Binance Square
06年入行的游戏行业从业者; 08年的新加坡永久居民(所以持有和买卖虚拟货币是合规哒); 21年开始玩链游Axie Infinity亏99%; 23年做了一年韩国链游项目方BD,对接Web3基金、公链、交易所、媒体、游戏公会等合作方(已离职); 重度链游玩家,开个休闲号记录我玩链游的趣事和心路历程,一些氪金和打金数据。
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After much thought, the only business model that can work in Web3 Game is winner wins from loser, the essence of zero-sum game, not play to earn or win to earn, winner takes all, willing to accept the loss. In Web2, it is esports, countless events, the winning champion's prize money comes from the promotion expenses of the game project, advertisers/brands, and cultural promoters (local governments, venues, tourist attractions). In Web3, it is NFT pre-investment, big players hire people to PK, spectators bet, project platforms pump money, smart contracts make fair distribution on the chain, and tokens are used as rewards for project investors and partners. Then it becomes gambling on the chain.
After much thought, the only business model that can work in Web3 Game is winner wins from loser, the essence of zero-sum game, not play to earn or win to earn, winner takes all, willing to accept the loss.

In Web2, it is esports, countless events, the winning champion's prize money comes from the promotion expenses of the game project, advertisers/brands, and cultural promoters (local governments, venues, tourist attractions).

In Web3, it is NFT pre-investment, big players hire people to PK, spectators bet, project platforms pump money, smart contracts make fair distribution on the chain, and tokens are used as rewards for project investors and partners.

Then it becomes gambling on the chain.
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Gamers who can’t go back to Web2On July 4th, miHoYo's "Zero" will be launched in public beta. However, I can no longer go back to Web2 games. I am also a medium-spending Genshin Impact player. Starting from September 15, 2022, I spent about 6000u in the first year (see the Genshin Impact character list, weapon list and several pictures I posted) Since I started to use Axie Infinity in September 2021, I have been fascinated by blockchain games. I bought 7 Axies on Axie for 2000U, learned how to open a metamask wallet, buy ETH with a bank card, transfer E across chains to RONIN and Axie games to buy Axie's NFT, played in it for a few months, and earned 400 Smooth Love portion tokens.

Gamers who can’t go back to Web2

On July 4th, miHoYo's "Zero" will be launched in public beta.
However, I can no longer go back to Web2 games.
I am also a medium-spending Genshin Impact player. Starting from September 15, 2022, I spent about 6000u in the first year (see the Genshin Impact character list, weapon list and several pictures I posted)
Since I started to use Axie Infinity in September 2021, I have been fascinated by blockchain games. I bought 7 Axies on Axie for 2000U, learned how to open a metamask wallet, buy ETH with a bank card, transfer E across chains to RONIN and Axie games to buy Axie's NFT, played in it for a few months, and earned 400 Smooth Love portion tokens.
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io third phase of mining, 4070super mined 4972 points in one month, and I don’t know how many coins I can exchange @IONET1
io third phase of mining, 4070super mined 4972 points in one month, and I don’t know how many coins I can exchange
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The inner monologue of a hardcore blockchain game player1. Since I am playing a blockchain game instead of a Web2 game, the game assets (nft and token) I bought belong to me; unlike Web2 games, the publisher’s backend bans my account or the game rolls back, and the weapons and equipment I bought disappear from my account. Except for me, the blockchain game project, government agencies, and even the king and the queen cannot dispose of the blockchain game assets in my wallet; in the future, the assets I put in the game should be safe enough and cannot be touched by others. 2. If I don’t want to play a blockchain game anymore, I can sell my game assets at any time as long as the game is still in operation. Unlike playing Web2 games, most of the weapons and equipment in Web2 games cannot be traded. If you want to clear them out, you can only sell your account on Xianyu, 5173, or Trading Cat. It is not easy to sell and you are easy to be cheated. After all, only a few web2 game publishers recognize the game asset trading market and allow players to trade directly with each other.

