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75 Posts
It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, it’s how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong. #mindest #psychology #motivation
It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, it’s how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong.
#mindest #psychology #motivation
Why most crypto guys will lose money? Because they make decisions based on charts with 3-4 similar cases in past. Imagine you have a covid and your doctor says: I won't give you a vaccine but I can give you a pill no one knows about. But it helped 3 people. #InvestingSafety #strategy #Loss #psychology #RiskManagement
Why most crypto guys will lose money? Because they make decisions based on charts with 3-4 similar cases in past. Imagine you have a covid and your doctor says: I won't give you a vaccine but I can give you a pill no one knows about. But it helped 3 people.

#InvestingSafety #strategy #Loss #psychology #RiskManagement
"The Psychological Blueprint of Day Trading: Shaping Success through Mind Mastery" Day trading extends beyond market analysis; it's a mind game. The psychological aspect plays a pivotal role, dictating the outcomes of trades and defining success or failure. 1. Emotional Management: Emotions can steer decisions in day trading. Fear, greed, and excitement often lead to impulsive actions. Successful traders keep these emotions in check, relying on well-thought-out strategies rather than reactive decisions. 2. Discipline and Patience: Patience is a virtue in day trading. It's not just about entering and exiting trades but also knowing when not to trade. Maintaining discipline by adhering to set strategies, waiting for optimal setups, and avoiding excessive trading is vital for long-term success. 3. Risk Control: Psychology significantly influences risk management. Traders' abilities to set and stick to stop-loss orders, manage position sizes, and not allow losses to impact future decisions are key. Understanding that losses are part of trading and having the mental resilience to accept and learn from them is crucial. 4. Confidence and Self-Awareness: Balancing confidence with self-awareness is essential. Day traders need a blend of self-assurance and the humility to continuously learn and adapt. Acknowledging weaknesses and consistently improving strategies is critical for progress. 5. Stress Handling: The stress in day trading is intense. Managing stress through techniques like meditation, proper risk control, exercise, and breaks is essential for maintaining mental clarity and preventing burnout. In summary, mastering the psychological elements is as important as technical skills in day trading. Traders who control emotions, exercise discipline, manage risks effectively, balance confidence with self-awareness, and handle stress are better equipped to navigate the complexities of day trading, shaping a path toward success. 🔥FOLLOW ME FOR MORE CRYPTO INSIGHTS #BullRun #BTC #daytrading #psychology
"The Psychological Blueprint of Day Trading: Shaping Success through Mind Mastery"

Day trading extends beyond market analysis; it's a mind game. The psychological aspect plays a pivotal role, dictating the outcomes of trades and defining success or failure.

1. Emotional Management:

Emotions can steer decisions in day trading. Fear, greed, and excitement often lead to impulsive actions. Successful traders keep these emotions in check, relying on well-thought-out strategies rather than reactive decisions.

2. Discipline and Patience:

Patience is a virtue in day trading. It's not just about entering and exiting trades but also knowing when not to trade. Maintaining discipline by adhering to set strategies, waiting for optimal setups, and avoiding excessive trading is vital for long-term success.

3. Risk Control:

Psychology significantly influences risk management. Traders' abilities to set and stick to stop-loss orders, manage position sizes, and not allow losses to impact future decisions are key. Understanding that losses are part of trading and having the mental resilience to accept and learn from them is crucial.

4. Confidence and Self-Awareness:

Balancing confidence with self-awareness is essential. Day traders need a blend of self-assurance and the humility to continuously learn and adapt. Acknowledging weaknesses and consistently improving strategies is critical for progress.

5. Stress Handling:

The stress in day trading is intense. Managing stress through techniques like meditation, proper risk control, exercise, and breaks is essential for maintaining mental clarity and preventing burnout.

In summary, mastering the psychological elements is as important as technical skills in day trading. Traders who control emotions, exercise discipline, manage risks effectively, balance confidence with self-awareness, and handle stress are better equipped to navigate the complexities of day trading, shaping a path toward success.


