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What causes the serious involution among college students? The reasons may include the following: 1. Intensified social competition: With the continuous development of society, competition is becoming more and more fierce. In order to gain an advantage in the competition, people need to continuously improve their abilities and qualities. In this case, in order to win the competition, people may spend more time and energy on learning and working, leading to an increase in involution. 2. The influence of cultural background: Some cultural backgrounds may lead people to pay more attention to education and career success. For example, some traditional cultures emphasize values ​​such as hard work and diligent study, which makes people more inclined to spend more time and energy on their studies and careers. 3. Increased social expectations: With the development of society, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of life and expectations. In this case, in order to meet the expectations of society and family, people need to continuously improve their abilities and qualities, leading to an increase in involution. 4. Personal factors: Some people may be more prone to involution. For example, some people may be more likely to feel anxious and uneasy, making it easier to spend more time and energy on learning and working to gain more sense of accomplishment and security. In short, the increase in involution may be the result of a variety of factors, including intensified social competition, the influence of cultural background, increased social expectations, and personal factors. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #非农就业数据即将公布 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC $BNB
What causes the serious involution among college students?

The reasons may include the following:

1. Intensified social competition: With the continuous development of society, competition is becoming more and more fierce. In order to gain an advantage in the competition, people need to continuously improve their abilities and qualities. In this case, in order to win the competition, people may spend more time and energy on learning and working, leading to an increase in involution.

2. The influence of cultural background: Some cultural backgrounds may lead people to pay more attention to education and career success. For example, some traditional cultures emphasize values ​​such as hard work and diligent study, which makes people more inclined to spend more time and energy on their studies and careers.

3. Increased social expectations: With the development of society, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of life and expectations. In this case, in order to meet the expectations of society and family, people need to continuously improve their abilities and qualities, leading to an increase in involution.

4. Personal factors: Some people may be more prone to involution. For example, some people may be more likely to feel anxious and uneasy, making it easier to spend more time and energy on learning and working to gain more sense of accomplishment and security.

In short, the increase in involution may be the result of a variety of factors, including intensified social competition, the influence of cultural background, increased social expectations, and personal factors.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #非农就业数据即将公布 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC $BNB
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
How to make hundreds of thousands with a few thousand in the cryptocurrency circle 1. Open an exchange. If you want to know which link in the cryptocurrency ecosystem is the most profitable, the exchange should be the first. So if you have enough funds and a certain degree of popularity, you can open a trading platform. 2. Develop a digital wallet. It is similar to the functions of "Alipay" or "WeChat Pay", which is mainly used for users to store digital assets and provide transfer functions. As long as the traffic is done, you can consider giving the wallet other derived ecosystems. With a large number of users, various profit methods and profits will naturally come. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis is released, and high-quality potential currencies are recommended #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BNB $BTC
How to make hundreds of thousands with a few thousand in the cryptocurrency circle

1. Open an exchange. If you want to know which link in the cryptocurrency ecosystem is the most profitable, the exchange should be the first. So if you have enough funds and a certain degree of popularity, you can open a trading platform.

2. Develop a digital wallet. It is similar to the functions of "Alipay" or "WeChat Pay", which is mainly used for users to store digital assets and provide transfer functions. As long as the traffic is done, you can consider giving the wallet other derived ecosystems. With a large number of users, various profit methods and profits will naturally come.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis is released, and high-quality potential currencies are recommended #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BNB $BTC
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
From Wells Notice to Prosecution: US SEC Chases Consensys Two months after the Wells Notice was issued, the US SEC decided to continue to pursue ConsenSys. On June 28, 2024, the US SEC formally sued ConsenSys. In the complaint filed by Consensys against the SEC, Consensys refuted the US SEC's three key points: Ethereum is a global computing platform, not an investment plan. ETH is not a security, but a commodity, which the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has repeatedly confirmed. Applications that allow people to use Ethereum to trade on their own are not securities brokers and therefore cannot be regulated by the US SEC. The SEC's illegal power grab has the potential to undermine the United States' position as the leader of the next generation of the Internet If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #币安合约锦标赛 #MiCA #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF $BNB $USDC
From Wells Notice to Prosecution: US SEC Chases Consensys

Two months after the Wells Notice was issued, the US SEC decided to continue to pursue ConsenSys.

On June 28, 2024, the US SEC formally sued ConsenSys.

