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Oke, bayangkan dunia crypto seperti taman bermain yang penuh dengan mainan keren tapi sangat misterius. Ada Bitcoin si raja taman yang selalu duduk di atas singgasana, meskipun kadang-kadang jatuh terpeleset karena lantai licin yang namanya "volatilitas." Ethereum, si adik pintar, selalu bikin orang terpukau dengan trik-trik barunya, seperti NFT dan DeFi. Tapi kadang-kadang, dia suka ngadat karena mainan yang dia ciptakan terlalu rumit sampai bikin orang bingung dan garuk-garuk kepala. Lalu, ada Dogecoin si badut yang awalnya cuma lelucon, tapi tiba-tiba jadi terkenal gara-gara bosnya Twitter, Elon Musk, yang suka nge-tweet tentangnya. Setiap kali Elon nge-tweet, Dogecoin langsung lompat-lompat kegirangan, bikin orang-orang ikut-ikutan lompat beli, meskipun kadang akhirnya malah jatuh bareng-bareng. Di sudut taman, ada Solana yang baru muncul dan langsung jadi primadona. Tapi dia sering kram otot alias "network outages," bikin semua orang jadi harus sabar nungguin. Sementara itu, ada juga koin-koin kecil yang berusaha keras mencuri perhatian. Mereka seperti anak-anak kecil yang membawa mainan unik, tapi kadang malah mainan itu meledak dan bikin semua orang lari ketakutan. Taman crypto ini memang penuh warna dan seru, tapi ingat, kalau mau main di sini, harus pakai helm dan pelindung karena bisa aja terpleset atau ketimpa mainan yang jatuh! #CryptoWatchMay2024
Oke, bayangkan dunia crypto seperti taman bermain yang penuh dengan mainan keren tapi sangat misterius. Ada Bitcoin si raja taman yang selalu duduk di atas singgasana, meskipun kadang-kadang jatuh terpeleset karena lantai licin yang namanya "volatilitas."

Ethereum, si adik pintar, selalu bikin orang terpukau dengan trik-trik barunya, seperti NFT dan DeFi. Tapi kadang-kadang, dia suka ngadat karena mainan yang dia ciptakan terlalu rumit sampai bikin orang bingung dan garuk-garuk kepala.

Lalu, ada Dogecoin si badut yang awalnya cuma lelucon, tapi tiba-tiba jadi terkenal gara-gara bosnya Twitter, Elon Musk, yang suka nge-tweet tentangnya. Setiap kali Elon nge-tweet, Dogecoin langsung lompat-lompat kegirangan, bikin orang-orang ikut-ikutan lompat beli, meskipun kadang akhirnya malah jatuh bareng-bareng.

Di sudut taman, ada Solana yang baru muncul dan langsung jadi primadona. Tapi dia sering kram otot alias "network outages," bikin semua orang jadi harus sabar nungguin.

Sementara itu, ada juga koin-koin kecil yang berusaha keras mencuri perhatian. Mereka seperti anak-anak kecil yang membawa mainan unik, tapi kadang malah mainan itu meledak dan bikin semua orang lari ketakutan.

Taman crypto ini memang penuh warna dan seru, tapi ingat, kalau mau main di sini, harus pakai helm dan pelindung karena bisa aja terpleset atau ketimpa mainan yang jatuh!

apa kabar #ENA ? 22% 🔺 $BTC kebalikan momentum para paus ?
apa kabar #ENA ?

22% 🔺 $BTC

kebalikan momentum para paus ?
🤸😂100,000 people like this are being cooked until done. Is it medium rare or well done? $BTC $ETH
🤸😂100,000 people like this are being cooked until done.

Is it medium rare or well done?

"They are making the best dough for their customers."$BTC $ETH
"They are making the best dough for their customers."$BTC $ETH
apa benar sejak launchpool #ENA dan sekarang sudah mengalami penurunan 40% lebih ???
apa benar sejak launchpool #ENA dan sekarang sudah mengalami penurunan 40% lebih ???
A messy halving because of what? $BTC
A messy halving because of what?

what redflag ? $ADA
what redflag ?