#BullRun #BTC #daytrading #psychology
The Crucial Role of Trading Psychology in the Financial Markets In the world of finance and trading, success is not solely determined by one's analytical skills or market knowledge. A crucial yet often underestimated element in achieving profitable outcomes is trading psychology. The mental and emotional aspects of trading play a significant role in decision-making, risk management, and overall performance in the financial markets. Emotions, such as fear, greed, and anxiety, can significantly impact a trader’s decisions. Fear of loss might prompt premature selling, while greed could lead to irrational exuberance and taking unnecessary risks. A sound trading psychology helps in managing these emotions, enabling individuals to make rational and calculated decisions. Discipline is a cornerstone of successful trading psychology. A disciplined trader sticks to their strategy, respects risk management rules, and can withstand the emotional rollercoaster of the markets. Patience and resilience are equally vital, as markets can be volatile and unpredictable. Understanding that losses are a part of the trading journey helps traders to stay focused and motivated. Maintaining a balanced mindset is critical. Embracing both winning and losing trades as part of the process prevents emotional extremes that could cloud judgment. Moreover, self-awareness and the ability to control impulses are essential in making well-informed decisions. In essence, while market analysis and strategy are essential, the significance of trading psychology cannot be overstated. A trader equipped with a strong psychological foundation is better poised to navigate the complexities of the financial markets and ultimately improve their trading performance. Sharpening one's mental edge might be the key to unlocking success in the ever-fluctuating world of trading. 🔥🔥FOLLOW ME FOR MORE CRYPTOTRADING INSIGHTS🔥🔥
The Crucial Role of Trading Psychology in the Financial Markets
In the world of finance and trading, success is not solely determined by one's analytical skills or market knowledge. A crucial yet often underestimated element in achieving profitable outcomes is trading psychology. The mental and emotional aspects of trading play a significant role in decision-making, risk management, and overall performance in the financial markets.
Emotions, such as fear, greed, and anxiety, can significantly impact a trader’s decisions. Fear of loss might prompt premature selling, while greed could lead to irrational exuberance and taking unnecessary risks. A sound trading psychology helps in managing these emotions, enabling individuals to make rational and calculated decisions.
Discipline is a cornerstone of successful trading psychology. A disciplined trader sticks to their strategy, respects risk management rules, and can withstand the emotional rollercoaster of the markets. Patience and resilience are equally vital, as markets can be volatile and unpredictable. Understanding that losses are a part of the trading journey helps traders to stay focused and motivated.
Maintaining a balanced mindset is critical. Embracing both winning and losing trades as part of the process prevents emotional extremes that could cloud judgment. Moreover, self-awareness and the ability to control impulses are essential in making well-informed decisions.
In essence, while market analysis and strategy are essential, the significance of trading psychology cannot be overstated. A trader equipped with a strong psychological foundation is better poised to navigate the complexities of the financial markets and ultimately improve their trading performance. Sharpening one's mental edge might be the key to unlocking success in the ever-fluctuating world of trading.

4 Tips Mengatasi Kecemasan.#GrowandHeal Cemas sendiri merupakan rasa khawatir atau rasa takut yang intens berlebihan dan terus menerus yang berbuhungan dengan situasi sehari-hari. Rasa cemas ini biasanya dirasakan pada hal yang belum pasti terjadi.
 Ada 4 tips menangani kecemasan : 
1. Relaksasi, melakukan teknik relaksani sederhana mampu menurunkan rasa cemas. Misalnya melakukan teknik meditasi, merelaksasikan otot, mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan dan lainnya.
2. Setelah melakukan relaksasi, langkah selanjutnya adalah Memvalidasi perasaan kita dengan mengakui bahwa perasaan cemas yang kita rasakan adalah nyata. Hal tersebut adalah langkah awal untuk memperbaiki kecemasan yang kita rasakan.
3. Lalu yang ketiga, Mempertimbangkan kembali pikiran-pikiran yang menjadi alasan atas kecemasan yang kita rasakan. Hal tersebut membantu kita dapat menguraikan dan mengetahui asal muasal dan apa pemicu dari cemas yang kita rasakan.
4. Yang terakhir adalah Fokus pada tindakan apa yang akan kita lakukan untuk menghadapi kecemasan. Hal tersebut dapat membuat kita menyadari batasan diri, dapat mengetahui apa prioritas kita dan dapat bertindak sesuai kemampuan kita. 
Rasa cemas sendiri merupakan perasaan yang wajar dirasakan oleh manusia. Namun, apabila perasaan ini dirasakan berlebihan, perasaan ini dapat menghantui pikiran hingga mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari. Saat perasaan cemas ini terasa diluar kendali maka hal yang dapat kita lakukan adalah bercerita kepada orang terpercaya, terdekat ataupun kepada profesional untuk melepaskan beban yang dirasakan. Sekian untuk tulisan ini, semoga berguna untuk para pembaca tulisan ini. Tetap sehat! 💃 #psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologynews #psychologyupdate #binancecreator

