but it is even rarer to stay calm in the bear market, keep their wealth, and wait for the next bull market.

In the bull market, what we need is courage and determination; in the bear market, what we need is patience and determination. Not only should you be able to seize opportunities, but you should also be able to keep loneliness. Why is it so difficult? In fact, the real wisdom is not only in those K-line charts, but more in our daily life experience and adjustment of our mentality.

Don't always think about reaching the sky in one step. If you want to make 10 million, why not set a small goal first, such as making 1 million or 5 million? The pursuit of wealth is like the pursuit of love, which requires step-by-step. At the beginning, have a meal or watch a movie with the other party, and then consider further development after getting familiar with each other. If you have not met the other party several times, you directly make excessive demands. What do you think is the chance of success?

Friends, you can all understand the pursuit of love, but why do you become confused when it comes to investment? I hope everyone can understand this truth, move forward steadily, and finally achieve their own wealth freedom.

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