The following are detailed information about the average daily active addresses of the TRON network and related rankings:

  1. Daily average number of active addresses: The average number of daily active addresses on the TRON network is close to 2.5 million. This figure reflects the widespread use and high activity of the TRON network in the blockchain field.

  2. Layer 1 Network Ranking: Based on the number of daily active addresses, TRON Network ranks first in the Layer 1 network ranking. This ranking reflects TRON Network's leading position in the global public chain competition and also proves its strong technical strength and user base.

  3. Historical Performance: It is worth noting that the TRON network has experienced significant growth and performance in the past. For example, in May 2021, the number of daily transfers on the TRON network exceeded 4.63 million, and the number of daily active addresses also exceeded 1.18 million, both reaching record highs. This shows that the Tron network has continued to grow and attracted more and more users to participate.

  4. Founder Honors: Justin Sun, the founder of TRON, has also been highly recognized in the blockchain field. At the 11th Blockchain Life 2023 Blockchain Summit held on November 9, 2023, Justin Sun won the title of "Crypto Entrepreneur of the Year", and TRON also won the "Best Layer 1 of the Year" award.

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