$FET has a piercing pattern in a smaller time period. When the four-fold period is reduced, a double bottom pattern is formed, indicating that the market has found strong support at this price and the buying power has increased.

After the pull-up and then the pullback, FET formed a bull flag pattern, which usually indicates that the rise will continue after a short-term adjustment. The MACD indicator has risen above the zero axis and did not fall below the zero axis when it stepped back. The EMA showed a bullish arrangement, and the short-term and long-term buying power are strong. The bottom continues to rise, and the market's support level gradually moves up

However, the downward adjustment after the bull flag pattern is a bit too deep, which may weaken the market's confidence, and it is necessary to pay attention to the stability of the support level. After the adjustment, FET failed to break through the high point in one fell swoop, but made a second breakthrough, indicating that there may be some resistance in the market.

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