1. Make a fortune quietly. Don’t show off.

Never show off in front of others how much assets you have, how many places you have visited, how many books you have read, how much you understand, or how many people you know.
The more you show off, the more annoying you will be to others.

A truly smart and capable person,
I have already put myself in silent mode.
Usually looks stupid and silly,

I am not good at saying nice things either. The purpose of doing this is,
It is to paralyze the opponent and at the same time conceal one's own ambitions and goals.

2. Understand that everything is caused by fate and begin to accept impermanence.

The more experienced a person is, the more he understands that human beings are the most powerless to resist.
It only comes from God. Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster,
His influence is indispensable in everything that happens. To put it bluntly, all things are nothing but straw dogs.

An enlightened person can calmly face the changes in the world.
The heart is like a mirror and like water that leaves no trace.

They understand that life has its ups and downs,
Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west.
Apart from birth, old age, sickness and death, nothing can really knock them down.

3. Abstinence.

What is abstinence? It means before you make money,
Don't make friends with people who like to eat, drink and have fun.
Mix with them.

It will only waste your time, energy and money.
It makes you lose your fighting spirit and ability to endure hardship.

It will surely be repaid with hardship and suffering in old age.
Only the weak need friends; the strong don't need friends at all.

They only deal with three kinds of people.
Either someone who can pay him to be his client,

Either they are people who can help him make money and become his talents,
There is another type, who is like the big guys, and who helps you see the truth.

4. Will flatter to the point of being unacceptable.

It is a manifestation of a person's tactful handling of affairs in society and the workplace.
Many people are very vain and like to hear nice things, and most leaders are the same.
Therefore, you need to be sweet-mouthed and have a strong ability to read people's expressions.

When you are not as good as others, there is nothing shameful in serving them.
Leaders will only promote those who are close to them, and may not promote those who are capable.

Because the confidant is not only sweet-talking, but also good at speaking, and can speak to the heart of the leader.
Consider the leadership at all times.

5. Smash.

You must now be generous to those who can help you.
Take out the savings from frugal living and treat people to meals and give them gifts.
If your money doesn't make money, spending it on useful people is called investment.

Being frugal and stingy is the main reason why you are still poor.
This is also the core reason why you have never had high-quality connections.

6. Don’t be ashamed.

The strong always do what they want and have no sense of shame.
No matter how others look at him or say about him, he can feel at ease.

As for the poor, they have too many rules and care too much about what others think.
If someone says something to him, he won't be able to eat or sleep well. Just think about how fragile he is.

7. Don’t get entangled with people of different levels.

For example, if a person quarrels with a pig, if he wins, it only proves that he is stronger than the pig.
If the game is a tie, he is like a pig, and if he loses, he is even worse than a pig. He is very ambitious.

In order to achieve their goals, they often do things that go against common sense. As long as they can succeed, they often don't care much about the secular perspective. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.
Sometimes it is hard to judge him. He is responsible and has a sense of responsibility.

No matter how smart or capable a person is, he or she will make mistakes.
At this time, he was not thinking about how to shirk responsibility.
It’s about how to take responsibility and how to correct mistakes.

8. Be able to calm down.

Many people are busy in a messy way every day, but they get no results after working for a long time.
These people have basically never thought about why they are busy.

He appears to be static on the outside, but in fact, his brain is at war.
He would go over all the situations in his mind first.

What are the details? What are the key points of success or failure? You have to go through them all.
A truly capable person must be calm and think carefully.

9. Able to stay calm.

In reality, there are many people who change five jobs in a year.
Changing four projects in two years is basically a sign of lack of stability. People with real abilities,

We all understand the importance of focus.
He must have continued to do things that can accumulate. The so-called accumulation leads to a sudden explosion.

10. Unity of knowledge and action.

Anyone who is truly capable,
He must be a person who is very active in both thought and action.

Either they think more but do less, and their ability to take action is very poor.
Or they just keep their heads down and do things, never looking up to think.

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