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#Xai质押 $XAI 1.質押帶來的好處,可以獲得更多的獎勵及空投,在遊玩遊戲上也有許多便利之處。 2.質押有助於幣價的上漲,但前提是必須當前市場環境較為良好! 3.以長遠來看,對於區塊鏈遊戲而言XAI針對鏈遊的網路客製化,對於區塊鏈遊戲產業的潛力及成長空間非常巨大,可以在早期佈局,尤其當幣價有較大回調時可以逢低佈局,對於想要質押的夥伴而言,不僅可以賺到漲幅,也可以拿到更多的幣。 4.目前加密貨幣市值排名為281名,對比GALA(69名)、SAND(81名)、AXS(77名)、IMX(41名),仍舊有成長空間,亦可利用這些幣的市值去換算XAI的幣價成長空間。 5.若能和傳統遊戲產業接軌,勢必能帶來許多幣圈外的玩家進入,流量將會非常驚人。 6.透過質押生態,來達到永續經營的目標,解決區塊鏈遊戲常見的問題,同時也可提升生態安全性。 7.除了獎勵外,另一個質押重點是可以節省GAS FEE,減少操作時的資金磨損,這也是鏈遊玩家所看重的。 8.隨著BTC減半的即將到來,也意味著新一輪牛市的開啟,當前山寨幣的漲幅仍舊比以往還少,可以等待資金輪動進入XAI。 9.每次大回調時都可逢低加倉佈局山寨幣,尋找有潛力及應用性的項目,鏈遊相關也可能是下一輪的熱點。 10.山寨幣風險較高,除了留意宏觀經濟還有國際情勢外,也要做好風險管理!








7.除了獎勵外,另一個質押重點是可以節省GAS FEE,減少操作時的資金磨損,這也是鏈遊玩家所看重的。



#IOTX物联网+AI $IOTX IoTeX(IOTX)較為看好有以下幾點原因: 一.應用性 1.近期熱點DePIN模塊化以及AI的整合應用,可以讓區塊鏈應用有更多不同的面相,加上WEB 2物聯網的概念引入,有機會成為下一個劃時代的去中心化物聯網。 2.目前有許多機構投資,當前高達五千萬美元的融資,由Borderless Capital、Amber Group、Foresight Ventures、FutureMoney Group、SNZ、Metrics Ventures、EV3 和Waterdrip Capital 投資,代表強而有力的後盾,支持其生態擴展。 3.與以太坊相容,著重在隱私及安全性,搭配智慧型穿戴設備,例如智慧手錶以及支付等功能,接軌於現實世界的應用,將可引入更多WEB 2人群。 4.未來是一個數據及算力的時代,每一筆數據資料及運算都有其價值,特別是與人相關的隱私資料需要得到一定程度的保護,也符合IoTeX的目的和初衷,也和去中心化的精髓不謀而合。 5.使用Ucam的安全攝像頭,透過去中心化端到端加密來防護,讓隱私數據得到保障。 6.另外使用Pebble Tracker的感應裝置來蒐集氣候、運動、位置等即時數據,並可轉換成去中心化資料來使用,在設備上已發展到一定程度。   7.當主鏈附載較大時,還有側鏈可以幫忙減輕負擔,同時每個側鏈都有相對應的裝置設備,不僅提升擴容性,在運算速度上也非常優秀。 8.每條側鏈都有自身的防護措施,也就是信任等級,設備以及應用程式的連接需通過信任驗證,才能正常使用,若是發生側鏈遭到攻擊的事件,也可確保區塊鏈不受影響。   二.代幣分析及宏觀經濟   1.目前加密貨幣市值排名為127名,仍舊有一定的成長潛力,有機會進入前百名甚至是五十名內。 2.上輪牛市其幣價高點為0.26附近,目前為0.077,仍舊有不錯的上漲空間,至少會上來0.26附近測試(1~2倍漲幅),加上本輪牛市許多山寨幣都還未達到上輪牛市的高點,可以等待資金輪動。   3.隨著比特幣現貨ETF的通過,隨之而來帶動了整體加密貨幣產業的復甦,加上比特幣減半的即將到來以及美聯儲的貨幣寬鬆政策等,有極大的機率推動本輪牛市的前進,這也意味著將有更多的熱錢湧入IOTX。   三.未來展望 隨著近期AI產業的蓬勃發展,我們可以看到許多智能家電、機器人以及大數據的整合應用,而這些都是IoTeX的前景,透過區塊鏈及加密貨幣的擴展應用,相信未來將會有更便利的生活型態!




1.近期熱點DePIN模塊化以及AI的整合應用,可以讓區塊鏈應用有更多不同的面相,加上WEB 2物聯網的概念引入,有機會成為下一個劃時代的去中心化物聯網。

2.目前有許多機構投資,當前高達五千萬美元的融資,由Borderless Capital、Amber Group、Foresight Ventures、FutureMoney Group、SNZ、Metrics Ventures、EV3 和Waterdrip Capital 投資,代表強而有力的後盾,支持其生態擴展。

3.與以太坊相容,著重在隱私及安全性,搭配智慧型穿戴設備,例如智慧手錶以及支付等功能,接軌於現實世界的應用,將可引入更多WEB 2人群。



6.另外使用Pebble Tracker的感應裝置來蒐集氣候、運動、位置等即時數據,並可轉換成去中心化資料來使用,在設備上已發展到一定程度。




IOTX 歡迎留言討論
IOTX 歡迎留言討論




1.近期熱點DePIN模塊化以及AI的整合應用,可以讓區塊鏈應用有更多不同的面相,加上WEB 2物聯網的概念引入,有機會成為下一個劃時代的去中心化物聯網。

2.目前有許多機構投資,當前高達五千萬美元的融資,由Borderless Capital、Amber Group、Foresight Ventures、FutureMoney Group、SNZ、Metrics Ventures、EV3 和Waterdrip Capital 投資,代表強而有力的後盾,支持其生態擴展。

3.與以太坊相容,著重在隱私及安全性,搭配智慧型穿戴設備,例如智慧手錶以及支付等功能,接軌於現實世界的應用,將可引入更多WEB 2人群。



6.另外使用Pebble Tracker的感應裝置來蒐集氣候、運動、位置等即時數據,並可轉換成去中心化資料來使用,在設備上已發展到一定程度。




XAI分析: 歡迎留言討論!