4 Tips Mengatasi Kecemasan.

#GrowandHeal Cemas sendiri merupakan rasa khawatir atau rasa takut yang intens berlebihan dan terus menerus yang berbuhungan dengan situasi sehari-hari. Rasa cemas ini biasanya dirasakan pada hal yang belum pasti terjadi.
 Ada 4 tips menangani kecemasan : 
1. Relaksasi, melakukan teknik relaksani sederhana mampu menurunkan rasa cemas. Misalnya melakukan teknik meditasi, merelaksasikan otot, mendengarkan musik yang menenangkan dan lainnya.
2. Setelah melakukan relaksasi, langkah selanjutnya adalah Memvalidasi perasaan kita dengan mengakui bahwa perasaan cemas yang kita rasakan adalah nyata. Hal tersebut adalah langkah awal untuk memperbaiki kecemasan yang kita rasakan.
3. Lalu yang ketiga, Mempertimbangkan kembali pikiran-pikiran yang menjadi alasan atas kecemasan yang kita rasakan. Hal tersebut membantu kita dapat menguraikan dan mengetahui asal muasal dan apa pemicu dari cemas yang kita rasakan.
4. Yang terakhir adalah Fokus pada tindakan apa yang akan kita lakukan untuk menghadapi kecemasan. Hal tersebut dapat membuat kita menyadari batasan diri, dapat mengetahui apa prioritas kita dan dapat bertindak sesuai kemampuan kita. 
Rasa cemas sendiri merupakan perasaan yang wajar dirasakan oleh manusia. Namun, apabila perasaan ini dirasakan berlebihan, perasaan ini dapat menghantui pikiran hingga mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari. Saat perasaan cemas ini terasa diluar kendali maka hal yang dapat kita lakukan adalah bercerita kepada orang terpercaya, terdekat ataupun kepada profesional untuk melepaskan beban yang dirasakan. Sekian untuk tulisan ini, semoga berguna untuk para pembaca tulisan ini. Tetap sehat! 💃 #psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologynews #psychologyupdate #binancecreator
SentimentFrequently, we encounter situations where individuals do not express their own market opinions but instead relay others' viewpoints. This is typically evident in the way they present their analytical arguments. Such instances are manifestations of collective sentiment, providing subtle hints about potential future price movements, even if within the context of manipulation. This is why the skill of working with market sentiment is essential for any trader or investor.  Sentiment analysis in financial markets holds significance for several reasons. Understanding socially active individual market participants: Every trader or investor makes decisions based on their personal beliefs, experiences, and emotional state. Analyzing the sentiments of influential individuals allows us to comprehend the factors influencing their decisions and anticipate their behavior in the market.  For instance, when influencers exhibit fear or overconfidence, this can influence public opinion, which will eventually impact the market in terms of open interest and liquidity flow.  Understanding collective influence: The collective emotional state of the market is reflected in the crowd's reaction to specific price movements. The sentiment of the crowd creates a bias about market participation. When the crowd is highly enthusiastic, and discussions are bustling, open interest tends to increase. Conversely, when apathy prevails among a large audience, open interest stagnates, and prices may interact with prior key levels. When widespread sentiment leans towards confidence in a particular price movement scenario, this can result in the emergence of a significant layer of liquidity, making it a focal point for potential manipulation. Understanding collective sentiment aids in assessing potential risks and opportunities.  Personal bias: Working with sentiment is closely tied to self-analysis since every market participant is influenced by market sentiment, sometimes even externally imposed biases, which can distort one's perception of price action. Recognizing personal biases and being open to self-critique is vital to making more rational and well-justified decisions.  Social volume measures the attention a specific asset receives in terms of published posts, threads, and articles.  Trending words are indicators of hype and the frequency of specific words mentioned in discussions. These terms reflect the sentiment of a particular group of people, mainly the crowd. A discrepancy between the influencers' opinions and prices often leads to manipulation. Additionally, the crowd tends to support an asset's growth, so the trending words curve typically mirrors price movements closely.  