The inner monologue of a hardcore blockchain game player

1. Since I am playing a blockchain game instead of a Web2 game, the game assets (nft and token) I bought belong to me; unlike Web2 games, the publisher’s backend bans my account or the game rolls back, and the weapons and equipment I bought disappear from my account. Except for me, the blockchain game project, government agencies, and even the king and the queen cannot dispose of the blockchain game assets in my wallet; in the future, the assets I put in the game should be safe enough and cannot be touched by others.

2. If I don’t want to play a blockchain game anymore, I can sell my game assets at any time as long as the game is still in operation. Unlike playing Web2 games, most of the weapons and equipment in Web2 games cannot be traded. If you want to clear them out, you can only sell your account on Xianyu, 5173, or Trading Cat. It is not easy to sell and you are easy to be cheated. After all, only a few web2 game publishers recognize the game asset trading market and allow players to trade directly with each other.
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Chain game first mine, chain game first mine, chain game first mine! Important things should be said three times. ​ ​Those younger brothers who have sent me messages asking "brothers to take care of younger brothers" can pay attention to: the founding team of Happy Farm, the AR chain game made after going overseas. Keywords: assets will be issued soon. ​ ​Official push #XAR
Chain game first mine, chain game first mine, chain game first mine! Important things should be said three times.

​Those younger brothers who have sent me messages asking "brothers to take care of younger brothers" can pay attention to: the founding team of Happy Farm, the AR chain game made after going overseas.

Keywords: assets will be issued soon.

​Official push

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SERAPH is giving out benefits. You have received a copyright reward in your wallet. Go check your wallet account now. @Seraph_global #seraph #暗黑链游 #Seraph
SERAPH is giving out benefits. You have received a copyright reward in your wallet. Go check your wallet account now.


#暗黑链游 #Seraph
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Observations on Singapore’s AI industryMy husband’s small fund invested in a computing power IAAS company 7 years ago (oh my god, there was no way to exit and all my family’s money was locked up), so I have been consciously paying attention to Singapore’s AI industry since last year. IAAS (infra as a service), to put it simply, is a CPU+GPU server center or IDC-Internet Data Center. After several months of research, we concluded that Singapore’s AI industry is far from mature: 1. There are only a few companies training large models 2. Local AI application companies and their corporate clients for toB services are not in Singapore 3. The toC business of Singapore’s AI industry is still dominated by big companies such as OpenAI

Observations on Singapore’s AI industry

My husband’s small fund invested in a computing power IAAS company 7 years ago (oh my god, there was no way to exit and all my family’s money was locked up), so I have been consciously paying attention to Singapore’s AI industry since last year.

IAAS (infra as a service), to put it simply, is a CPU+GPU server center or IDC-Internet Data Center.

After several months of research, we concluded that Singapore’s AI industry is far from mature:
1. There are only a few companies training large models
2. Local AI application companies and their corporate clients for toB services are not in Singapore
3. The toC business of Singapore’s AI industry is still dominated by big companies such as OpenAI
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The Web3 GPU computing project Grass on Solana may be issuing coins. I logged in today and found that the Solana wallet address and email of miners are being collected and verified. Anyone with a computer can register an account to mine. The whole low-income pig's feet rice airdrop should be possible without any cost. I have been mining from March 9th to today, and I have 200k points. You can use my invitation link to register a grass mining account: #GRASSAirdrop
The Web3 GPU computing project Grass on Solana may be issuing coins. I logged in today and found that the Solana wallet address and email of miners are being collected and verified. Anyone with a computer can register an account to mine. The whole low-income pig's feet rice airdrop should be possible without any cost.

I have been mining from March 9th to today, and I have 200k points. You can use my invitation link to register a grass mining account:

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BAC is going to buy back Genesis NFTs at a price of 0.08e. I can get back 0.56e for my 7 Genesis NFTs. My NFT cost is not too high. I sold 2 at a white price of 0.16e. The remaining 5 were bought at the bottom last night and the night before yesterday, with an average price of about 0.08e. I feel sorry for the big friend who bought 67 NFTs at an average price of 0.4e. He lost a lot in a game! I hope the buyback can be implemented. I will continue to post the follow-up progress for reference for friends who are watching the chain game. I always feel that the first chain game on Blast will not end so hastily. I planted a leek field. If I want to harvest leeks, it seems that I can harvest several crops before leaving. #blastautoclub #Blast空投 #BLAST_L2
BAC is going to buy back Genesis NFTs at a price of 0.08e. I can get back 0.56e for my 7 Genesis NFTs.