7.除了獎勵外,另一個質押重點是可以節省GAS FEE,減少操作時的資金磨損,這也是鏈遊玩家所看重的。



Binance Square Official
Predict the price of BTC at 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0) to win up to $10000 of SATS token rewards!
To mark this milestone of Bitcoin Halving, all verified users can complete specific tasks on Binance Square during the Activity Period, and qualify for up to $10,000 of SATS token voucher reward.  Activity Period: 2024-03-04 09:00 (UTC) to 2024-04-14 09:00 (UTC)All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period will qualify for the $10,000 of SATS reward. Tasks: Comment your prediction for the price of BTC on 20th April 00:00 (UTC+0)  on this post. Share this post on your social media and #HalvingHorizonsThe user with the closest prediction will win $5000. If more than one user shares the same prediction, you’ll share the price pool. AndIf you correctly guessed the price and signed up for a Binance account during the activity period through the shared link of this post or the Binance Square referral link, you can unlock a share of extra $2000 price poolAndIf you correctly guessed the price and completed at least 10 trades during the activity period, you will unlock a share of the extra $3000 price poolEach user can only submit 1 entry. Terms & ConditionsThis activity may not be available in your region. Eligible users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts whilst completing tasks during the Activity Period in order to qualify.The $10,000 of SATS token voucher rewards pool will be divided equally among all qualified users.Winners will be notified via a push notification under Creator Center > Square Assistant. Voucher rewards will be distributed within 21 working days after the activity ends. Users may check their voucher rewards via Profile > Rewards Hub. The validity period for the voucher is set at seven days from the day of distribution. Learn how to redeem a voucher.Illegally bulk registered accounts or sub-accounts shall not be eligible to participate or receive any rewards. Binance reserves the right to cancel a user’s eligibility in this activity if the account is involved in any behavior that breaches the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines or Binance Square Community Platform Terms and Conditions.Binance reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to determine and/or amend or vary these terms and conditions without prior notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, terminating or suspending this activity, the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection and number of winners, and the timing of any act to be done, and all participants shall be bound by these amendments.Binance reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity.Additional promotion terms and conditions can be accessed here.There may be discrepancies in the translated version of this original article in English. Please reference this original version for the latest or most accurate information where any discrepancies may arise. 
一.趨勢長拿單 優點: 若進場位置絕佳(低成本價),確定大方向後,只需移動止損,一勞永逸,讓利潤奔跑。 缺點:   拿的時間越長,可能會產生高額的資金費率,若有黑天鵝事件,也可能因為在場內時間過久,發生價格不變,倉位不見的窘境(止損)。 若是開倉位離現在價格已經很遠,較不會發生這樣的狀況,另外可能出現利潤大幅回撤的可能性。 二.波段單 優點: 滾倉速度快,若每個重要波段都有抓住,複利計算的效應非常大,一般看到大型交易賽交易冠軍滾出全倉本金50~100倍利潤(5000~10000%),可能就是用這樣的方式去翻倉的。   把盈利的錢繼續投注到下一個波段倉位,只要計算好盈虧比和做好倉位風險管理,勝率又不錯,收益將會非常驚人! 另外使用這樣的方式有時候可以避開資金費率的收取,因為在場內時間較少,也可以避開一些潛在的風險因素。 缺點: 頻繁進出場,最難的是找到好的位置,必須有較多的時間盯盤,另外也會因為多次交易產生高額的手續費,若是能準確的進出場,倒是還好;反之,會快速的磨損倉位。 #Write2Earn












K棒時間尺度的選擇 15分鐘可以看到更多K棒細節,尤其對於喜歡開高槓桿的人來說,每個進場點位都必須非常精確,失之毫釐,差之千里,位置若是沒進好不只少吃到幾趴的利潤,嚴重甚至直接打止損。 另外的好處是可以抓到更多回踩的機會,可以避免錯失一些潛在的入場機會,四小時、日線、周線,對於交易者來說有時候必須跑完一整根K線走完型態,對於迅速變化的市場有時候會跟不太上快速變化的市場節奏。 依照統計學來看,4根15分鐘K棒集合成1根1小時K線(依此類推),大時間尺度簡化了K棒的數據,好處是可以一眼看盡整個市場的趨勢和大局觀方向,缺點就如同上面第二段落我講的。 所以都只看15分鐘和1分鐘可以嗎? 其實盡可能每個時間尺度都要看,1分鐘是有點太短,但有時候我也會看,會了解這根針在什麼時候發生,怎麼個收法,若是用長周期來看有時候是無法看到細節的。 這就是如何利用每個時間尺度去獲得K棒給你的資訊,但不可否認四小時和天圖的有效性,有時候真的頗高的,可能是市場上大部分的人都會看,越多人使用並掛單,它的效用越好。 #Write2Earn