In the complaint filed by Consensys against the SEC, Consensys refuted the US SEC's three key points:
Ethereum is a global computing platform, not an investment plan. ETH is not a security, but a commodity, which the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has repeatedly confirmed.

Applications that allow people to use Ethereum to trade on their own are not securities brokers and therefore cannot be regulated by the US SEC. The SEC's illegal power grab has the potential to undermine the United States' position as the leader of the next generation of the Internet

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #币安合约锦标赛 #MiCA #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF $BNB $USDC
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Justin Sun is secretly adding to his position in this dog coin! You should know that Justin Sun is definitely not stupid to make a fortune of 10 billion. He first bought Floki on January 24. Let's see how much Floki was at that time? Didn't he buy it just before the outbreak? After that, it soared 10 times, so you can also pay attention to it this time. After all, this coin has fallen so much, and a little allocation may have unexpected gains. So everyone should cherish every profit opportunity at the moment, work hard to hoard more coins, and prepare for the upcoming big bull Because no one asks about ten years of hard study, you will become famous overnight. And in the bull market next year, your name will be resounding in the neighborhood and become a new legend! If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 $BTC $BNB
Justin Sun is secretly adding to his position in this dog coin!

You should know that Justin Sun is definitely not stupid to make a fortune of 10 billion. He first bought Floki on January 24. Let's see how much Floki was at that time? Didn't he buy it just before the outbreak?

After that, it soared 10 times, so you can also pay attention to it this time. After all, this coin has fallen so much, and a little allocation may have unexpected gains.

So everyone should cherish every profit opportunity at the moment, work hard to hoard more coins, and prepare for the upcoming big bull

Because no one asks about ten years of hard study, you will become famous overnight. And in the bull market next year, your name will be resounding in the neighborhood and become a new legend!

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 $BTC $BNB
美最高法院推翻Chevron Deference的裁决对加密行业有利 美国最高法院法官周五以6比3的投票结果推翻了Chevron Deference规则,这是一项已有40年历史的法规,该法规规定当国会立法中存在含糊表述或规则空白时,允许负责实施该法律的行政机构制定立法性规则来解释法条含义。 加密行业人士表示,该裁决为加密行业带来了胜利。DeFi教育基金首席法律官Amanda Tuminelli表示:“这项裁决意味着,像SEC和CFTC这样的行政机构将需要更加谨慎地扩大其监管范围,尤其是在加密和人工智能等新兴且快速发展的领域。” 多数党党鞭Tom Emmer表示,这将对美国证券交易委员会主席Gary Gensler产生直接影响。他表示:“最高法院决定推翻Chevron,这削弱了Gensler和其他所有不受制约、未经选举的通过制定规则来立法的监管滥用行为。” 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,一个月翻10倍的选手,也欢迎跟单。每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 $BTC $USDC
美最高法院推翻Chevron Deference的裁决对加密行业有利

美国最高法院法官周五以6比3的投票结果推翻了Chevron Deference规则,这是一项已有40年历史的法规,该法规规定当国会立法中存在含糊表述或规则空白时,允许负责实施该法律的行政机构制定立法性规则来解释法条含义。 加密行业人士表示,该裁决为加密行业带来了胜利。DeFi教育基金首席法律官Amanda Tuminelli表示:“这项裁决意味着,像SEC和CFTC这样的行政机构将需要更加谨慎地扩大其监管范围,尤其是在加密和人工智能等新兴且快速发展的领域。” 多数党党鞭Tom Emmer表示,这将对美国证券交易委员会主席Gary Gensler产生直接影响。他表示:“最高法院决定推翻Chevron,这削弱了Gensler和其他所有不受制约、未经选举的通过制定规则来立法的监管滥用行为。”

想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,一个月翻10倍的选手,也欢迎跟单。每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 $BTC $USDC
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
There is no god in the cryptocurrency market. It is all about stable losses, small losses, no losses, and small wins. The process of a trader who can make stable profits is the process of "finding rules and forming a system". After stable losses → small losses → no losses → small wins, it is a step-by-step process. A trader who is new to the futures market often trades based on his intuition, but this intuition is often an illusion and a low-level form of intuition. They cannot make profits based on this intuition. A trader who has experienced long-term failures can use a mechanical trading system to regulate his trading behavior and thus become a system trader. This is a manifestation of progress and an important step for a failed trader to succeed. A successful trader is the trader who is still confident in the subsequent signals after continuous failures and decisively executes and never misses the big market. "Abandon all desires and be a determined system trader", only do what you can understand and what you can do! If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendation #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #MiCA $BTC $ETH
There is no god in the cryptocurrency market. It is all about stable losses, small losses, no losses, and small wins.

