Vote qualification snapshot of all $ethi holders, including stakers, happened at midnight UTC on February 7, 2024. Voting is available for 7 days until 4am UTC on February 14, 2024. Over 140 unique holders have already voted. 2.2 million $ethpi or over 99% of votes are for.

Overall, IERC-20 DPoS & PoW can be deemed a successful community experiment. The number of $ethpi holders is nearing 10,000, while nearly 300 ETH gas (valued over $700,000) has been burned through mining and staking so far.

Since the DPoS model has been welcomed by the IERC-20 community, the protocol may explore expanding the utility of DPoS points. Both organizations and individuals can apply to release their own points and staking pools in the IERC-20 inscriptions ecosystem to promote the sustainable development of both the projects and the protocol.

IEIP-1 is set to manifest the power of community and its attention to the future development path of the growing inscriptions ecosystem on Ethereum. Qualified $ethi holders can vote on Snapshot and decide on the tokenomics of $ethpi before Feb

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