Trading Rules Lesson Seven (Final Episode) - Practical Exercises BTC 1. Utilize the high-probability triangular convergence method through technical analysis. Patiently wait for opportunities as the oscillations gradually narrow, allowing the market to determine its direction. Finally, confirm the direction and follow the market's main force when attacking (with an increase in trading volume). 2. The triangular convergence method is a commonly used trading technique. Avoid blindly speculating on the market direction. Let the market decide the direction through a triangle formed by two trend lines. Eventually, it will present a pattern of narrowing oscillations until it chooses a direction. 3. In the early stages of triangular convergence (entry can be made using trend lines), take advantage of market oscillations to identify opportunities, as shown in the yellow circle in the diagram. Wait for the direction when entering the narrowing tail (at the apex of the triangle). As the oscillations decrease, profits decrease, and risks increase. Wait for a safer market direction. 4. Pay attention to the upcoming Bitcoin halving, considering each retracement as a good entry opportunity. Gradually build positions at the bottom to reduce holding costs. 5. Set stop-loss near the red-framed area near the upper and lower edges of the trend lines. For take-profit, consider upper resistance levels and lower support as reference points. Follow the risk calculation taught in the previous lessons to determine the leverage size, position management, and adjustments to stop-loss. With confidence, believe that trading will become smoother. Wishing everyone profitable outcomes in the market! #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #内容挖矿
Trading Rules Lesson Seven (Final Episode) - Practical Exercises

1. Utilize the high-probability triangular convergence method through technical analysis. Patiently wait for opportunities as the oscillations gradually narrow, allowing the market to determine its direction. Finally, confirm the direction and follow the market's main force when attacking (with an increase in trading volume).

2. The triangular convergence method is a commonly used trading technique. Avoid blindly speculating on the market direction. Let the market decide the direction through a triangle formed by two trend lines. Eventually, it will present a pattern of narrowing oscillations until it chooses a direction.

3. In the early stages of triangular convergence (entry can be made using trend lines), take advantage of market oscillations to identify opportunities, as shown in the yellow circle in the diagram. Wait for the direction when entering the narrowing tail (at the apex of the triangle). As the oscillations decrease, profits decrease, and risks increase. Wait for a safer market direction.

4. Pay attention to the upcoming Bitcoin halving, considering each retracement as a good entry opportunity. Gradually build positions at the bottom to reduce holding costs.

5. Set stop-loss near the red-framed area near the upper and lower edges of the trend lines. For take-profit, consider upper resistance levels and lower support as reference points.

Follow the risk calculation taught in the previous lessons to determine the leverage size, position management, and adjustments to stop-loss. With confidence, believe that trading will become smoother. Wishing everyone profitable outcomes in the market!

#TradeNTell #Write2Earn

Lesson Six on Trading Guidelines: 1. Macro-economic factors and news play a crucial role in influencing market trends, especially as macroeconomics provides insights into the overall market direction. For instance, the monetary policies of institutions like the Federal Reserve often dictate market fluctuations, closely tied to fund movements. 2. As the bullish market at the end of 2021 gradually shifted towards a bearish trend, several factors came into play. For instance, the Federal Reserve initiated a tightening monetary policy due to inflation concerns, leading to an interest rate hike. This resulted in a rapid outflow of hot money from cryptocurrencies and other financial industries, causing a swift decline. This can be considered a significant signal of a bear market. 3. The collapse of LUNA and the FTX incident in 2022 accelerated the pace of entering the bear market. Each major event can be analyzed through chart reviews to understand its background and potential consequences. 4. Recently, the focus has been on Bitcoin spot ETFs and the Bitcoin halving, both considered as relatively positive factors. 5. It is crucial to closely monitor whether the Federal Reserve will enter a phase of interest rate reduction and monetary easing. This implies that hot money is about to re-enter the market, pushing it towards another peak. Aligning one's trading direction with these major trends can make trading strategies clearer and more in line with market trends. #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #BTC!💰 #内容挖矿
Lesson Six on Trading Guidelines:

1. Macro-economic factors and news play a crucial role in influencing market trends, especially as macroeconomics provides insights into the overall market direction. For instance, the monetary policies of institutions like the Federal Reserve often dictate market fluctuations, closely tied to fund movements.

2. As the bullish market at the end of 2021 gradually shifted towards a bearish trend, several factors came into play. For instance, the Federal Reserve initiated a tightening monetary policy due to inflation concerns, leading to an interest rate hike. This resulted in a rapid outflow of hot money from cryptocurrencies and other financial industries, causing a swift decline. This can be considered a significant signal of a bear market.

3. The collapse of LUNA and the FTX incident in 2022 accelerated the pace of entering the bear market. Each major event can be analyzed through chart reviews to understand its background and potential consequences.

4. Recently, the focus has been on Bitcoin spot ETFs and the Bitcoin halving, both considered as relatively positive factors.

5. It is crucial to closely monitor whether the Federal Reserve will enter a phase of interest rate reduction and monetary easing. This implies that hot money is about to re-enter the market, pushing it towards another peak. Aligning one's trading direction with these major trends can make trading strategies clearer and more in line with market trends.

#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #BTC!💰
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #内容挖矿 Lesson Five of the Trading Code 1. How to choose investment targets? First, pay attention to current hotspots by exploring Binance AMAs and ongoing activities. For example, projects recently launched on LAUNCHPOOL and LAUNCHPAD, such as ALT, MANTA, MAV, SEI, CYBER, etc., have shown good price increases. 2. Since these projects typically undergo in-depth investigation and strict screening by Binance, they generally perform well. With support from Binance and other institutions, investors can feel more confident. 3. If you hold onto these cryptocurrencies from the tail end of a bear market until the bull market, there is a possibility of achieving remarkable returns. Taking CYBER and SEI as recent examples, the profits have been substantial. Keep in mind that this is just the beginning, as many funds have yet to enter. You can anticipate the impact of loose monetary policies! 4. There might be some selling pressure when a new cryptocurrency is listed, often due to project airdrops. However, over time, the selling pressure diminishes. For a promising project, we will witness an increase in its token price, benefiting from the current hotspots' momentum. 5. Combine the market value analysis mentioned in previous lessons. By comparing the potential growth space of similar projects, we can calculate their growth potential and token prices.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn


Lesson Five of the Trading Code

1. How to choose investment targets? First, pay attention to current hotspots by exploring Binance AMAs and ongoing activities. For example, projects recently launched on LAUNCHPOOL and LAUNCHPAD, such as ALT, MANTA, MAV, SEI, CYBER, etc., have shown good price increases.