The process of a trader who can make stable profits is the process of "finding rules and forming a system". After stable losses → small losses → no losses → small wins, it is a step-by-step process.

A trader who is new to the futures market often trades based on his intuition, but this intuition is often an illusion and a low-level form of intuition. They cannot make profits based on this intuition.

A trader who has experienced long-term failures can use a mechanical trading system to regulate his trading behavior and thus become a system trader. This is a manifestation of progress and an important step for a failed trader to succeed.

A successful trader is the trader who is still confident in the subsequent signals after continuous failures and decisively executes and never misses the big market.

"Abandon all desires and be a determined system trader", only do what you can understand and what you can do!

If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendation #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #MiCA $BTC $ETH
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
What does the currency circle collapse mean? What are the factors affecting the currency circle collapse? The currency circle collapse refers to the change of all information and market forces in the currency circle within a certain period of time, causing a large number of virtual currencies to lose their original value, thereby causing a widespread decline in the entire virtual currency market. This decline may lead to an overall decline in the virtual currency market, and may even lead to the disappearance of some virtual currencies. Factors affecting the currency circle collapse Market risk Market risk refers to the risk caused by factors such as fluctuations in virtual currency prices in the currency circle, changes in market demand and supply, and investor sentiment fluctuations. Investors are often affected by market risks in the virtual currency market, which may cause changes in investors' investment strategies, resulting in rapid fluctuations or even collapses in the overall price of virtual currencies within a certain range. Policy risk The existence and development of virtual currencies are strongly affected by regulatory authorities and policies and regulations. The uncertainty of regulatory authorities and policies and regulations will cause some investors to lose confidence, leading to increased speculation and volatility in the entire market. Policy factors may also directly lead to the collapse of the virtual currency market, such as the use of virtual currencies being prohibited or restricted by policies. Technical risk In the virtual currency market, technical risk is also an important influencing factor. Technical problems such as defects, attacks and vulnerabilities in blockchain technology may lead to disturbances and collapses in the virtual currency market. Timely correction and prevention of technical problems are important means to ensure the stability and healthy development of the virtual currency market. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis is released, and high-quality potential currencies are recommended #非农就业数据即将公布 #MiCA #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $USDC
What does the currency circle collapse mean? What are the factors affecting the currency circle collapse?

The currency circle collapse refers to the change of all information and market forces in the currency circle within a certain period of time, causing a large number of virtual currencies to lose their original value, thereby causing a widespread decline in the entire virtual currency market. This decline may lead to an overall decline in the virtual currency market, and may even lead to the disappearance of some virtual currencies.

Factors affecting the currency circle collapse

Market risk
Market risk refers to the risk caused by factors such as fluctuations in virtual currency prices in the currency circle, changes in market demand and supply, and investor sentiment fluctuations. Investors are often affected by market risks in the virtual currency market, which may cause changes in investors' investment strategies, resulting in rapid fluctuations or even collapses in the overall price of virtual currencies within a certain range.

Policy risk
The existence and development of virtual currencies are strongly affected by regulatory authorities and policies and regulations. The uncertainty of regulatory authorities and policies and regulations will cause some investors to lose confidence, leading to increased speculation and volatility in the entire market. Policy factors may also directly lead to the collapse of the virtual currency market, such as the use of virtual currencies being prohibited or restricted by policies.

Technical risk
In the virtual currency market, technical risk is also an important influencing factor. Technical problems such as defects, attacks and vulnerabilities in blockchain technology may lead to disturbances and collapses in the virtual currency market. Timely correction and prevention of technical problems are important means to ensure the stability and healthy development of the virtual currency market.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have increased 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis is released, and high-quality potential currencies are recommended #非农就业数据即将公布 #MiCA #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $USDC
美民调显示近一半民主党选民认为拜登不应继续参加总统竞选 美国哥伦比亚广播公司和民调机构YouGov联合进行的一份民意调查结果显示,近一半(46%)的民主党选民认为美国现任总统拜登不应该继续参加11月即将举行的美国总统大选,这一数字较今年2月份上升了10个百分点。与此同时,仍然有54%的民主党选民表示拜登应该继续参选。据悉,这一民意调查是在6月28日至29日期间对1130名登记选民进行的,美国总统拜登和前总统特朗普于6月27日晚举行了第一场电视辩论,拜登在辩论中的不稳定表现引发部分民主党人对拜登是否应继续参与总统竞选的担忧。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,一个月翻10倍的选手,也欢迎跟单。每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $ETH $USDC