Frequently, we encounter situations where individuals do not express their own market opinions but instead relay others' viewpoints. This is typically evident in the way they present their analytical arguments. Such instances are manifestations of collective sentiment, providing subtle hints about potential future price movements, even if within the context of manipulation. This is why the skill of working with market sentiment is essential for any trader or investor.  Sentiment analysis in financial markets holds significance for several reasons. Understanding socially active individual market participants: Every trader or investor makes decisions based on their personal beliefs, experiences, and emotional state. Analyzing the sentiments of influential individuals allows us to comprehend the factors influencing their decisions and anticipate their behavior in the market.  For instance, when influencers exhibit fear or overconfidence, this can influence public opinion, which will eventually impact the market in terms of open interest and liquidity flow.  Understanding collective influence: The collective emotional state of the market is reflected in the crowd's reaction to specific price movements. The sentiment of the crowd creates a bias about market participation. When the crowd is highly enthusiastic, and discussions are bustling, open interest tends to increase. Conversely, when apathy prevails among a large audience, open interest stagnates, and prices may interact with prior key levels. When widespread sentiment leans towards confidence in a particular price movement scenario, this can result in the emergence of a significant layer of liquidity, making it a focal point for potential manipulation. Understanding collective sentiment aids in assessing potential risks and opportunities.  Personal bias: Working with sentiment is closely tied to self-analysis since every market participant is influenced by market sentiment, sometimes even externally imposed biases, which can distort one's perception of price action. Recognizing personal biases and being open to self-critique is vital to making more rational and well-justified decisions.  Social volume measures the attention a specific asset receives in terms of published posts, threads, and articles.  Trending words are indicators of hype and the frequency of specific words mentioned in discussions. These terms reflect the sentiment of a particular group of people, mainly the crowd. A discrepancy between the influencers' opinions and prices often leads to manipulation. Additionally, the crowd tends to support an asset's growth, so the trending words curve typically mirrors price movements closely.  
"Psychology of a Market Cycle." It shows a cycle of investor emotions and behaviors as they correlate with the market's performance over time, beginning with "Disbelief" and moving through "Hope," "Optimism," "Belief," "Thrill," and reaching "Euphoria" at the peak. After this peak, it indicates a downward trend through "Complacency," "Anxiety," "Denial," "Panic," "Capitulation," "Anger," and finally "Depression," before the cycle repeats. The graph suggests that there are optimal times to buy and sell: the "Buy Zone" during the "Depression" phase, and the "Sell Zone" at the peak of "Euphoria." This is a common concept in trading psychology, emphasizing how emotions can drive market cycles. #PsychologyinTrading #psychology #psychologynews
"Psychology of a Market Cycle." It shows a cycle of investor emotions and behaviors as they correlate with the market's performance over time, beginning with "Disbelief" and moving through "Hope," "Optimism," "Belief," "Thrill," and reaching "Euphoria" at the peak. After this peak, it indicates a downward trend through "Complacency," "Anxiety," "Denial," "Panic," "Capitulation," "Anger," and finally "Depression," before the cycle repeats. The graph suggests that there are optimal times to buy and sell: the "Buy Zone" during the "Depression" phase, and the "Sell Zone" at the peak of "Euphoria." This is a common concept in trading psychology, emphasizing how emotions can drive market cycles.
Strategic mindset Maintaining a professional and disciplined approach in trading is crucial, as it helps to eliminate emotional decision-making. While it's impossible to completely eradicate biases, you can establish rules, models, and criteria to guide your trading decisions. Pay close attention to every aspect of your trades by observing, researching, and recording what happens before, during, and after each trade. Analyze the time periods when errors occur and examine all the details: triggers, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, actions, changes in decision-making, shifts in market perception, and trading failures. Before entering a new trade, reflect on your past experiences. This will help you avoid repeating previous mistakes. The moments after completing trades provide an excellent opportunity to reflect on how you arrived at your decisions, including the thoughts and emotions that were present. The act of recording itself can help defuse your emotional state. Your primary objective is to develop a comprehensive trading strategy that covers every minute detail. Continuously document your behavioral patterns in great detail until you identify the initial triggers and analyze them as part of your trading preparation. Throughout your trading session, try to capture new details in your notes. Afterwards, combine and analyze your notes to better prepare for future sessions. Once you have identified the details associated with your trades, pay attention to the early triggers that precede each trade. This will allow you to spot minor errors or subtle changes in market perception. For instance, you might notice that you spend too much time on irrelevant information or make trades that don't align with your trading plan's criteria. Establish a structured daily schedule that aligns with the market sessions of your chosen instruments. Set a timer to go off at regular intervals during your scheduled breaks without disrupting your workflow. During these breaks, take a few minutes to observe your thought process and understand your emotional state. If you notice any signs of potential issues, make a note of them. Gain an understanding of the intensity of your emotions. While anger and frustration may seem like separate emotions, anger is essentially an escalated form of frustration. Recognizing how emotions intensify will help you identify patterns in your behavior, including the initial triggers. Remember that trading is a business, not a game of chance. It's crucial to maintain a professional mindset and adhere to your trading plan. By doing so, you can approach trading with a disciplined and strategic mindset. #strategy #psychology #trading

Strategic mindset

Maintaining a professional and disciplined approach in trading is crucial, as it helps to eliminate emotional decision-making. While it's impossible to completely eradicate biases, you can establish rules, models, and criteria to guide your trading decisions.

Pay close attention to every aspect of your trades by observing, researching, and recording what happens before, during, and after each trade. Analyze the time periods when errors occur and examine all the details: triggers, thoughts, emotions, behaviors, actions, changes in decision-making, shifts in market perception, and trading failures.

Before entering a new trade, reflect on your past experiences. This will help you avoid repeating previous mistakes. The moments after completing trades provide an excellent opportunity to reflect on how you arrived at your decisions, including the thoughts and emotions that were present. The act of recording itself can help defuse your emotional state.