2. Since these projects typically undergo in-depth investigation and strict screening by Binance, they generally perform well. With support from Binance and other institutions, investors can feel more confident.

3. If you hold onto these cryptocurrencies from the tail end of a bear market until the bull market, there is a possibility of achieving remarkable returns. Taking CYBER and SEI as recent examples, the profits have been substantial. Keep in mind that this is just the beginning, as many funds have yet to enter. You can anticipate the impact of loose monetary policies!

4. There might be some selling pressure when a new cryptocurrency is listed, often due to project airdrops. However, over time, the selling pressure diminishes. For a promising project, we will witness an increase in its token price, benefiting from the current hotspots' momentum.

5. Combine the market value analysis mentioned in previous lessons. By comparing the potential growth space of similar projects, we can calculate their growth potential and token prices.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #内容挖矿 Trading Rule Lesson 4 1. Stabilizing profits is a crucial topic in trading! Today, let's talk about the risk-reward ratio. In addition to entering at favorable positions and choosing good assets, the risk-reward ratio is also a vital aspect of a successful trade.   In general, the more profitable trades, the better, and the fewer losses, the better. This leads to a higher win rate, coupled with a good risk-reward ratio, ensuring stable profits over the long term. 2. For example, the acceptable loss we can bear is 2.5% of the position size (after applying 10x leverage), and the profit is 12.5%. So, the loss:profit ratio is 1:4. This means that for every successful trade, you can endure four losses and still break even (expectation value is 0). However, don't forget to factor in transaction fees and funding rates! By conducting proper technical analysis, calculating position size, and implementing risk management, a win rate greater than 1/5 (20%) is sufficient to start achieving stable profits. 3. Skilled and experienced traders always perform these basic calculations before entering a trade. Having a well-thought-out trading strategy is crucial. Remember not to let the euphoria of a bullish market influence your judgment (FOMO). Maintain a calm and steady mindset to execute good trades. 4. When going in the wrong direction, it's essential to thoroughly execute the stop-loss plan to prevent losses from escalating. Holding onto losing positions and risking liquidation is the last resort. Trading cannot guarantee 100% success, and preserving capital allows for future opportunities! 5. Invest time in researching and finding a trading approach that suits you. Master and refine it over time.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn


Trading Rule Lesson 4
1. Stabilizing profits is a crucial topic in trading!

Today, let's talk about the risk-reward ratio. In addition to entering at favorable positions and choosing good assets, the risk-reward ratio is also a vital aspect of a successful trade.
In general, the more profitable trades, the better, and the fewer losses, the better. This leads to a higher win rate, coupled with a good risk-reward ratio, ensuring stable profits over the long term.

2. For example, the acceptable loss we can bear is 2.5% of the position size (after applying 10x leverage), and the profit is 12.5%. So, the loss:profit ratio is 1:4. This means that for every successful trade, you can endure four losses and still break even (expectation value is 0). However, don't forget to factor in transaction fees and funding rates!

By conducting proper technical analysis, calculating position size, and implementing risk management, a win rate greater than 1/5 (20%) is sufficient to start achieving stable profits.

3. Skilled and experienced traders always perform these basic calculations before entering a trade. Having a well-thought-out trading strategy is crucial. Remember not to let the euphoria of a bullish market influence your judgment (FOMO).

Maintain a calm and steady mindset to execute good trades.

4. When going in the wrong direction, it's essential to thoroughly execute the stop-loss plan to prevent losses from escalating. Holding onto losing positions and risking liquidation is the last resort. Trading cannot guarantee 100% success, and preserving capital allows for future opportunities!

5. Invest time in researching and finding a trading approach that suits you. Master and refine it over time.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn Lesson 3 on Trading Principles 1. Selecting promising investment targets is crucial. Firstly, we must understand the project's fundamentals, token economics, and its current level of popularity. Some targets have significant growth potential, whether they are new projects or have a relatively low token supply and market capitalization due to a low coin price. Projects with smaller market capitalization have a higher probability of experiencing explosive growth. Take TRB as an example, with a circulating supply of 2,548,138 tokens, significantly less than other projects. Its smaller market cap was evident when its coin price increased from the tens to the hundreds, showing substantial potential. However, it's essential to note that such projects come with a dual-edged sword; potential for significant gains but also susceptibility to sharp downturns, as illustrated in the chart. 2. For beginners, accumulating coins slowly during the tail end of a bear market by purchasing at each dip can lead to favorable long-term returns in a bull market. 3. Those new to contract trading can start by practicing with Bitcoin. Due to its larger market capitalization, it is less prone to market manipulation, making it more aligned with technical analysis. The accuracy of technical analysis in Bitcoin trading improves as more traders employ this approach. 4. Advanced traders may explore contract trading with altcoins, benefiting from their higher volatility. While this comes with increased risk, entering the market at the right position, accurately predicting market direction, and effectively managing risks and positions can lead to substantial profits—a potential opportunity to strike gold. 5. Before engaging in trades, conduct thorough research on the CoinMarketCap website. It provides insights into token economics, whitepapers, ongoing cryptocurrency events, and serves as a platform for discussions with fellow traders.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn

Lesson 3 on Trading Principles

1. Selecting promising investment targets is crucial. Firstly, we must understand the project's fundamentals, token economics, and its current level of popularity.

Some targets have significant growth potential, whether they are new projects or have a relatively low token supply and market capitalization due to a low coin price. Projects with smaller market capitalization have a higher probability of experiencing explosive growth.

Take TRB as an example, with a circulating supply of 2,548,138 tokens, significantly less than other projects. Its smaller market cap was evident when its coin price increased from the tens to the hundreds, showing substantial potential.