My NFT cost is not too high. I sold 2 at a white price of 0.16e. The remaining 5 were bought at the bottom last night and the night before yesterday, with an average price of about 0.08e.

I feel sorry for the big friend who bought 67 NFTs at an average price of 0.4e. He lost a lot in a game!

I hope the buyback can be implemented. I will continue to post the follow-up progress for reference for friends who are watching the chain game.

I always feel that the first chain game on Blast will not end so hastily. I planted a leek field. If I want to harvest leeks, it seems that I can harvest several crops before leaving.

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Don't ask about the addictive blockchain game. If you ask, it's still in beta. Stay tuned! I'll send out a test invitation in a few days. Web3+ Texas Hold'em Super indulging! Name of the game is to be revealed later as I am doing the close test with the game team. Stay Tuned! #texasholdem
Don't ask about the addictive blockchain game. If you ask, it's still in beta.

Stay tuned! I'll send out a test invitation in a few days.

Web3+ Texas Hold'em

Super indulging!

Name of the game is to be revealed later as I am doing the close test with the game team.

Stay Tuned!

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If the token of a Web3 project is not listed on a major exchange, it is roughly equivalent to the game over if it is listed. ​ ​Record the chain game of this coin price from 0.8 to 0.1 in half a month. ​ ​The project team is investigating with the exchange. Only 7.6% of the tokens are in circulation. In the past two days, the exchange encountered a huge amount of 50 million u tokens of unknown origin. Now the project team recommends players not to use Cex, go directly to the chain to trade, and call on players to continue to support the game. ​ ​It looks like rug. Shouldn't we call the police at this time? #blast #blastautoclub
If the token of a Web3 project is not listed on a major exchange, it is roughly equivalent to the game over if it is listed.

​Record the chain game of this coin price from 0.8 to 0.1 in half a month.

​The project team is investigating with the exchange. Only 7.6% of the tokens are in circulation. In the past two days, the exchange encountered a huge amount of 50 million u tokens of unknown origin. Now the project team recommends players not to use Cex, go directly to the chain to trade, and call on players to continue to support the game.

​It looks like rug. Shouldn't we call the police at this time?

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I dug up a lot of gems in the Japanese blockchain game brilliantcrypto, but these gems are useless. I plan to give up after digging until this Sunday. #brilliantcrypto
I dug up a lot of gems in the Japanese blockchain game brilliantcrypto, but these gems are useless. I plan to give up after digging until this Sunday.
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The blockchain game Castile earned a few points. Mobile games are a challenge for players with poor eyesight. I felt dizzy after playing for a while and could only participate a little. ​ Claim test points here: #castile
The blockchain game Castile earned a few points. Mobile games are a challenge for players with poor eyesight. I felt dizzy after playing for a while and could only participate a little.

Claim test points here:

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June 28th Chain Game BAC Gold Report: The gold income for the two days from June 26th to 28th is 38.12u The BAC token balance at 10pm on June 28th is 110.81 The BAC token balance at 10pm on June 26th is 54.75. On the evening of the 27th, I bought a character blind box in the game and got a D-level engineer, which cost 150BAC Therefore, the gold output for the two days from June 26th to 28th is 150+110.81-54.75=206.06BAC At this moment, the unit price of BAC tokens is 0.185u (the price of the currency has fallen as if the project team has run away), and the gold income for two days is 38.12u If calculated based on 6 characters, the daily gold output of each character is 3.7u At present, the total investment of this BAC gold account is 1 nft+6 in-game purchased characters, According to the currency price of 0.6, the total cost = 0.16e + 900BAC = 1100u I started to build my own club on the 28th. All characters and cars are controlled by myself, so the efficiency should be higher. I will wait for the 30th to see the output and currency price. @Blast-Chain-Monitor #blastautoclub#BlastGold Points
June 28th Chain Game BAC Gold Report: The gold income for the two days from June 26th to 28th is 38.12u

