According to PANews, the platform has launched a comment section for its users. This new feature allows users to share their views and opinions on various topics, including market trends, project analysis, and hot events. High-quality comments may have the opportunity to be highlighted, enabling more users to see insightful perspectives.

In addition to the comment section, PANews has also introduced a 'floating window' feature. This acts as a temporary bookmark, allowing users to easily return to previously read pages. This feature ensures that users' reading is not interrupted when they need to temporarily deal with other matters.

To add a floating window, users can either click on the '...' in the top right corner of the article and select 'view later', or they can swipe the page to the right and drag it to the floating window area in the bottom right corner.

Another new feature is the 'in-article search' function. This allows users to quickly locate keywords within an article, leading them directly to the content they want to understand. This feature aims to improve reading efficiency and save time.

PANews has not provided any further details about these new features. However, users are encouraged to download the platform and experience these features firsthand.