Your primary objective is to develop a comprehensive trading strategy that covers every minute detail. Continuously document your behavioral patterns in great detail until you identify the initial triggers and analyze them as part of your trading preparation. Throughout your trading session, try to capture new details in your notes. Afterwards, combine and analyze your notes to better prepare for future sessions.

Once you have identified the details associated with your trades, pay attention to the early triggers that precede each trade. This will allow you to spot minor errors or subtle changes in market perception. For instance, you might notice that you spend too much time on irrelevant information or make trades that don't align with your trading plan's criteria.

Establish a structured daily schedule that aligns with the market sessions of your chosen instruments. Set a timer to go off at regular intervals during your scheduled breaks without disrupting your workflow. During these breaks, take a few minutes to observe your thought process and understand your emotional state. If you notice any signs of potential issues, make a note of them.

Gain an understanding of the intensity of your emotions. While anger and frustration may seem like separate emotions, anger is essentially an escalated form of frustration. Recognizing how emotions intensify will help you identify patterns in your behavior, including the initial triggers.

Remember that trading is a business, not a game of chance. It's crucial to maintain a professional mindset and adhere to your trading plan. By doing so, you can approach trading with a disciplined and strategic mindset.

#strategy #psychology #trading
EmotionsHave you ever faced a situation where, despite having a well-designed trading plan and a carefully crafted trading strategy, your actual trading day turned out to be completely unpredictable? In such instances, your actions deviate from the original plan, and momentary weakness casts doubt on the effectiveness of the entire trading session. These unexpected emotions can catch you off guard. One of the reasons for this is a lack of recognition of what is happening. Emotions often arise as immediate reactions or reflexes triggered by certain events, which traders often misinterpret as problems. Let's consider the example of a loss from a trade. Many traders may become furious and enter positions without following proper trading patterns. However, this doesn't happen to everyone. Instead of expressing anger, some traders easily cope with failures, instinctively understanding the situation and turning it into opportunities. Therefore, a crucial aspect of developing a trading plan is identifying and addressing your own internal struggles, which serve as the underlying cause of the problem. It's important to note that in many cases, the initial trigger for these emotions is subtle and barely perceptible consciously, yet it already impacts your mental stability and your habitual interaction with the market. Even if the trading day starts off on the wrong foot, by regaining composure at the right moment and avoiding impulsive reactions, you can prevent basic mistakes and maintain control over your psychological state, ultimately improving your performance. The secondary arousal occurs when a trader becomes aware of or reacts to the impulses, thoughts, and actions that occurred initially. In simple terms, the mind and thoughts amplify the emotions that have already emerged. In everyday life, people often don't differentiate between these experiences. However, if the source of the reflex is not identified, along with the secondary causes, finding a solution to the situation becomes challenging. Triggers will continue to generate more and more emotions that need to be managed. Awareness of the initial impulse and the subsequent reaction are the two starting points that enable progress. After all, stressful situations can accumulate and overlap, creating a precedent for a cumulative effect. #emotions #psychology #tradingtipoftheday


Have you ever faced a situation where, despite having a well-designed trading plan and a carefully crafted trading strategy, your actual trading day turned out to be completely unpredictable? In such instances, your actions deviate from the original plan, and momentary weakness casts doubt on the effectiveness of the entire trading session.

These unexpected emotions can catch you off guard.

One of the reasons for this is a lack of recognition of what is happening. Emotions often arise as immediate reactions or reflexes triggered by certain events, which traders often misinterpret as problems.

Let's consider the example of a loss from a trade. Many traders may become furious and enter positions without following proper trading patterns. However, this doesn't happen to everyone. Instead of expressing anger, some traders easily cope with failures, instinctively understanding the situation and turning it into opportunities. Therefore, a crucial aspect of developing a trading plan is identifying and addressing your own internal struggles, which serve as the underlying cause of the problem.

It's important to note that in many cases, the initial trigger for these emotions is subtle and barely perceptible consciously, yet it already impacts your mental stability and your habitual interaction with the market.

Even if the trading day starts off on the wrong foot, by regaining composure at the right moment and avoiding impulsive reactions, you can prevent basic mistakes and maintain control over your psychological state, ultimately improving your performance. The secondary arousal occurs when a trader becomes aware of or reacts to the impulses, thoughts, and actions that occurred initially. In simple terms, the mind and thoughts amplify the emotions that have already emerged.

In everyday life, people often don't differentiate between these experiences. However, if the source of the reflex is not identified, along with the secondary causes, finding a solution to the situation becomes challenging. Triggers will continue to generate more and more emotions that need to be managed.