The BAC token balance at 10pm on June 28th is 110.81
The BAC token balance at 10pm on June 26th is 54.75.
On the evening of the 27th, I bought a character blind box in the game and got a D-level engineer, which cost 150BAC

Therefore, the gold output for the two days from June 26th to 28th is 150+110.81-54.75=206.06BAC

At this moment, the unit price of BAC tokens is 0.185u (the price of the currency has fallen as if the project team has run away), and the gold income for two days is 38.12u

If calculated based on 6 characters, the daily gold output of each character is 3.7u

At present, the total investment of this BAC gold account is 1 nft+6 in-game purchased characters, According to the currency price of 0.6, the total cost = 0.16e + 900BAC = 1100u

I started to build my own club on the 28th. All characters and cars are controlled by myself, so the efficiency should be higher. I will wait for the 30th to see the output and currency price.

@Blast-Chain-Monitor #blastautoclub#BlastGold Points
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Each mine has 5 raw stones. If I don't dig out all 5 stones in each mine, I can't take out my NFT pickaxe, so I'll ask scientists to help me dig them all. This gameplay design is a bit like NFT pledge effect. Players can't sell the NFT they buy immediately if they want to. I want to give a thumbs up to this small design. The project team still used their brains. #brilliantcrypto #colopl
Each mine has 5 raw stones. If I don't dig out all 5 stones in each mine, I can't take out my NFT pickaxe, so I'll ask scientists to help me dig them all.

This gameplay design is a bit like NFT pledge effect. Players can't sell the NFT they buy immediately if they want to. I want to give a thumbs up to this small design. The project team still used their brains.

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To be honest, I think BAC is a pretty good game to play. There is not much confrontation in the development game. You can calculate the account and harvest the harvest when the time comes. It is suitable for casual players like me. ​ ​While the project had problems today <I don’t know what the problem is>, the price of the currency was cut in half, and the NFT also fell sharply. I bought 500u game tokens in the afternoon, and sold them after a 30% increase. I also spent 0.7e and 0.82e to buy 2 racing manager NFTs. Now we have 10 characters in total, and we can open a club by ourselves. #blastautoclub #BLAST_L2 #Blast黄金积分
To be honest, I think BAC is a pretty good game to play. There is not much confrontation in the development game. You can calculate the account and harvest the harvest when the time comes. It is suitable for casual players like me.

​While the project had problems today <I don’t know what the problem is>, the price of the currency was cut in half, and the NFT also fell sharply. I bought 500u game tokens in the afternoon, and sold them after a 30% increase. I also spent 0.7e and 0.82e to buy 2 racing manager NFTs. Now we have 10 characters in total, and we can open a club by ourselves.
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Today, the price of BAC was halved. It was 0.599u at 10 pm yesterday, but now it is 0.28u. The price of nft fell to 0.069e, and the price of my white order mint was 0.16e, which was more than halved. What happened? Did the project team take the blast airdrop and run away? #blastautoclub
Today, the price of BAC was halved. It was 0.599u at 10 pm yesterday, but now it is 0.28u.

The price of nft fell to 0.069e, and the price of my white order mint was 0.16e, which was more than halved.

What happened? Did the project team take the blast airdrop and run away?

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Blast is issuing airdrops. Players who play BAC blockchain games should go to claim them: ​ ​ ​Blast will be listed on several exchanges at 11 o'clock. Let's see how many meals these 3,000 coins are worth. I want to praise Blast. While issuing airdrops, it forces users who want to claim airdrops to download and install the mobile app. They can only claim airdrops in the mobile app. ​ ​This is a very smart move! Everyone happily downloads the app to claim the pork leg meal, and not a single early user is spared. #Blast_L2 #blastautoclub
Blast is issuing airdrops. Players who play BAC blockchain games should go to claim them: ​

​Blast will be listed on several exchanges at 11 o'clock. Let's see how many meals these 3,000 coins are worth.

I want to praise Blast. While issuing airdrops, it forces users who want to claim airdrops to download and install the mobile app. They can only claim airdrops in the mobile app.

​This is a very smart move! Everyone happily downloads the app to claim the pork leg meal, and not a single early user is spared.