Cardano Founder Says “Not Holding $ADA Is A Major Red Flag”
Charles Hoskinson responded to a sticky question on X (Twitter) to indirectly suggest people hold ADA coins amid this crypto bull run.
Cardano is a popular Proof-of-Stake (PoS) scalable blockchain network, which is mainly known for its stability & innovative active development works. Charles Hoskinson, the co-founder of the Ethereum blockchain, founded Cardano in 2017 to use Cardano at the commercial level. 
Recently a Crypto X (formerly Twitter) user asked her followers whether she should inquire on her first date whether he holds ADA coins or not.
Charles Hoskinson took the opportunity to respond to her and said that not holding the $ADA coin is a very big red flag. 
Cardano Foundation & blockchain voting
In a recent interview, Cardano Foundation CEO Frederik Gregaard disclosed that they were approached by some US States to develop blockchain protocol to achieve a high level of transparency in the elections voting system.
Frederik also said that similar kinds of efforts & inclinations toward blockchain technology are seen in the UK. 
As per experts’ opinion, the future of the voting system will be highly dependent on Blockchain technology, as the demand for transparency in digital works surged rapidly over the years. 
Now it will be interesting to see how the crypto entrepreneurs & blockchain developers will show interest in blockchain voting protocols for the government agencies.
ADA price
The current trade price of ADA coin is $0.57 & this trade price is 12% down over the last 7 days period. Last week, the trade price of this cryptocurrency was $0.65+ but crashed significantly because of the usual market sentiments.
#Meme, which one you miss? 🤑 $PEPE
#Meme, which one you miss? 🤑

"Of course, we all know that every Bitcoin halving is just a moment where all investors can sit back and enjoy the incredible price stability". $BTC $ETH $BNB "There's definitely no drama or anxiety whatsoever!"
"Of course, we all know that every Bitcoin halving is just a moment where all investors can sit back and enjoy the incredible price stability".


"There's definitely no drama or anxiety whatsoever!"
My life is more like a drama
I'm the star of my own life
the script life is too absurd
6 votes • Voting closed
#whatNext $BTC "Breaking out" merujuk pada pergerakan harga yang signifikan di luar kisaran harga yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Pola Harga: Sebelum terjadi "breakout", harga biasanya bergerak dalam kisaran tertentu untuk periode waktu yang signifikan. Volume Perdagangan: "Breakout" biasanya disertai dengan peningkatan volume perdagangan yang menunjukkan minat baru dari para pelaku pasar. Konfirmasi: Penting untuk menunggu konfirmasi bahwa "breakout" benar-benar terjadi sebelum mengambil tindakan, seperti penutupan harga di atas atau di bawah tingkat tertentu untuk periode waktu yang cukup lama. Tingkat Dukungan dan Resistensi: Tingkat dukungan dan resistensi yang sebelumnya telah ditetapkan menjadi penting setelah terjadinya "breakout". Risiko dan Pengelolaan Modal: Meskipun "breakout" dapat memberikan peluang perdagangan yang menguntungkan, risiko kerugian juga ada. Penting untuk mengelola risiko dan modal dengan bijak.
#whatNext $BTC "Breaking out" merujuk pada pergerakan harga yang signifikan di luar kisaran harga yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya.

Pola Harga: Sebelum terjadi "breakout", harga biasanya bergerak dalam kisaran tertentu untuk periode waktu yang signifikan.

Volume Perdagangan: "Breakout" biasanya disertai dengan peningkatan volume perdagangan yang menunjukkan minat baru dari para pelaku pasar.

Konfirmasi: Penting untuk menunggu konfirmasi bahwa "breakout" benar-benar terjadi sebelum mengambil tindakan, seperti penutupan harga di atas atau di bawah tingkat tertentu untuk periode waktu yang cukup lama.

Tingkat Dukungan dan Resistensi: Tingkat dukungan dan resistensi yang sebelumnya telah ditetapkan menjadi penting setelah terjadinya "breakout".

Risiko dan Pengelolaan Modal: Meskipun "breakout" dapat memberikan peluang perdagangan yang menguntungkan, risiko kerugian juga ada.

Penting untuk mengelola risiko dan modal dengan bijak.
$BOME So, where will Coin $bome dock? What are the real strengths of meme book projects? Or the funny technology that makes the meme market bullish? $BOME ranking 83.....
So, where will Coin $bome dock? What are the real strengths of meme book projects? Or the funny technology that makes the meme market bullish?

$BOME ranking 83.....
$BTC $ETH $XRP BlackRock Dominates Bitcoin ETF Market, Pushes Cryptocurrency to Record Highs "BlackRock's IBIT surges ahead with a whopping $2.07 billion inflow in just one week, outpacing even MicroStrategy's Bitcoin holdings. Adding to its momentum, Fidelity's FBTC registers an impressive $700 million influx on March 12th. As the leading player among the top ten spot Bitcoin ETFs, BlackRock continues to dominate both in inflows and trading volume. This heightened interest in Bitcoin ETFs fuels a surge in cryptocurrency prices, propelling it to a new all-time high above $72,000." #BlackRock #BitcoinETF #CryptoInflows #FidelityFBTC #MicroStrategy #CryptocurrencyHighs #ATH #BitcoinPriceSurge

BlackRock Dominates Bitcoin ETF Market, Pushes Cryptocurrency to Record Highs

"BlackRock's IBIT surges ahead with a whopping $2.07 billion inflow in just one week, outpacing even MicroStrategy's Bitcoin holdings. Adding to its momentum, Fidelity's FBTC registers an impressive $700 million influx on March 12th. As the leading player among the top ten spot Bitcoin ETFs, BlackRock continues to dominate both in inflows and trading volume. This heightened interest in Bitcoin ETFs fuels a surge in cryptocurrency prices, propelling it to a new all-time high above $72,000."