Awareness of the initial impulse and the subsequent reaction are the two starting points that enable progress. After all, stressful situations can accumulate and overlap, creating a precedent for a cumulative effect.

#emotions #psychology #tradingtipoftheday
At one time, you see the token you watch pumped already. You feel FOMO, and open huge position. Later, it was apparently the peak, and you lost all your money. Another time, you feel FOMO, but you decide to wait. Unfortunately, the token price never go down to the entry point you want. Worse, it pumps further. You feel regret because you don't follow your feeling to go all in. So what's the solution? - If the token has strong fundamental, allocate small portion of your money to buy. Considering we are in early phase of bull market, the token you bought will go up eventually. - If you don't know anything about the token, only use the money you're comfortable losing. - Wait for your entry, but if you miss it, that's okay. There are countless opportunities, learn to accept that we cannot get all opportunities The key is your risk and money management. Follow your own rules. #trading #psychology #FOMO
At one time, you see the token you watch pumped already. You feel FOMO, and open huge position. Later, it was apparently the peak, and you lost all your money.

Another time, you feel FOMO, but you decide to wait. Unfortunately, the token price never go down to the entry point you want. Worse, it pumps further. You feel regret because you don't follow your feeling to go all in.

So what's the solution?

- If the token has strong fundamental, allocate small portion of your money to buy. Considering we are in early phase of bull market, the token you bought will go up eventually.

- If you don't know anything about the token, only use the money you're comfortable losing.

- Wait for your entry, but if you miss it, that's okay. There are countless opportunities, learn to accept that we cannot get all opportunities

The key is your risk and money management. Follow your own rules.

#trading #psychology #FOMO
5 Cara Untuk Memulihkan Kehilangan Seseorang Terdekat Ditinggalkan selamanya oleh orang terdekat dan juga tersayang adalah hal yang pasti akan dialami oleh semua orang. Namun, terkadang hal tersebut terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan memunculkan banyak perasaan. Rasa sedih, marah, hancur, kecewa dan perasaan campur aduk lainnya. 
Perasaan tersebut wajar dirasakan bagi setiap orang yang baru saja kehilangan. Namun, apabila perasaan-perasaan tersebut mulai mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari dan berlangsung cukup lama. Maka kita perlu lebih memperhatikan diri kita, karena jika didiamkan begitu saja dapat menyebabkan gangguan psikologi seperti Depresi, PTSD dan gangguan lainnya. 
Ada beberapa cara untuk memulihkan perasaan dan keadaan setelah kehilangan : 
1. Akui perasaan
coba mengakui perasaan sedihku. Tidak apa-apa untuk merasa bersedih, berduka. Rasa sedih adalah respon yang sangat wajar saat kita kehilangan seseorang yang kita sayangi. Jangan menyangkal perasaan tersebut, karena akan membuat kita justru lebih sulit untuk pulih.
2. Beri waktu diri sendiri untuk bersedih
Coba beri waktu diri sendiri untuk bersedih. Misalnya seperti mendengarkan lagu-lagu sedih, memutar ulang suara, video ataupun foto-foto. Lagi lagi jangan mencoba untuk melupakan memory itu ya, jangan menyangkal. Karena itu malah akan lebih menyulitkan untuk pulih.
3. Meminta dukungan
Saat sedih karena kehilangan seseorang. Hal yang pasti kita takutkan adalah kita merasa sendiri dan kesepian. Saat kita membutuhkan seseorang untuk diajak bercerita, cobalah bercerita kepada seseorang. Hal tersebut, bisa meringankan rasa sedih yang dirasakan.4. Membuat rencana kedepan
Saat merasa sedih, kita mungkin bisa menghibur diri kita dengan cara melakukan hal-hal yang biasanya bisa membuat kita senang. Misalnya seperti berjalan-jalan, menonton atau hal lainnya. 5. Memaafkan diri
Saat kehilangan orang tersayang. Terkadang masih ada perasaan-perasaan yang belum selesai. Ada perasaan bersalah, ada perasaan marah dan perasaan lainnya. Cobalah untuk memaafkan diri sendiri, akui perasaan itu dan maafkanlah diri sendiri. Coba peluk diri sendiri dan bilang bahwa aku telah memaafkan semuanya. Hal tersebut bisa membuat perasaan dan diri lebih tenang dan juga ringan.#psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologyupdate $USDC