想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,一个月翻10倍的选手,也欢迎跟单。每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $ETH $USDC
一个问题摆在眼前,拜登与特朗普谁当选对中国更有利? 从当前消息来看,拜登已经锁定民主党总统候选人提名,而他的老对手特朗普,只要再赢下两个州,就可以锁定共和党总统候选人提名。这就意味着,今年的美国大选,仍然是拜登与特朗普“打擂台” 是拜登连任对中国有利?还是特朗普重新当选对中国更有利?对于这个问题,我有些个人见解。首先可以肯定一点,无论是拜登还是特朗普上台,对中国而言都是有利有弊的。 我个人认为,如果能够打破拜登与民主党的包围圈,那么拜登继续连任可能会好点,如果不能,我认为特朗普重新上台更加符合中国利益。至少他上台后,第一件事大概率是针对拜登以及民主党,这口恶气,他已经忍了很久。 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,一个月翻10倍的选手,也欢迎跟单。每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC $ETH




想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,点击头像关注我,一个月翻10倍的选手,也欢迎跟单。每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC $ETH
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
Don't play with contracts
Don't play with contracts
Why are most people in the cryptocurrency world not suitable for contracts?

Quoting my uncle's deeds, I advise everyone not to touch contracts or small currencies. In February 2021, my assets exceeded eight figures after hoarding coins for several years. My uncle knew about this. My uncle is a person who likes to think about things. He is an electrician. Although he has a low degree, he is good at thinking about things. People around him also think that he is a smart person and often makes money in various strange ways. My uncle learned from my mother that my assets have skyrocketed exponentially, and he immediately felt that the cryptocurrency world was profitable. One morning, after my uncle had a brief chat with me about the cryptocurrency world, I suggested that he wait and see and don't rush to buy coins. Even if he enters the market, he must not touch leverage and junk coins. But after more than an hour of thinking, he started buying coins in the afternoon (without understanding the technology at all). He said that his goal was to help his son earn money for a car of about 100,000 yuan, and leave the market immediately after earning it. In 2 weeks, he doubled his assets by playing contracts and deposited 20,000 RMB. Then he started to use 10x leverage in the contract market. After 2 weeks, his assets successfully reached 40,000 RMB. During this period, he told me his research experience and his views on investing in the cryptocurrency circle almost every day, and called on me to play contracts. Assets doubled 7 times in 1 and a half months. After a month and a half (2021.4), he told me that his assets reached 140,000, and the income in the third month exceeded 12 times. In the third month (2021.5), he not only played 50x leverage, but also started to speculate on junk coins (various unknown small currencies). At that time, his assets were around 250,000. At this time, he had begun to expand infinitely because he thought I was too bad and stopped communicating with me. In the 8th month, the profit was 40%. When my uncle came to me again, it was 5 months later (2021.10). He said that he lost a lot of money because of the liquidation, and several unknown currencies he bought also plummeted. Now there are less than 150,000 left. He feels useless and still thinks that my idea of ​​hoarding coins is better. I said you were already very good, but in the 15th month, you lost everything. The next time I spoke was 7 months later, when Luna crashed in May 2022. My uncle rushed into Luna with the only 60,000 yuan he had left, hoping for a sudden fortune, but ended up burying himself. Luna's death spiral directly reduced his assets to zero in one day.