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June 26th Chain Game BAC Gold Report: The gold income for the two days from June 24th to 26th is 48.23u The BAC token balance at 10pm on June 26th is 54.75 The BAC token balance at 7pm on June 24th is 274.24. The token balance has decreased because BAC is doing an event this week. The probability of opening a C-level character by buying a character blind box in the game has doubled, so I bought 2 characters, spent a total of 300BAC, and opened a C-level character and a D-level character (the last time I bought 4 characters, I opened a C-level character and 3 D-level characters) Therefore, the gold output for the two days from June 24th to 26th is 300+54.75-274.24=80.51BAC At this moment, the unit price of BAC tokens is 0.599u, The gold-farming income for 2 days is 48.23u Currently, the total investment of this BAC gold-farming account is 1 nft + 5 in-game purchased characters = 0.16e + 750BAC = 990u It feels hopeless to make a profit. . . . I will not add any more characters in the future. I will keep playing until several in-game purchased characters become invalid and see how much income I can get. #blastautoclub#BlastGold Points #BLAST_L2
June 26th Chain Game BAC Gold Report: The gold income for the two days from June 24th to 26th is 48.23u

The BAC token balance at 10pm on June 26th is 54.75
The BAC token balance at 7pm on June 24th is 274.24.

The token balance has decreased because BAC is doing an event this week. The probability of opening a C-level character by buying a character blind box in the game has doubled, so I bought 2 characters, spent a total of 300BAC, and opened a C-level character and a D-level character (the last time I bought 4 characters, I opened a C-level character and 3 D-level characters)

Therefore, the gold output for the two days from June 24th to 26th is 300+54.75-274.24=80.51BAC
At this moment, the unit price of BAC tokens is 0.599u, The gold-farming income for 2 days is 48.23u

Currently, the total investment of this BAC gold-farming account is 1 nft + 5 in-game purchased characters = 0.16e + 750BAC = 990u

It feels hopeless to make a profit. . . . I will not add any more characters in the future. I will keep playing until several in-game purchased characters become invalid and see how much income I can get.

#blastautoclub#BlastGold Points
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Chain game track layer2 zero chance-SonicToday, after being reminded by a friend from a fund, I found an opportunity to invest in a Web3 project for free: Sonic, a layer2 dedicated to blockchain games on Solana, is conducting an Odyssey mission on the test network for early users. Sonic is the first layer 2 on Solana, and it is a layer 2 infrastructure dedicated to the blockchain gaming track, which is worthy of a special introduction. Since many of my readers are Web2 gamers, I would like to explain here that Odyssey tasks are usually novice guidance tasks for the first test of Web3 projects/products (especially Web3 infrastructure infra projects). The purpose is to allow new users to experience the various functions of the project and become familiar with the use process through one operation after another according to the process set by the official project, and at the same time assist the project party in testing the fluency of the network and discovering bugs. It should be pointed out that Odyssey tasks usually occur in the Web3 project/product test network stage, so test tokens are used. Test tokens can be directly obtained for free, and users do not need to spend real money on eth, btc or other tokens. There will be no gas fee consumption during the test, and there will be generous rewards after completing the task. It is a rare opportunity to get nothing.

Chain game track layer2 zero chance-Sonic

Today, after being reminded by a friend from a fund, I found an opportunity to invest in a Web3 project for free: Sonic, a layer2 dedicated to blockchain games on Solana, is conducting an Odyssey mission on the test network for early users.
Sonic is the first layer 2 on Solana, and it is a layer 2 infrastructure dedicated to the blockchain gaming track, which is worthy of a special introduction.
Since many of my readers are Web2 gamers, I would like to explain here that Odyssey tasks are usually novice guidance tasks for the first test of Web3 projects/products (especially Web3 infrastructure infra projects). The purpose is to allow new users to experience the various functions of the project and become familiar with the use process through one operation after another according to the process set by the official project, and at the same time assist the project party in testing the fluency of the network and discovering bugs. It should be pointed out that Odyssey tasks usually occur in the Web3 project/product test network stage, so test tokens are used. Test tokens can be directly obtained for free, and users do not need to spend real money on eth, btc or other tokens. There will be no gas fee consumption during the test, and there will be generous rewards after completing the task. It is a rare opportunity to get nothing.
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