5 Cara Untuk Memulihkan Kehilangan Seseorang Terdekat

Ditinggalkan selamanya oleh orang terdekat dan juga tersayang adalah hal yang pasti akan dialami oleh semua orang. Namun, terkadang hal tersebut terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan memunculkan banyak perasaan. Rasa sedih, marah, hancur, kecewa dan perasaan campur aduk lainnya. 
Perasaan tersebut wajar dirasakan bagi setiap orang yang baru saja kehilangan. Namun, apabila perasaan-perasaan tersebut mulai mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari dan berlangsung cukup lama. Maka kita perlu lebih memperhatikan diri kita, karena jika didiamkan begitu saja dapat menyebabkan gangguan psikologi seperti Depresi, PTSD dan gangguan lainnya. 
Ada beberapa cara untuk memulihkan perasaan dan keadaan setelah kehilangan : 
1. Akui perasaan
coba mengakui perasaan sedihku. Tidak apa-apa untuk merasa bersedih, berduka. Rasa sedih adalah respon yang sangat wajar saat kita kehilangan seseorang yang kita sayangi. Jangan menyangkal perasaan tersebut, karena akan membuat kita justru lebih sulit untuk pulih.
2. Beri waktu diri sendiri untuk bersedih
Coba beri waktu diri sendiri untuk bersedih. Misalnya seperti mendengarkan lagu-lagu sedih, memutar ulang suara, video ataupun foto-foto. Lagi lagi jangan mencoba untuk melupakan memory itu ya, jangan menyangkal. Karena itu malah akan lebih menyulitkan untuk pulih.
3. Meminta dukungan
Saat sedih karena kehilangan seseorang. Hal yang pasti kita takutkan adalah kita merasa sendiri dan kesepian. Saat kita membutuhkan seseorang untuk diajak bercerita, cobalah bercerita kepada seseorang. Hal tersebut, bisa meringankan rasa sedih yang dirasakan.4. Membuat rencana kedepan
Saat merasa sedih, kita mungkin bisa menghibur diri kita dengan cara melakukan hal-hal yang biasanya bisa membuat kita senang. Misalnya seperti berjalan-jalan, menonton atau hal lainnya. 5. Memaafkan diri
Saat kehilangan orang tersayang. Terkadang masih ada perasaan-perasaan yang belum selesai. Ada perasaan bersalah, ada perasaan marah dan perasaan lainnya. Cobalah untuk memaafkan diri sendiri, akui perasaan itu dan maafkanlah diri sendiri. Coba peluk diri sendiri dan bilang bahwa aku telah memaafkan semuanya. Hal tersebut bisa membuat perasaan dan diri lebih tenang dan juga ringan.#psychology #PsychologyinTrading #psychologyupdate $USDC
The psychology of trading The psychology of trading presents one of the most significant challenges, especially for day traders. Initially, when individuals enter the world of trading, they primarily focus on profit. Their thoughts are consumed by calculating how much they can earn. This focus on profit is entirely valid, as trading is, ultimately, a means to make money. However, the real trick lies in developing the mindset of a speculator. Over time, traders must shift their focus from profit to potential risk. The "Risk/Reward" calculator should be constantly running in their minds. If the potential for profit in a particular trade is low, then it's usually best to avoid it. However, for beginners, it often doesn't work this way. Their unaccustomed brains are constantly bombarded by new emotions, with the primary culprits being greed and fear. These emotions lead to continuous, uncontrollable reactions. To become a professional trader, one must learn to set aside these emotions. This is easier said than done. Everyone emphasises removing emotions from trading, but the reality is that emotions are deeply rooted in the subconscious, often overriding conscious efforts. To address this problem, a deeper understanding is needed, looking at the fundamental aspects. Fear: Fear arises when confronted with the unknown. Take the example of children's fear of the dark. Darkness was a historic human adversary because it harbored predators that could potentially harm people. For a long time, human civilization lacked the technological means to repel these predators. In our instincts, fear equates to death. This explains the intense reaction generated by fear. In modern times, cities are illuminated day and night, and predators are scarce. However, fear persists as if it's programmed into us. Why aren't adults afraid of the dark? They know there is nothing there. They are familiar with the situation, and this knowledge breeds confidence, mitigating fear. Greed: Understanding the roots of greed is a more intricate task. In essence, greed can be traced back to a form of fear. Imagine that our ancestors spent hundreds of thousands of years in conditions of resource scarcity. Food, clothing, warmth, and more were essential for survival. Life depended on securing these resources. If you couldn't feed yourself, you'd perish; if you were cold, you'd die. Death, in this context, is equated with fear. To save your life, you needed more resources. To ensure an abundance of resources, you had to strive tirelessly. Over millennia, for the sake of practicality and daily life, humanity introduced money as a means to acquire these resources. That's when greed became linked to money. In modern times, there is no resource shortage, but this deeply rooted emotion persists as part of our nature. Excessive greed typically leads to impulsive actions. While impulsiveness can be advantageous in some areas, it is detrimental in trading, where it often results in errors and losses. So, what can traders do to address these challenges? As previously discussed, it all boils down to fear, which can be conquered through familiarity. Familiarity, in this context, refers to understanding the relationships between different trading actions and their corresponding outcomes. Our field is entwined with probabilities. Mathematics underpins virtually every aspect of trading. To be profitable, traders must strive for more positive outcomes. Therefore, the key is to identify the chain of actions and consequences that leads to favorable results.

