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Big things are coming soon

Can everyone keep their wallets stable?

Can the Yitai ETF really save the market from the water and fire?

1. News situation

1. ETF situation

From the data point of view: the market continues to achieve a net inflow, so the confidence brought to the market is whether the bulls have begun to recover slowly. Will the market start to rise again?

2. Yitai ETF situation

This is the data that brings great confidence to the market, that is, the ETF is going smoothly and will be passed soon. The market is definitely bullish for Yitai.

3. Market situation

Represents the attitude of the market. The government's shipment is a bearish sentiment.

2. Market analysis

1. Big cake operation suggestion: long near 60000

2. Auntie operation suggestion: long at 3350-3330#CryptoTradingGuide #币安HODLer空投 $BTC $ETH $SOL