#币安合约锦标赛 $ETH
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What to pay attention to when doing leveraged trading 1. Light position trading If you want to reduce risks, you have to trade with a light position. If you trade with a heavy position, a slightly larger market fluctuation may cause a liquidation situation. For a small position, even if you cannot make up for it in the first time, you can control the loss within an acceptable range. 2. Strict stop loss Stop loss must be set for each order, which means that when your current transaction loss reaches the set stop loss point, it will automatically close the position and stop trading, instead of losing money all the time. 3. Short-term and ultra-short-term trading Long order time means increased risk, because in the cryptocurrency market, we never know what will happen in the next second. For example, closing orders within 30 minutes and doing short-term and ultra-short-term trading can reduce risks. When the market fluctuates greatly, there may be huge profits or losses. This is a taboo. Don't take risks. Steady profits are the kingly way. 4. Enter the market at the right time Most investors believe that the current cryptocurrency market is not very stable. At present, investment in the currency circle also means certain risks. However, the risk of leveraged trading is higher than that of ordinary cryptocurrency investment. Therefore, when conducting leveraged trading, try to choose short-term investment as much as possible to avoid staying in the trading market for a long time. The longer the time, the higher the cost will be. 5. Seek high price fluctuations Pay attention to the price fluctuations in the market. When the market price fluctuates more, the price will rebound and rise rapidly. By analyzing and evaluating the K-line trend, predict the turning point of market price fluctuations, pick the right time, and conduct leveraged trading. At the same time, when entering the market, ensure that there is enough data and analysis to support your decision. 6. Ensure normal cash flow At any time, you must keep a good living expense, have spare money on hand, and be able to guarantee daily expenses, so that you can hold the currency with peace of mind and welcome the bull market with peace of mind. In reality, there are many people who fall before dawn because of various problems and need to cash out. I hope everyone will not become such a martyr. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders.Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendation
What to pay attention to when doing leveraged trading

1. Light position trading

If you want to reduce risks, you have to trade with a light position. If you trade with a heavy position, a slightly larger market fluctuation may cause a liquidation situation. For a small position, even if you cannot make up for it in the first time, you can control the loss within an acceptable range.

2. Strict stop loss

Stop loss must be set for each order, which means that when your current transaction loss reaches the set stop loss point, it will automatically close the position and stop trading, instead of losing money all the time.

3. Short-term and ultra-short-term trading

Long order time means increased risk, because in the cryptocurrency market, we never know what will happen in the next second. For example, closing orders within 30 minutes and doing short-term and ultra-short-term trading can reduce risks. When the market fluctuates greatly, there may be huge profits or losses. This is a taboo. Don't take risks. Steady profits are the kingly way.

4. Enter the market at the right time

Most investors believe that the current cryptocurrency market is not very stable. At present, investment in the currency circle also means certain risks. However, the risk of leveraged trading is higher than that of ordinary cryptocurrency investment. Therefore, when conducting leveraged trading, try to choose short-term investment as much as possible to avoid staying in the trading market for a long time. The longer the time, the higher the cost will be.

5. Seek high price fluctuations

Pay attention to the price fluctuations in the market. When the market price fluctuates more, the price will rebound and rise rapidly. By analyzing and evaluating the K-line trend, predict the turning point of market price fluctuations, pick the right time, and conduct leveraged trading. At the same time, when entering the market, ensure that there is enough data and analysis to support your decision.

6. Ensure normal cash flow

At any time, you must keep a good living expense, have spare money on hand, and be able to guarantee daily expenses, so that you can hold the currency with peace of mind and welcome the bull market with peace of mind. In reality, there are many people who fall before dawn because of various problems and need to cash out. I hope everyone will not become such a martyr.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders.Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendation
美国2024年总统选举首场电视辩论结束,第二场将于9月10日举行 美国当地时间6月27日晚,也就是北京时间今天(6月28日)上午,整场辩论持续了约90分钟,两人围绕美国经济、移民、堕胎以及俄乌冲突、巴以局势等问题展开辩论。 在应对移民问题上,拜登批评了特朗普执政时期实施的骨肉分离政策;而特朗普指责拜登政府未能确保美国南部边境安全,导致有罪犯进入美国。 围绕2021年1月6日国会山暴乱事件,拜登称,特朗普鼓励其支持者当天前往国会山。而特朗普否认对当天的暴乱事件负有责任。 在巴以问题上,拜登称,他推进的停火协议包括被扣押人员交换,并且是有附加条件的持续停火。在被问及是否支持建立一个独立的巴勒斯坦国以支持地区和平时,特朗普没有作出直接回答。 两人的第二场辩论将于9月10日举行 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF $USDC






#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF $USDC
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
WisdomTree is "very close" to being approved to conduct digital asset business in New York State Fox reporter Eleanor Terrett posted on the X platform that ETF issuer WisdomTree is working closely with NYDFS (New York State Department of Financial Services) to provide crypto-related products and services to New York customers. Sources said that NYDFS is "very close" to approving WisdomTree's Limited Purpose Trust Charter, which means it will be able to conduct digital asset business in New York State. Currently, only nine companies in the state have crypto-related limited purpose trust licenses, including Coinbase and Fidelity Digital Assets. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Meme板块普涨 $BTC $USDC
WisdomTree is "very close" to being approved to conduct digital asset business in New York State

Fox reporter Eleanor Terrett posted on the X platform that ETF issuer WisdomTree is working closely with NYDFS (New York State Department of Financial Services) to provide crypto-related products and services to New York customers.