However, it's essential to note that such projects come with a dual-edged sword; potential for significant gains but also susceptibility to sharp downturns, as illustrated in the chart.

2. For beginners, accumulating coins slowly during the tail end of a bear market by purchasing at each dip can lead to favorable long-term returns in a bull market.

3. Those new to contract trading can start by practicing with Bitcoin. Due to its larger market capitalization, it is less prone to market manipulation, making it more aligned with technical analysis. The accuracy of technical analysis in Bitcoin trading improves as more traders employ this approach.

4. Advanced traders may explore contract trading with altcoins, benefiting from their higher volatility. While this comes with increased risk, entering the market at the right position, accurately predicting market direction, and effectively managing risks and positions can lead to substantial profits—a potential opportunity to strike gold.

5. Before engaging in trades, conduct thorough research on the CoinMarketCap website. It provides insights into token economics, whitepapers, ongoing cryptocurrency events, and serves as a platform for discussions with fellow traders.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #内容挖矿 Trading Rules Lesson 2 1. Most of the time in trading is spent waiting – waiting for prices to reach favorable levels. The market predominantly remains in a consolidation phase, and when a trend occurs, it often happens in an instant. Utilize limit orders to anticipate potential price levels by placing orders in advance or monitor the market closely, entering at an appropriate position when the price reaches a suitable level using market orders. 2. Use support, resistance, trendlines, and Fibonacci retracements to identify entry points. Typically, when the price touches these levels, there is a higher probability of a reversal. Take advantage of these characteristics to generate profits. 3. Different timeframes on candlestick charts, such as 15 minutes, one hour, four hours, and daily, serve as technical analysis time scales. The 15-minute timeframe provides more detailed information for precise entry points, especially suitable for short-term trading. The four-hour and daily timeframes offer a broader view of the overall market trend, and sometimes stronger support (previous low) and resistance (previous high) levels become highly effective upon retesting, often indicating a trend reversal! 4. Identify two candlestick wicks that can be connected to form a trendline. This trendline can be used to predict the next price level, i.e., the extension line and the third intersection of the candlestick wick. The probability of a trend reversal is usually higher when this position is touched (as shown in the diagram). 5. Leveraging the reversal characteristics mentioned above, determine stop-loss positions and leverage size. For example, in the illustration, we choose to enter a short position at the price of 42,632 (marked by the red arrow). The stop-loss can be placed at 42,922. This is because, if the direction is incorrect, the price must first break through the orange trendline and the white resistance above – two hurdles – to protect the initial capital.
#TradeNTell #Write2Earn


Trading Rules Lesson 2
1. Most of the time in trading is spent waiting – waiting for prices to reach favorable levels. The market predominantly remains in a consolidation phase, and when a trend occurs, it often happens in an instant. Utilize limit orders to anticipate potential price levels by placing orders in advance or monitor the market closely, entering at an appropriate position when the price reaches a suitable level using market orders.
2. Use support, resistance, trendlines, and Fibonacci retracements to identify entry points. Typically, when the price touches these levels, there is a higher probability of a reversal. Take advantage of these characteristics to generate profits.
3. Different timeframes on candlestick charts, such as 15 minutes, one hour, four hours, and daily, serve as technical analysis time scales. The 15-minute timeframe provides more detailed information for precise entry points, especially suitable for short-term trading. The four-hour and daily timeframes offer a broader view of the overall market trend, and sometimes stronger support (previous low) and resistance (previous high) levels become highly effective upon retesting, often indicating a trend reversal!
4. Identify two candlestick wicks that can be connected to form a trendline. This trendline can be used to predict the next price level, i.e., the extension line and the third intersection of the candlestick wick. The probability of a trend reversal is usually higher when this position is touched (as shown in the diagram).
5. Leveraging the reversal characteristics mentioned above, determine stop-loss positions and leverage size. For example, in the illustration, we choose to enter a short position at the price of 42,632 (marked by the red arrow). The stop-loss can be placed at 42,922. This is because, if the direction is incorrect, the price must first break through the orange trendline and the white resistance above – two hurdles – to protect the initial capital.
Trading Rules Lesson 2Trading Rules Lesson 2 1. Most of the time in trading is spent waiting – waiting for prices to reach favorable levels. The market predominantly remains in a consolidation phase, and when a trend occurs, it often happens in an instant. Utilize limit orders to anticipate potential price levels by placing orders in advance or monitor the market closely, entering at an appropriate position when the price reaches a suitable level using market orders. 2. Use support, resistance, trendlines, and Fibonacci retracements to identify entry points. Typically, when the price touches these levels, there is a higher probability of a reversal. Take advantage of these characteristics to generate profits. 3. Different timeframes on candlestick charts, such as 15 minutes, one hour, four hours, and daily, serve as technical analysis time scales. The 15-minute timeframe provides more detailed information for precise entry points, especially suitable for short-term trading. The four-hour and daily timeframes offer a broader view of the overall market trend, and sometimes stronger support (previous low) and resistance (previous high) levels become highly effective upon retesting, often indicating a trend reversal! 4. Identify two candlestick wicks that can be connected to form a trendline. This trendline can be used to predict the next price level, i.e., the extension line and the third intersection of the candlestick wick. The probability of a trend reversal is usually higher when this position is touched (as shown in the diagram). 5. Leveraging the reversal characteristics mentioned above, determine stop-loss positions and leverage size. For example, in the illustration, we choose to enter a short position at the price of 42,632 (marked by the red arrow). The stop-loss can be placed at 42,922. This is because, if the direction is incorrect, the price must first break through the orange trendline and the white resistance above – two hurdles – to protect the initial capital. If aiming to limit losses to less than -10%, consider opening positions with leverage around 10-15 times, and each opening must be carefully calculated. For taking profits, consider observing the support at 41,377 in the downward direction. #内容挖矿 #TradeNTell #Write2Earn

