#以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势分析

The good news is that $BTC ETFs have maintained net inflows for three consecutive days. The bad news is that the number of net inflows is getting smaller day by day.

Net inflow of 514 on June 25

Net inflow of 346 on June 26

Only 193 on June 27 (yesterday)

Whether the net inflow momentum can be maintained tonight is worrying (today is Friday. From the perspective of ETFs, ETFs will follow the US stock market to close every weekend, while BTC will not close. So Friday is the time for ETFs to escape from risk aversion, so there is a high probability that there will be some selling pressure tonight)

Then tonight's ETF is undoubtedly an important factor. If the net inflow momentum can be maintained tonight during the ETF's risk aversion escape time on Friday, then there is a high probability that there will be a more violent rebound again over the weekend and next week.