Binance Square
Why do women fall victim to the "pig butchering scam" more often than men? Feng Tang said: Go to a mental hospital and see, men go crazy because they want to "fight for the world"; women go crazy because they crave love. Of course, this does not mean that men do not crave love, nor does it mean that women do not aspire to achieve something. On the contrary, it means that one of them is more obsessed with these two desires. Ordinary people lack love. Most people are doomed to never feel the burning passion, nor enjoy the starry eyes of a quality partner. A mediocre girl who only reads romance novels in her adolescence, longing to become the heroine one day, how can she refuse when she encounters the "fate" and the "male lead" like in a soap opera, even if she realizes that this might be a scam, but many women still fall for it. I don't think there is anything to laugh or mock about, it is better to look at it with sympathy. After all, behind every pig butchering scam, there is a soul longing for love. #BIT #QNT #EGLD #mina #ftm $QNT $EGLD $MINA

Why do women fall victim to the "pig butchering scam" more often than men? Feng Tang said: Go to a mental hospital and see, men go crazy because they want to "fight for the world"; women go crazy because they crave love.

Of course, this does not mean that men do not crave love, nor does it mean that women do not aspire to achieve something. On the contrary, it means that one of them is more obsessed with these two desires.

Ordinary people lack love. Most people are doomed to never feel the burning passion, nor enjoy the starry eyes of a quality partner.

A mediocre girl who only reads romance novels in her adolescence, longing to become the heroine one day, how can she refuse when she encounters the "fate" and the "male lead" like in a soap opera, even if she realizes that this might be a scam, but many women still fall for it.

I don't think there is anything to laugh or mock about, it is better to look at it with sympathy. After all, behind every pig butchering scam, there is a soul longing for love.







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现在有两个重点要留意。第一个是比特币现在高位盘整,但山寨币却在暗中下跌,这是个风险。第二个是减产前后的利好消息可能会在短期内推高价格,但也有可能在减产临近时因为利好消息已被消化而导致市场调整。 所谓减产,就是指在某个时间点,比特币的产量会减少,这通常会推动价格上涨。这种上涨既可以在减产前因为预期而发生,也可以在减产实际发生后发生。但从这轮牛市来看,由于ETF和降息的预期,比特币价格已经被推到了历史新高。现在比特币虽然在横盘,但山寨币却在下跌,再加上昨晚的大跌,不仅让很多人爆仓,对于满仓操作的人来说,心理压力也非常大。 在牛市中期,虽然大家都知道未来可能会有更疯狂的涨幅,但如果利润回撤到昨晚那样的程度,也是很难接受的。所以东哥一直强调,无论何时,我们的投资都应该保持在合理的范围内。如果超出了自己的承受能力,就可能在像昨晚那样的暴跌中恐慌性割肉。我们应该保持合理的仓位,并且预留一部分资金来应对这种急跌。 预留的资金可以用来做Bi安挖矿、欧意理财,或者参与一些大项目的质押活动。这些方式的利润虽然没有直接买币高,但却更为安全,也能防止我们因为贪婪而总是满仓操作。对于大资金来说,总是要追求最佳的配置,无论是比特币、以太坊还是BN挖矿,都不应该因为追求短期的高收益而忽视了本金的安全。参与一级市场并在大交易所进行质押通常是安全的,但如果是在其他平台进行质押,就需要仔细考虑平台的背景、投资者等多方面因素。 #BTC #TIA #DOGE #ARB #SHIB $BTC $TIA $DOGE
你說,到了2030年,比特幣能不能衝到100萬美元一枚呢? 這年頭,啥事兒都有可能,對吧?但話說回來,就算真到這個價,能不能穩穩抱住到2030年,那還真得看個人造化。 這些年,我幫著身邊的朋友親戚入手了一些比特幣。說實話,他們都賺到了,有的人翻了幾番,有的人賺得也不少。可你看看現在,他們哪個樂呵呵的?都怪自己賣得太早啊! 他們入手的時間都不一樣,早的在2016年底就下手了,晚點的也是在上一波牛市剛開始的時候。基本上,大家都經歷過買了之後虧錢的階段。可你說人性這東西,奇怪得很,跌了的時候,大家覺得反正是閒錢,不急著賣。等到市場好起來,價格往上漲了,反倒一個個都坐不住了。記得那時候,他們打電話給我說要賣,我勸他們說,牛市才剛開始,別急啊,再等等看。可他們等不及,說什麼落袋為安,這東西又看不見摸不著的,心裡不踏實。還說什麼等價格掉下來再買回來。錢是他們的,我也不能硬攔著,未來的事情誰說得準呢? 可是啊,很多人賣了之後,就跟比特幣沒啥關係了。清明節那會兒,還碰到一個以前買過的親戚,他挺後悔的,說當初要是聽我的話不賣,現在那幾萬塊錢就變成幾百萬了。我只能笑笑,這種事情,誰又能說得清呢? 比特幣這玩意兒,漲起來沒完沒了,翻倍都不算什麼稀奇事。在牛市裡要是沒吃飽,到了熊市,價格哗啦哗啦地往下掉,那可就難受了。那些老玩家都會說,如果……當初……可是啊,這世上哪有那麼多如果呢? 你看看歷史數據,2012年減半之前,比特幣跌了38%,減半之後漲了262倍。2016年減半前跌了19%,減半後漲了53倍。2020年減半前跌得更慘,跌了63%,但減半後還是漲了18倍。現在2024年減半前又跌了18%,你說減半後會漲多少呢? 比特幣還有幾天就要減半了,根據以前的經驗來看,這又是一個新的開始。不過啊,能笑到最後的人,真的不多。那些能在這個牛市週期裡保持冷靜,再熬過下一輪熊市,還能在裡面定投補倉,等到下一個牛市再來的時候,那就真的是大贏家了。希望我們都能堅持到那一天,一起讓那些懷疑的人看看,我們是對的。 #APT #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #CPI数据 #非农数据

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