Trading Rules Lesson 2

Trading Rules Lesson 2
1. Most of the time in trading is spent waiting – waiting for prices to reach favorable levels. The market predominantly remains in a consolidation phase, and when a trend occurs, it often happens in an instant. Utilize limit orders to anticipate potential price levels by placing orders in advance or monitor the market closely, entering at an appropriate position when the price reaches a suitable level using market orders.
2. Use support, resistance, trendlines, and Fibonacci retracements to identify entry points. Typically, when the price touches these levels, there is a higher probability of a reversal. Take advantage of these characteristics to generate profits.
3. Different timeframes on candlestick charts, such as 15 minutes, one hour, four hours, and daily, serve as technical analysis time scales. The 15-minute timeframe provides more detailed information for precise entry points, especially suitable for short-term trading. The four-hour and daily timeframes offer a broader view of the overall market trend, and sometimes stronger support (previous low) and resistance (previous high) levels become highly effective upon retesting, often indicating a trend reversal!
4. Identify two candlestick wicks that can be connected to form a trendline. This trendline can be used to predict the next price level, i.e., the extension line and the third intersection of the candlestick wick. The probability of a trend reversal is usually higher when this position is touched (as shown in the diagram).
5. Leveraging the reversal characteristics mentioned above, determine stop-loss positions and leverage size. For example, in the illustration, we choose to enter a short position at the price of 42,632 (marked by the red arrow). The stop-loss can be placed at 42,922. This is because, if the direction is incorrect, the price must first break through the orange trendline and the white resistance above – two hurdles – to protect the initial capital.
If aiming to limit losses to less than -10%, consider opening positions with leverage around 10-15 times, and each opening must be carefully calculated.
For taking profits, consider observing the support at 41,377 in the downward direction.

#TradeNTell #Write2Earn
Trading Code Lesson 1 (Fundamentals) 1. Before engaging in any trades, learn to research investment targets, analyze market capitalization, token economics, and calculate the token supply to gauge its future growth potential. 2. Master technical analysis, understanding how support, resistance, and trendlines function and manifest in the market. Combine this with volume-price analysis to evaluate if the project is a current market standout. 3. Cultivate a positive mindset. Understand the risks and potential losses associated with trading before contemplating potential gains. 4. Learn how to calculate position size, when and how to enter a trade, and where to set stop-loss orders. Consider why these setups are chosen and determine where to place take-profit orders (usually near support/resistance levels or trendlines). 5. Determine the appropriate leverage for contract trading. Calculate the acceptable risk based on stop-loss placement and adjust leverage accordingly, aiming for a favorable risk-reward ratio in your trades. Subsequent lessons will provide more detailed explanations, including specifics on opening positions and commonly used trading techniques. To be continued! #Write2Earn #内容挖矿 #TradeNTell
Trading Code Lesson 1 (Fundamentals)

1. Before engaging in any trades, learn to research investment targets, analyze market capitalization, token economics, and calculate the token supply to gauge its future growth potential.

2. Master technical analysis, understanding how support, resistance, and trendlines function and manifest in the market. Combine this with volume-price analysis to evaluate if the project is a current market standout.

3. Cultivate a positive mindset. Understand the risks and potential losses associated with trading before contemplating potential gains.

4. Learn how to calculate position size, when and how to enter a trade, and where to set stop-loss orders. Consider why these setups are chosen and determine where to place take-profit orders (usually near support/resistance levels or trendlines).

5. Determine the appropriate leverage for contract trading. Calculate the acceptable risk based on stop-loss placement and adjust leverage accordingly, aiming for a favorable risk-reward ratio in your trades.

Subsequent lessons will provide more detailed explanations, including specifics on opening positions and commonly used trading techniques.
To be continued!

#BinanceWish Binance Nation has recently seen the appearance of a white-bearded man in a red suit. He always roams the snowy streets at night, adorned with a blanket of white snowflakes falling around him. He has prepared numerous gifts and warm meals for the children, ensuring they have a joyous holiday season. He patiently waits until the children are asleep before quietly entering their homes through the chimney, placing many gifts under the Christmas tree. In the morning, the children wake up to unexpected surprises, eagerly unwrapping gifts that include clothes, socks, keyboards, scarves, food, and various gift cards. The common theme among these gifts is the Binance logo, featuring a harmonious combination of yellow and black, radiating warmth in the cold winter. A card accompanying one of the gifts reads: "Children, this is an educational fund I've prepared for you. You can use Binance Pay and cryptocurrency to purchase your stationery and books. May you grow up to help those in need." Groups of children, simultaneously rushing out the door to find the white-bearded man in the red suit, discover that he has vanished without a trace. However, at the doorstep of every home, there remains a Binance snowman, donning a Christmas hat and smiling – almost like the embodiment of the white-bearded man in the red suit. @Square-Creator-478627776 @Square-Creator-481435742

Binance Nation has recently seen the appearance of a white-bearded man in a red suit. He always roams the snowy streets at night, adorned with a blanket of white snowflakes falling around him. He has prepared numerous gifts and warm meals for the children, ensuring they have a joyous holiday season.

He patiently waits until the children are asleep before quietly entering their homes through the chimney, placing many gifts under the Christmas tree. In the morning, the children wake up to unexpected surprises, eagerly unwrapping gifts that include clothes, socks, keyboards, scarves, food, and various gift cards. The common theme among these gifts is the Binance logo, featuring a harmonious combination of yellow and black, radiating warmth in the cold winter.

A card accompanying one of the gifts reads: "Children, this is an educational fund I've prepared for you. You can use Binance Pay and cryptocurrency to purchase your stationery and books. May you grow up to help those in need."

