Thursday, Bitcoin morning thinking analysis and operation!

What cannot be overcome is never the mountain, but your countless obsessions! An adult's sense of propriety is probably a kind of silent silence... To live, one must have mountains, seas, freedom, and once he wants to be loved, the most important thing is money.

Yesterday, the Ether market did not fluctuate much, and the upper and lower spaces were relatively smaller. The daily closing line did not fall below 60,000. In the technical structure, there was a certain contraction pattern. So far, it is still oscillating in a small range. In the short term, it is relatively stable. There must be a signal of stabilization, and if it does not fall below 60,000 in the future, it should still operate within the range with a high probability.

From the technical structure point of view, the 4-hour range has moved slightly upward, and the support of 60,000 is still obvious. After many over-tests, it has not continued, so the oscillation rhythm of the 60,000 to 63,000 range is still there. The fluctuations during the day should not be too big. The main thing is to slow down at night. It is expected that the market will appear at 20-23 o'clock in the evening. We can take advantage of it.

Thursday morning operation ideas

Bitcoin, Zuoduo is near 60300-60600, look at the 61800-62500 area, and defend 600 points.

Ether, just synchronize with the pace of the pie! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划