A few common senses can ensure that you make money in the bull market and lose less in the bear market

1. Hoarding coins can make a hundred times, and trading coin contracts cannot make money hoarding coins

2. Don't expect to get rich overnight, getting rich in a year is the real thing

3. The yellow pushers are all big men who pick their feet, and the real beauties are on Instagram, not Twitter

4. Twitter is full of men, 99% of them, don't fantasize about falling in love

5. Exchanges are casinos, but some casinos cheat themselves

6. US stocks can rise a hundred times, but US stocks have a threshold, and the cryptocurrency circle does not

7. The less you operate, the more money you make, and you will lose money if you operate every day


. Therefore, exchanges will embezzle user funds, and the 💰 you think is not your own