Groups of children, simultaneously rushing out the door to find the white-bearded man in the red suit, discover that he has vanished without a trace. However, at the doorstep of every home, there remains a Binance snowman, donning a Christmas hat and smiling – almost like the embodiment of the white-bearded man in the red suit.
Binance Square Official
We’re giving away $150,000 in $BNB to make your Christmas wishes come true 🎅

Six of you stand to win $25k each, and here’s how:

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We’ll pick 6 to win across all our platforms, with 2 lucky ones chosen from Binance Square, so think big & be creative!

Find the T's&C's and further details on how to enter 👉🏻
BinanceWish Announcement
What is Crypto Copy Trading? Can you Get Rich from Copy Trading?
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, where volatility is a constant and the learning curve steep, 'Crypto Copy Trading' offers a glimmer of simplicity and strategy. As both newcomers and veteran traders seek ways to optimize their investments, this method has garnered significant attention.
Copy trading has become a massive phenomenon in the crypto market, and leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance launched its Copy Trading feature in selected markets, allowing users to replicate the trades of expert lead traders. Dive in with us as we unravel the intricacies of this approach and evaluate its promise.  
What is Crypto Copy Trading? 
Crypto copy trading, at its core, allows novice traders to replicate the actions of seasoned crypto traders. Picture it as a bridge connecting beginners with the veterans of the crypto world, streamlining the process of decision-making.
Imagine embarking on a new investment journey where the intricacies of the crypto market can seem daunting. Copy trading serves as a compass, with the experienced trader's strategies acting as a guide. This not only reduces the risk but also empowers newcomers with a learning curve, giving them a sneak peek into the strategies employed by the pros.
The salient feature of crypto copy trading is its democratizing nature. It essentially breaks down barriers to market entry, allowing those unfamiliar with crypto nuances to participate with a safety net, thus leveling the investment playground.
The concept's success largely hinges on the belief that experienced traders, with their knowledge and market intuition, will likely make more informed decisions than newcomers. Thus, by mimicking their moves, newcomers can potentially maximize their returns and minimize errors. 
How Does Crypto Copy Trading Work?
With a basic understanding of what crypto copy trading is, let us break down its operational aspects:
Platform Selection: The journey begins with choosing a reliable platform that offers crypto copy trading services. There are many platforms out there, each equipped with its own set of features and user interfaces.Research on experienced traders: After registering, users can sift through profiles of experienced traders. These profiles typically showcase crucial data like past performances, trading strategies employed, risk tolerance levels, and more. This helps in making an informed decision about whose trades to replicate.Real-time Replication: On opting to follow a trader, the platform instantaneously mirrors the chosen trader's moves in the user's account.Customizable Controls: A majority of platforms offer customization. Users can set parameters to dictate the extent of their fund's involvement, the assets they're comfortable trading, and more. This ensures that even within the automated system, users retain a degree of control over their investments.Continuous Learning: While the system largely operates on auto-pilot, it serves as a continuous learning experience. Users can observe the strategies employed by experienced traders, understand market dynamics, and slowly build their own market acumen.
Benefits of Crypto Copy Trading
Navigating the intricate world of cryptocurrency can be challenging for both beginners and even seasoned traders. Crypto copy trading presents an innovative solution, allowing individuals to harness the expertise of professional traders. Here are some notable benefits:
Ease of Entry: For novices, the crypto market can seem intricate and overwhelming. Copy trading simplifies this by allowing beginners to follow and replicate the trades of seasoned professionals, without the need for deep market knowledge.Time-Saving: Constantly monitoring the markets and making informed decisions can be time-consuming. With crypto copy trading, much of the groundwork is already done by the signal provider, freeing up time for the copier.Educational Opportunity: By observing the strategies and decisions of experienced traders, novices can learn about market dynamics, trading strategies, and risk management, providing an educational experience while earning.Diversification: Through copying multiple traders with different strategies, copiers can diversify their portfolio, spreading and potentially mitigating risk.Emotionless Trading: Since the trades are automatically replicated, it removes the emotional aspect of trading, which can often lead to impulsive decisions.Cost-Effective: Many platforms offer copy trading services with relatively low fees compared to hiring a personal financial advisor or manager.Flexibility: Most platforms allow users to start or stop copying a trader at any given point, giving them flexibility in their investment strategy.
Copy Traders have the opportunity to learn various strategies and gain from the trading proficiency of Lead Traders. At the same time, Lead Traders on Binance earn a 10% profit share from their Copy Traders, receive 10% commissions from their Copy Traders' trading fees, and enjoy additional exclusive benefits.
Risks of Crypto Copy Trading
While crypto copy trading offers numerous advantages, it's imperative to approach it with a holistic understanding of its potential downsides. This ensures an informed decision-making process that weighs both the pros and cons. Here are some risks to consider:  
Past Performance Isn't Indicative: While traders' past performances can be reviewed, it doesn't guarantee future success. The crypto market is volatile, and strategies that worked once might not work in the future.Lack of Control: Since trading decisions are made by the signal provider, the copier might sometimes feel a lack of control over their investments.Over-Reliance: There's a risk that beginners might become overly reliant on copy trading, neglecting to learn and understand the market dynamics themselves.Platform Risks: Not all copy trading platforms are trustworthy. There's a risk of scams, technical glitches, or mismanagement by the platform.Strategy Mismatch: The strategy employed by the signal provider might not align with the financial goals or risk tolerance of the copier, leading to potential mismatches in investment outcomes.Cost Implications: Although some platforms might seem cost-effective, hidden fees or high spreads might reduce profitability.Delayed Execution: There might be slight delays in trade execution, leading to slippage. This means the copier might get a different entry or exit price than the signal provider, affecting profitability.
Can You Get Rich from Copy Trading?
Copy trading has gained immense popularity in recent years as a seemingly straightforward route to profit in the financial markets. But the question of whether one can truly amass wealth through this method warrants a nuanced answer.
While there are instances where individuals have reaped substantial gains via copy trading, it's essential to understand that every investment comes with inherent risks. The success of copy trading largely depends on the chosen trader's decisions, market volatility, and the timeliness of trade execution. Since past performance is not indicative of future results, even a seasoned trader's strategy can underperform at times.
Moreover, relying solely on copy trading without understanding market dynamics or diversifying strategies might limit potential growth. It's a tool that can aid in investment, but like all tools, its efficacy depends on how it's used. In essence, while copy trading can be a lucrative venture for some, it's not a guaranteed path to riches and should be approached with caution and due diligence.
How to Choose a Crypto Copy Trading Platform
Choosing the right platform is pivotal for a successful copy trading experience. Here are some steps to guide your decision:
Reputation and Reviews: Research the platform's reputation. Go through user reviews, expert opinions, and any potential red flags or controversies associated with the platform.Regulation and Security: Ensure the platform adheres to regulatory standards and employs top-notch security measures to protect users' funds and data.  Transparency: A good platform will offer transparent data on each trader, including their trading history, strategies, risk levels, and other pertinent information.Cost Structure: Understand the platform's fee structure. This includes any commission taken from successful trades, withdrawal fees, or other hidden charges. For instance, copy traders pay 10% of their profit share with lead traders on Binance. User Interface: An intuitive and user-friendly interface can significantly enhance the trading experience, making it easy for users to navigate and make informed decisions.Diversity of Traders: A platform with a diverse pool of traders allows for better diversification of strategies and risk. It's beneficial to have options ranging from conservative traders to more aggressive ones.Is it Possible to Earn Money Through Copy Trading in Crypto?
In conclusion, while the allure of crypto copy trading is undeniable, it's crucial to be discerning in your choices – both in terms of the traders you follow and the platform you trust with your funds. Always remember to conduct thorough research and stay informed.
#cryptotrading #crypto2023
Bitcoin Jumps to $35K With Options Positioning Suggesting Price Has Further to Run
Coinspeaker Bitcoin Jumps to $35K with Options Positioning Suggesting Price Has Further to Run

