According to Odaily, Bitfarms has released its latest monthly production report, revealing that the company mined 211 BTC in December 2024. This marks a 2% increase from the previous month but a 53% decrease compared to the same period last year. As of December 31, 2024, Bitfarms' operational speed reached 12.8 EH/s, reflecting a 97% year-over-year growth. The company's total BTC production for the year amounted to 4,928 BTC.
In its regular financial management activities, Bitfarms sold 147 of the 211 BTC mined in December, generating $14.3 million in revenue. The company's total liquid assets stand at $147 million, which includes approximately $60 million in cash as of December 31, 2024. Additionally, Bitfarms increased its treasury holdings by 64 BTC, bringing the total to 934 BTC, valued at approximately $87.8 million.