According to Odaily, Hedera has announced its decision to abandon the insecure Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) mirror node endpoints. This move is part of Hedera's ongoing commitment to enhancing security and ensuring service reliability. It has been reported that the API has transitioned from the old endpoint to the new endpoint.

The change also affects older SDK versions as they use the old HCS mirror node endpoints. The timeline for the discontinuation is as follows: initial notification was given in the week of June 10, a mid-term reminder was issued in the week of September 9, and the actual discontinuation occurred in the week of November 11, six months after the first notification.

This strategic move by Hedera is expected to bolster the security of its services and provide a more reliable platform for its users. By transitioning to a new endpoint, Hedera aims to mitigate potential security risks associated with the old HCS mirror node endpoints. The company's commitment to maintaining high security standards and service reliability is evident in this decision.