After trying to rally beyond $31.8k twice in the past sixteen months without success, Bitcoin (BTC) price broke out and reached as high as $35k in the past 24 hours. The Uptober bullish momentum coupled with the high demand from institutional investors, as seen from the spot Bitcoin ETF frenzy, helped Bitcoin price spike about 10 percent in the past 24 hours.  At the time of writing, it is trading at around $33.9k. As a result, the majority of the Bitcoin short traders were liquidated leading to a sudden short squeeze.

The bullish Bitcoin outlook in the past few days has been backed by speculation of BlackRock Inc’s (NYSE: BLK) iShares Bitcoin ETF being approved by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Moreover, BlackRock has been acquiring Bitcoins through MicroStrategy Inc (NASDAQ: MSTR) in the past.

Additionally, BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust is now listed on the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), which recently announced the acquisition of Securrency to further enhance its digital asset agenda, with the ticker $IBTC. The listing of iShares Bitcoin Trust on DTCC has been viewed as imminent approval by the US SEC on spot Bitcoin ETFs in the next six months.

The iShares Bitcoin Trust has been listed on the DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, which clears NASDAQ trades). And the ticker will be $IBTC. Again all part of the process of bringing ETF to market.. h/t @martypartymusic

— Eric Balchunas (@EricBalchunas) October 23, 2023

Bitcoin Winter Is Over, More Gains Ahead

Bitcoin price has been trapped in a prolonged bear market since the end of 2021 after reaching an ATH of about $69k. Unlike the prior times that Bitcoin price tried to rally beyond $31.8k, this time the altcoin market has rallied in tandem, indicating more cash inflow into the crypto industry. Market analysts expect the Bitcoin bullish outlook to continue in the coming weeks supported by the options that have a higher call rate.

“At its peak around $32,500, almost $20 million of BTC will need to be purchased by options dealers for every 1 percent move up to stay delta neutral. The positioning implies that market makers need to buy back increasing amounts of the delta as spot moves higher, which should add to the explosiveness of any move in the short term,” Alex Thorn, research head at digital asset investment firm Galaxy, noted.

From a technical standpoint, Bitcoin price will have a higher bullish affinity if it records a weekly close of above $31k. In this regard, Bitcoin price could rally between 30 percent to 40 percent in subsequent weeks towards $40k and above. Moreover, the Bitcoin halving, which has been identified as to trigger of the macro bull run, is less than 183 days from the projected April 25.


Bitcoin Jumps to $35K with Options Positioning Suggesting Price Has Further to Run
Binance News
Mastercard Explores Collaboration With Self-Custody Wallet Firms
According to CoinDesk, Mastercard is considering collaboration with self-custody wallet firms such as MetaMask and Ledger. The payments giant believes that having a payments card can help wallet providers increase active users, build loyalty, and generate additional revenue streams while allowing cardholders to spend their crypto balance seamlessly. However, wallet firms face significant resource demands when introducing a card in a new region, which is where Mastercard and its issuance partners can provide support. The company is also evaluating new models for global issuance using stablecoin on-chain settlement and inexpensive fast chains.

Mastercard is developing a range of innovative products and solutions for the digital assets space, including the Mastercard Multi-Token Network, Crypto Credential, CBDC Partner Program, and new card programs that connect Web2 and Web3. Large credit card networks, such as Mastercard and Visa, are continuing to advance their crypto initiatives despite challenging market conditions and regulatory uncertainty in regions like the U.S.

To ensure consumer protection, price competition, and transaction monitoring requirements, Mastercard plans to release a set of franchise standards for partner firms. The company's acquisition of blockchain analytics specialist CipherTrace in 2021 enables it to provide monitoring services. Once the proposed standards are validated, Mastercard intends to issue a card targeting the EU or U.K. as the first market. The goal is to provide users with a simple solution for seamless transactions without pre-funding, spending crypto, or dealing with taxes.
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