The recent trend of Bitcoin is worrying, with continued declines and lack of upward momentum, which has confused many people. However, a recent news seems to provide us with some clues: according to the latest email released by Mentougou, they plan to compensate customers with Bitcoin from July.

In short, Mentougou currently holds about 140,000 Bitcoins, which are currently supervised by the trustee of Mentougou's bankruptcy liquidation that year, Japan's Nagashima Ohno Tsunematsu Office. By July, these Bitcoins will be transferred to creditors who suffered losses that year.

These creditors will then decide whether to sell or hold these Bitcoins, which will undoubtedly have a certain impact on market sentiment. But the question is, how big is this impact? Is it enough to end the Bitcoin bull market?

It is worth noting that Mentougou compensates its customers in US dollars and pays according to the price of Bitcoin ten years ago. Therefore, some people may think that this will not have much impact on the market. However, this optimistic attitude may be a bit unrealistic.

When Mentougou CEO Fat Fat was imprisoned, he handed over 200,000 allegedly stolen Bitcoins, which have been supervised by Tsunematsu Office until now. These bitcoins are actually the assets of customers, and now they are worth more than 10 billion US dollars, while they were worth less than 100 million US dollars ten years ago. So who will own the difference of 10 billion?

Some people think that these creditors are all retail investors. They have waited for ten years to finally get the bitcoins paid, and they will definitely cash out immediately and smash the market, which will bring a huge impact to the market. But I think this view is wrong. Although these creditors may be retail investors, they are not ordinary retail investors. They started buying bitcoins before 2012. At that time, those who dared to invest in bitcoins usually had a higher level of education and cognition. They were either investors who could deeply understand the Bitcoin white paper or miners who had the technical ability to participate in mining. In contrast, among those who buy bitcoins now, not many really understand the principles behind it. Therefore, these creditors are actually senior people in the crypto market, and they are unlikely to rush to cash out because they are in urgent need of funds.

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