#BlackRock #BitcoinETF #CryptoInflows #FidelityFBTC #MicroStrategy #CryptocurrencyHighs #ATH #BitcoinPriceSurge
$BTC $ETH BlackRock, a leading global investment management firm, has taken significant steps to manage risks associated with Bitcoin investments. In this endeavor, they have utilized Coinbase as the custodian for Bitcoin products they intend to issue as ETFs. Additionally, BlackRock is developing a comprehensive risk management strategy for their Bitcoin ETF products, although specific details have not been openly disclosed. The company has also forged integrations with technology and global institutions and integrated with popular crypto exchanges like Coinbase. Furthermore, they have filed applications to establish Ethereum ETFs, offering an additional risk management strategy for crypto investments. BlackRock has also expressed intentions to release reports on crypto investments, aiding investors in risk management. Moreover, BlackRock has identified the optimal portion of Bitcoin in investor portfolios at 84.9%, indicating their confidence in Bitcoin's long-term potential. However, #Bitcoin‬
$BTC $ETH BlackRock, a leading global investment management firm, has taken significant steps to manage risks associated with Bitcoin investments. In this endeavor, they have utilized Coinbase as the custodian for Bitcoin products they intend to issue as ETFs.

Additionally, BlackRock is developing a comprehensive risk management strategy for their Bitcoin ETF products, although specific details have not been openly disclosed.

The company has also forged integrations with technology and global institutions and integrated with popular crypto exchanges like Coinbase.

Furthermore, they have filed applications to establish Ethereum ETFs, offering an additional risk management strategy for crypto investments. BlackRock has also expressed intentions to release reports on crypto investments, aiding investors in risk management.

Moreover, BlackRock has identified the optimal portion of Bitcoin in investor portfolios at 84.9%, indicating their confidence in Bitcoin's long-term potential.


There are three reasons why a correction is necessary in the cryptocurrency market: 1. Addressing Overvaluation: Corrections are essential to regulate cryptocurrency market prices, ensuring they do not become excessively high or low. 2. Ensuring Market Balance: Corrections are required to help stabilize crypto assets and reduce high risks associated with elevated market prices. 3. Mitigating Risks: Corrections are necessary to mitigate the heightened risks that can occur when market prices are high, such as investment losses and unpaid loans.
There are three reasons why a correction is necessary in the cryptocurrency market:

1. Addressing Overvaluation: Corrections are essential to regulate cryptocurrency market prices, ensuring they do not become excessively high or low.

2. Ensuring Market Balance: Corrections are required to help stabilize crypto assets and reduce high risks associated with elevated market prices.

3. Mitigating Risks: Corrections are necessary to mitigate the heightened risks that can occur when market prices are high, such as investment losses and unpaid loans.
#bitcoin70k The value trends of Bitcoin are often linked to global economic factors such as political instability, inflation, central bank monetary policies, and market uncertainty in traditional financial markets. For instance, some investors view Bitcoin as a hedge against potential inflation resulting from loose monetary policies adopted by central banks amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the increasing institutional adoption also significantly influences the crypto market. So, in the current global economic context, these factors can contribute to the potential rise in the value of Bitcoin to reach 70k or higher. Will see it ???

The value trends of Bitcoin are often linked to global economic factors such as political instability, inflation, central bank monetary policies, and market uncertainty in traditional financial markets. For instance, some investors view Bitcoin as a hedge against potential inflation resulting from loose monetary policies adopted by central banks amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the increasing institutional adoption also significantly influences the crypto market. So, in the current global economic context, these factors can contribute to the potential rise in the value of Bitcoin to reach 70k or higher.

Will see it ???
This announcement is general. The products and services mentioned here may not be available in your region. Ranking: 1. Delysium 2. Bittensor 3. Baby Doge Coin 4. Bone ShibaSwap "Which contender will skyrocket to the moon?" ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
This announcement is general. The products and services mentioned here may not be available in your region.

