According to Odaily, Harold, the founder of DIN (formerly known as the Polkadot ecosystem data analysis platform Web3Go), has expressed his agreement with the views of Victor Ji, co-founder of Manta Network. He stated that it is quite challenging for projects led by Asians to make progress within the Polkadot ecosystem.

Harold further elaborated on the additional issues that need to be faced and resolved, such as politics, relationships, and cliques. He recalled an event in Hong Kong in 2023, where Polkadot did not host any official activities. As a representative of the community, he applied for a grant of $10,000. The application process was painful, and the reporting requirements were too cumbersome, an experience he does not wish to repeat.

However, he noticed that many projects from Europe and America easily received hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in funding, which he deemed unfair. This highlights the disparity in the distribution of resources and support within the Polkadot ecosystem, particularly for projects originating from different geographical locations.