The psychology of trading

The psychology of trading presents one of the most significant challenges, especially for day traders. Initially, when individuals enter the world of trading, they primarily focus on profit. Their thoughts are consumed by calculating how much they can earn. This focus on profit is entirely valid, as trading is, ultimately, a means to make money. However, the real trick lies in developing the mindset of a speculator. Over time, traders must shift their focus from profit to potential risk. The "Risk/Reward" calculator should be constantly running in their minds. If the potential for profit in a particular trade is low, then it's usually best to avoid it.
However, for beginners, it often doesn't work this way. Their unaccustomed brains are constantly bombarded by new emotions, with the primary culprits being greed and fear. These emotions lead to continuous, uncontrollable reactions.
To become a professional trader, one must learn to set aside these emotions. This is easier said than done. Everyone emphasises removing emotions from trading, but the reality is that emotions are deeply rooted in the subconscious, often overriding conscious efforts. To address this problem, a deeper understanding is needed, looking at the fundamental aspects.
Fear: Fear arises when confronted with the unknown. Take the example of children's fear of the dark. Darkness was a historic human adversary because it harbored predators that could potentially harm people. For a long time, human civilization lacked the technological means to repel these predators. In our instincts, fear equates to death. This explains the intense reaction generated by fear.
In modern times, cities are illuminated day and night, and predators are scarce. However, fear persists as if it's programmed into us. Why aren't adults afraid of the dark? They know there is nothing there. They are familiar with the situation, and this knowledge breeds confidence, mitigating fear.
Greed: Understanding the roots of greed is a more intricate task. In essence, greed can be traced back to a form of fear. Imagine that our ancestors spent hundreds of thousands of years in conditions of resource scarcity. Food, clothing, warmth, and more were essential for survival. Life depended on securing these resources. If you couldn't feed yourself, you'd perish; if you were cold, you'd die. Death, in this context, is equated with fear. To save your life, you needed more resources. To ensure an abundance of resources, you had to strive tirelessly.
Over millennia, for the sake of practicality and daily life, humanity introduced money as a means to acquire these resources. That's when greed became linked to money. In modern times, there is no resource shortage, but this deeply rooted emotion persists as part of our nature.
Excessive greed typically leads to impulsive actions. While impulsiveness can be advantageous in some areas, it is detrimental in trading, where it often results in errors and losses.
So, what can traders do to address these challenges? As previously discussed, it all boils down to fear, which can be conquered through familiarity. Familiarity, in this context, refers to understanding the relationships between different trading actions and their corresponding outcomes. Our field is entwined with probabilities. Mathematics underpins virtually every aspect of trading. To be profitable, traders must strive for more positive outcomes. Therefore, the key is to identify the chain of actions and consequences that leads to favorable results.
To become a consistently profitable trader: 1. Develop a solid trading plan 2. Focus on risk management 3. Maintain a trading journal 4. Stay disciplined & patient 5. Continuously learn and adapt 6. Master your emotions 7. Treat trading like a business, not a hobby. #psychology
To become a consistently profitable trader:

1. Develop a solid trading plan
2. Focus on risk management
3. Maintain a trading journal
4. Stay disciplined & patient
5. Continuously learn and adapt
6. Master your emotions
7. Treat trading like a business, not a hobby.

🪷 2 Trade for Today 🪷 . . . 📈 $JTO Long 2X to 10X 📈 🪷 BP: 2.3498 TP: 2.7890 SL: 2.0399 ♨️ 📈 $ID 3X to 10X Long 📈 🪷 BP: 0.6062 TP: 0.7900 SL: 0.5700 🪷 Don’t forget to visit my profile. 😊 🪷 Trading is a game of Psychology. Price Action + Psychology = Boom 💥 🪷 My simple rule: Maximum Profits with absolute minimum risk with safety. $PIXEL #Write2Earn #ID #JTO #TRADING #psychology
🪷 2 Trade for Today 🪷
📈 $JTO Long 2X to 10X 📈
BP: 2.3498
TP: 2.7890
SL: 2.0399
📈 $ID 3X to 10X Long 📈
BP: 0.6062
TP: 0.7900
SL: 0.5700
Don’t forget to visit my profile. 😊
Trading is a game of Psychology.
Price Action + Psychology = Boom 💥
My simple rule: Maximum Profits with absolute minimum risk with safety.
$PIXEL #Write2Earn #ID #JTO #TRADING #psychology
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