1. Delysium
2. Bittensor
3. Baby Doge Coin
4. Bone ShibaSwap

"Which contender will skyrocket to the moon?" ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Binance Announcement
Binance Menampilkan Futures NEXT: Ikut Terlibat, Buat Prediksi, dan Dapatkan Reward dengan Listing Mendatang pada Futures USDⓈ-M
Pengumuman ini bersifat umum. Produk dan layanan yang disebutkan di sini mungkin tidak tersedia di wilayah Anda.
Halo Binancian,
Binance dengan senang hati menghadirkan Futures NEXT, sebuah platform baru yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan reward dengan memprediksi secara akurat listing token mendatang di Futures USDⓈ-M tanpa mengeluarkan biaya atau risiko apa pun.
Cara Kerja Futures NEXT
Pengguna dapat memperoleh "Pilihan" masing-masing seharga 1 USDT di Pool NEXT yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi listing mendatang di pasar futures USDⓈ-M Binance. Setiap pengguna dapat mengalokasikan hingga 100 "Pilihan" untuk setiap listing potensial. Untuk setiap prediksi yang berhasil, pengguna berhak menerima Voucher Bonus Futures USDT atau Voucher Rabat Biaya Perdagangan USDT berdasarkan jumlah "Pilihan" yang dialokasikan untuk prediksi sebelumnya. Pengali reward juga akan diterapkan pada nilai reward voucher yang akan diterima pengguna.Pengguna juga dapat menominasikan listing potensial baru untuk platform Futures NEXT dengan Seed Nominasi senilai 2.000 USDT. Nominasi yang disetujui akan mengubah Seed Nominasi menjadi "Pilihan", sehingga memperluas cakupan prediksi.Karena pengguna selalu dapat menarik "Pilihan" mereka dan mengonversinya kembali ke USDT setelah Periode Penguncian, Futures NEXT adalah platform yang bebas risiko bagi pengguna untuk terlibat dengan komunitas, berbagi wawasan pasar, dan mendapatkan reward.
Cara Memulai dengan Futures NEXT
Masuk ke akun Binance Futures Anda. Jika Anda belum memiliki akun Binance Futures, silakan daftar di sini. Lanjutkan dengan membuat prediksi di Futures NEXT dengan memperoleh "Pilihan" atau menominasikan token baru di pool NEXT.Dapatkan reward Voucher Bonus Futures USDT atau Voucher Rabat Biaya Perdagangan USDT untuk setiap prediksi berhasil yang Anda buat!
Jelajahi Platform Futures NEXT Sekarang!
Ketersediaan platform Futures NEXT dapat bervariasi di setiap wilayah sesuai dengan pedoman hukum dan peraturan. Meskipun pengguna dapat menominasikan dan mengalokasikan "Pilihan" ke token, popularitas token di platform Futures NEXT tidak menjamin listing di pasar Futures USDⓈ-M. Binance Futures mempertahankan proses tinjauan listing yang ketat dan tidak memihak, memastikan bahwa semua token menjalani kriteria evaluasi yang sama terlepas dari kinerja atau popularitasnya di Futures NEXT.Mungkin terdapat perbedaan antara versi terjemahan dan artikel asli ini dalam Bahasa Inggris. Harap rujuk versi asli ini untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini dan paling akurat apabila muncul perbedaan.
Untuk Informasi Selengkapnya:
Memperkenalkan Binance Futures NEXT: Dapatkan Reward dengan Memprediksi Token Besar BerikutnyaMemperkenalkan Futures NEXT: Buat Prediksi Listing Token dan Dapatkan Reward pada Pasar Futures USDⓈ-MSyarat & Ketentuan Futures NEXT
Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda!
Tim Binance
Berdagang di mana saja dengan aplikasi perdagangan kripto Binance (iOS/Android)
Temukan kami di
Binance berhak untuk mengubah atau membatalkan pengumuman ini kapan pun dan untuk alasan apa pun tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya berdasarkan kebijakan sendiri.
Penafian: Pengguna tidak dapat menarik atau mengonversi Pilihan atau Seed Nominasi mereka kembali ke USDT selama Periode Penguncian yang ditentukan. Artinya, dana mungkin tetap tidak likuid sampai akhir periode ini. Binance memiliki kebijakan tunggal dalam memilih token untuk listing berdasarkan standar internal dan tidak berkewajiban untuk dipengaruhi oleh prediksi atau nominasi pengguna. Binance tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap segala kerugian yang mungkin Anda alami dan tidak memberikan nasihat keuangan. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Ketentuan Penggunaan dan Peringatan Risiko kami.
Why is Pepe Crypto never wealthy? Because every time he makes a profit, he's always "hoping" to get more "pepes" again!
Why is Pepe Crypto never wealthy?
Because every time he makes a profit, he's always "hoping" to get more "pepes" again!
"Why was Bitcoin so happy when it hit $60,000? Because it felt taller than skyscrapers!"
"Why was Bitcoin so happy when it hit $60,000? Because it felt taller than skyscrapers!"
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