Advice from a Qualified Psychologist

The key is to take action immediately, without procrastinating.

How to Increase Your Income? Increasing your income means expanding your horizons. So, how can you achieve this expansion?

Every thought begins within us, which is why our internal state is crucial. The external world reflects our internal condition.

1. It’s essential to create new neural connections in the brain. You can do this by brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, occasionally writing with your non-dominant hand, or taking different routes when you walk. Expanding your experiences by visiting new places and traveling can also help broaden your horizons.

2. Living in the present is crucial. All of our resources are in the present, not in the past or future. But how can you stay grounded in the present? First, by paying attention to your breath—each inhale and exhale. Second, by feeling your body—your hands, your feet. What sensations do you feel? Third, by observing your emotions. If you’re experiencing negative emotions, you’re likely dwelling in the past. Present-moment emotions are typically feelings of curiosity, joy, and wonder. Holding onto a grudge is a sign that you’re stuck in the past, carrying that old situation into the present. This prevents you from truly living in the here and now.

3. It’s important to adopt an adult mindset. If something unpleasant happens and you feel resentment or blame toward others or the world, you’re slipping into a childlike mindset. Complaints and grievances are typical of a child who didn’t get what they wanted. An adult takes responsibility for everything that happens to them. Everything you currently have is a result of your own actions.

4. Another key aspect of increasing your income is taking risks. If you continue doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results. Taking risks can lead to greater achievements. However, it’s crucial to practice proper risk and money management.