Exploring the Meaning of Success💪

S tress

U proars

C riticism

C alamity

E mbarrassment

S olitude

S urrender

Stress - Emotional or psychological pressure, tension, or anxiety caused by difficult or challenging situations.

Uproars - Loud and confusing noise, often made by many people or animals; a state of intense agitation or commotion.

Criticism - Negative evaluation or judgment of someone or something, often based on perceived faults or errors.

Calamity - A tragic or catastrophic event that brings suffering, damage, or destruction; a natural or human-caused disaster.

Embarrassment - The feeling of shame, embarrassment, or discomfort caused by a situation or action that may be perceived as humiliating or inappropriate.

Solitude - The state of being alone or isolated, often sought for quietness, personal reflection, or meditation.

Surrender - The act of completely giving up, relinquishing the fight, or yielding to a higher power or difficult circumstance.