How powerful can capital be?

1. For 1 yuan, customers can lie with their eyes open and post pictures to give good reviews.

2. For 10 yuan, a takeaway boy can deliver food to you in a 16-level typhoon.

3. For 100 yuan, a grown man can carry a refrigerator to your door.

4. For 1,000 yuan, a daughter who has been raised by someone else for more than 20 years can stand by your side.

5. For 5,000 yuan, an idealistic college student can work for you for a month.

The above is just the explicit world of capital you see. Now let's take a look at the implicit world:

1. Financial capital can kill the real economy and even eat up a country.

2. Capital can control politics, buy off and tame officials. For example: "In the Name of the People"

3. Capital can create financial slavery and enslave all labor by controlling the flow of money.

4. Capital can force the population of the labor force of the nation to become "extinct" through real estate capitalization and education capitalization.

5. The essence of official corruption is the capitalization of power. Officials cash in on power, "store" power in the form of capital, and then react on power itself!

If capital is too concentrated within a country, it will trigger an economic crisis or even revolution, such as Germany before World War II. The transfer of economic contradictions abroad is colonial aggression wars and Nazi aggression wars. If economic contradictions are involuted, it will eventually lead to domestic revolution. #BTC