A recent investigation has unveiled a reality in the art market, exemplified by countless counterfeit paintings, including works by Monet and Renoir on the eBay online platform. Dr. Carina Popovici, an expert responsible for authenticating artwork, managed to analyze all posted pictures with the help of artificial intelligence technology. 

numerous counterfeit paintings on eBay

The AI identified several counterfeit paintings on eBay, showing that the counterfeit in the online art store may be much more significant. The AI algorithm detects these works as counterfeits with certainty. Thus, scientists fear that technology can only expose the surface of a broader phenomenon.

The imitation also included items attributed to authorized performers, with paintings attributed to Monet and Renoir.  “Forest With a Stream,” attributed to Monet, was priced at $599,000. Also identified as a “study of Claude,” The Renoir was priced at $165,000. As soon as eBay was warned about the situation, Renoir was compelled to remove the item, but the seller assured them that he never wanted to put fraudulent art for sale.

eBay itself responded to the committee’s questioning about the issue by reassuring the general public that it is dedicated to fighting the sale of counterfeit art. It uses a wide area of AI layers, trained experts on the job, and various programs to protect buyers from fraud. 

eBay’s on Combating Counterfeit

A good example of the work in this field is the Swiss-based company Art Recognition, which, with the cooperation of Liverpool University and Tilburg University, is considered a pioneer of the new technology. 

As indicated by Herlin, “the AI not only analyses the different patterns but can analyze the color types used by the artists.” This allows the platform, on which over 500 compositions have already been passed, to aid the art to make attributions and even change opinions about established art. For example, aided by technology, experts collaborated with an auction house and contested a self-portrait of van Gogh and Ruben’s drawing. Making it easy to have transparency in artwork