Sources said that NYDFS is "very close" to approving WisdomTree's Limited Purpose Trust Charter, which means it will be able to conduct digital asset business in New York State. Currently, only nine companies in the state have crypto-related limited purpose trust licenses, including Coinbase and Fidelity Digital Assets.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Meme板块普涨 $BTC $USDC
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
Current market opportunities Although all this seems far away, Uncle Yang wants to tell you: the market really doesn't have much time left for us to make arrangements. If we can't seize the opportunity to make arrangements in every round of pullbacks, then this round of bull market will only leave you with a deficit account. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currencies recommended #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $BTC $
Current market opportunities

Although all this seems far away, Uncle Yang wants to tell you: the market really doesn't have much time left for us to make arrangements. If we can't seize the opportunity to make arrangements in every round of pullbacks, then this round of bull market will only leave you with a deficit account.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currencies recommended #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 $BTC $
Προβολή πρωτοτύπου
You haven't thought clearly at all, and maybe you have never seriously thought about why you established this position, why you hold this position, and how to treat this position. "Who am I?" "Where do I come from?" "Where am I going?" The only thing you know is that you want to make money. But everyone who comes to this market wants to make money. You just want to make money, and there is no difference between you and everyone else. Without any difference, there is no differentiated advantage. Capital has always only favored those who are different. Even if this difference is just a unique temperament, a temperament that dares to love when blood is flowing. Follow me, many years of experience in the currency circle, and a group of like-minded friends, you can also click on my avatar, follow me, and look at my information to find me #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $USDC
You haven't thought clearly at all, and maybe you have never seriously thought about why you established this position, why you hold this position, and how to treat this position.

"Who am I?" "Where do I come from?" "Where am I going?"

The only thing you know is that you want to make money.
But everyone who comes to this market wants to make money.

You just want to make money, and there is no difference between you and everyone else. Without any difference, there is no differentiated advantage. Capital has always only favored those who are different.

Even if this difference is just a unique temperament, a temperament that dares to love when blood is flowing.

Follow me, many years of experience in the currency circle, and a group of like-minded friends, you can also click on my avatar, follow me, and look at my information to find me #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $USDC
多学习,别瞎整:多学学币圈的知识嘛,比如看看某个币的基本情况,听听职业玩家咋说的。可别光听那些没谱的谣言和小道消息哦。 别太贪心啦:看到赚了点钱就想着再多赚点,结果可能啥都没了,最后一分钱都留不下。及时把一部分利润拿出来呀,别老想着一直赚更多。 别被情绪牵着走:市场波动老大了,可别因为别人着急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,你也跟着着急抛售,也别因为别人都在买,你就盲目跟着追涨哦。 时间是你的朋友:别着急呀,时间会帮你的。别想着一下子就暴富,耐心点,慢慢来,稳稳当当的,慢慢赚钱哟。 关注我,多年的币圈经验,有一帮志同道合的朋友,你也可以来点开我头像,关注我,看我资料找到我#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $ETH




关注我,多年的币圈经验,有一帮志同道合的朋友,你也可以来点开我头像,关注我,看我资料找到我#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $ETH
赚钱了,自然就生出看好的理由,高位站岗,或者买的币没大涨,自然就生出不看好的理由,至于牛逼的创新一直在某个角落慢慢地生长(因为牛逼的定义逻辑上就在开始阶段不被大众所知),平常心就好 《这让我觉得很奇怪,有什么理由不看好呢? 这很像是种了果树,根在长,枝在长,叶在长,只是还没结果实而已。 如果你只盯着果实,那将会是漫长的痛苦。 币圈大多是投资者,很容易陷入这种没有果实的悲伤里。—橙皮书》 关注我,多年的币圈经验,有一帮志同道合的朋友,你也可以来点开我头像,关注我,看我资料找到我#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $ETH

关注我,多年的币圈经验,有一帮志同道合的朋友,你也可以来点开我头像,关注我,看我资料找到我#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 $BTC $ETH
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