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Why do people hate $ZK? Firstly, the airdrop was distributed mostly to well-known influencers or the ZK team itself so that there was injustice, secondly the ZK team perhaps took too lightly the community who provided input. but do you remember the incident with $SEI? , they are bad at airdrops , but $SEI can rise with its uniqueness, will $ZK follow suit? $ZK
Why do people hate $ZK ? Firstly, the airdrop was distributed mostly to well-known influencers or the ZK team itself so that there was injustice, secondly the ZK team perhaps took too lightly the community who provided input. but do you remember the incident with $SEI? , they are bad at airdrops , but $SEI can rise with its uniqueness, will $ZK follow suit?

The meme coin world is in mourning 🥲🥲😭. one of the iconic dogecoin memes (Kabosu), this dog has been declared dead this year based on an article shared with the username X @kabosumama, and citing the official X vitalik buterin account he also expressed his condolences. So what will happen to memecoin in the future? , is it time for the frog growing season? $DOGE $PEPE
The meme coin world is in mourning 🥲🥲😭.

one of the iconic dogecoin memes (Kabosu), this dog has been declared dead this year based on an article shared with the username X @kabosumama, and citing the official X vitalik buterin account he also expressed his condolences. So what will happen to memecoin in the future? , is it time for the frog growing season?

Last night most ethereum ETFs were inaugurated by the US Sec, but why is $ETH weakening? , where did the billions of dollars go? #Ethereum $ETH
Last night most ethereum ETFs were inaugurated by the US Sec, but why is $ETH weakening? , where did the billions of dollars go?

#Ethereum $ETH
Did you know PlusToken is the biggest fraud in Asia, with estimated loss of 2 B USD worth BTC & ALTPlusToken is one of the largest cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes in history, leaving thousands of investors defrauded of billions of dollars. PlusToken emerged in mid-2018, primarily targeting investors in China and other Asian countries. The scheme promised high returns on investments made into its platform, which purported to be a cryptocurrency wallet and exchange. PlusToken claimed to generate profits through various trading activities and offered lucrative bonuses to those who recruited new members. The scheme quickly gained popularity, attracting a large number of investors who were enticed by the promise of significant returns. PlusToken's operators aggressively promoted the platform through social media channels and organized events to attract new investors. As more investors poured money into PlusToken, the scheme appeared to be thriving, and many participants reported receiving returns on their investments. However, behind the scenes, PlusToken was operating as a classic Ponzi scheme, using funds from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors while siphoning off a portion of the money for the scheme's operators. By mid-2019, concerns began to emerge about the legitimacy of PlusToken, with reports of delayed withdrawals and suspicious activity on the platform. In June 2019, Chinese authorities launched an investigation into PlusToken and arrested several individuals associated with the scheme. However, by that time, PlusToken's operators had already disappeared with billions of dollars' worth of cryptocurrency. The collapse of PlusToken resulted in significant losses for investors, with estimates suggesting that the scheme defrauded participants of more than $2 billion worth of various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. Support me : $BTC : bc1qpljwctufd3xzvvsr2tc0flzx676wp6qp36edue $ETH : 0x271610b77e9c8a04b2e2821d90a72efd737ed108 Thank you .

Did you know PlusToken is the biggest fraud in Asia, with estimated loss of 2 B USD worth BTC & ALT

PlusToken is one of the largest cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes in history, leaving thousands of investors defrauded of billions of dollars.
PlusToken emerged in mid-2018, primarily targeting investors in China and other Asian countries. The scheme promised high returns on investments made into its platform, which purported to be a cryptocurrency wallet and exchange. PlusToken claimed to generate profits through various trading activities and offered lucrative bonuses to those who recruited new members.
The scheme quickly gained popularity, attracting a large number of investors who were enticed by the promise of significant returns. PlusToken's operators aggressively promoted the platform through social media channels and organized events to attract new investors.
As more investors poured money into PlusToken, the scheme appeared to be thriving, and many participants reported receiving returns on their investments. However, behind the scenes, PlusToken was operating as a classic Ponzi scheme, using funds from new investors to pay returns to earlier investors while siphoning off a portion of the money for the scheme's operators.
By mid-2019, concerns began to emerge about the legitimacy of PlusToken, with reports of delayed withdrawals and suspicious activity on the platform. In June 2019, Chinese authorities launched an investigation into PlusToken and arrested several individuals associated with the scheme. However, by that time, PlusToken's operators had already disappeared with billions of dollars' worth of cryptocurrency.
The collapse of PlusToken resulted in significant losses for investors, with estimates suggesting that the scheme defrauded participants of more than $2 billion worth of various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

Support me :
$BTC : bc1qpljwctufd3xzvvsr2tc0flzx676wp6qp36edue
$ETH : 0x271610b77e9c8a04b2e2821d90a72efd737ed108

Thank you .
South Korean Professor Make a Human Poop Into Cryptocurrency Poop to earn 😱Professor of urban and environmental engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Cho Jae Weon’s research interests include sustainable urban development. He has devised a loo that is kind to the environment. But that’s not the only thing. The toilet at Cho’s home is connected to a laboratory that converts human waste into biogas and fertilizer. Professor Cho Jae-Weon is the one who came up with the idea for the BeeVi toilet, which combines the concepts of bees and vision. The toilet eliminates the need for buckets full of water by eliminating the need for its suction function, which whisks the waste away into an underground tank. The faeces are broken down and converted into methane by microorganisms that have been purposefully introduced into the tank. After that, the methane is converted into an energy source for the structure. To this point, it has been used to power a gas stove, heat water, and a solid oxide fuel cell. All of these uses need energy. Defecation has the potential to be a valuable resource for the production of both energy and manure if we only look outside the box. “I have released this value into ecological circulation,” remarked Cho. There is no reason humans can’t make this a gigantic phenomenon, contrary to the opinions of certain commenters who believe it isn’t worth doing until it works on a large scale. A person defeces around 500 grams of the good stuff daily, the outcome is 50 liters of methane gas, which generates 0.5-kilowatt hours of power. This will power a car for 1.2km or 0.75 miles. Realizing that this means that the more people that use your bathroom, the more energy you will have, public places like gyms and restaurants would be wise to work on persuading humans to come and spend time in the areas of the building that are the smallest. To encourage individuals to defecate in areas where it can be put to beneficial use, Professor Cho has devised a new cryptocurrency that he calls Ggool (which translates to “honey”). Everyone who defecates in the unique throne in exchange for 10 Ggool will get the reward. The Ggool may already be used to purchase various items. On campus, students at the institution have access to various retail options, including coffee shops, noodle restaurants, and book stores. $BNB

South Korean Professor Make a Human Poop Into Cryptocurrency Poop to earn 😱

Professor of urban and environmental engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Cho Jae Weon’s research interests include sustainable urban development.
He has devised a loo that is kind to the environment. But that’s not the only thing. The toilet at Cho’s home is connected to a laboratory that converts human waste into biogas and fertilizer.
Professor Cho Jae-Weon is the one who came up with the idea for the BeeVi toilet, which combines the concepts of bees and vision.
The toilet eliminates the need for buckets full of water by eliminating the need for its suction function, which whisks the waste away into an underground tank.
The faeces are broken down and converted into methane by microorganisms that have been purposefully introduced into the tank. After that, the methane is converted into an energy source for the structure. To this point, it has been used to power a gas stove, heat water, and a solid oxide fuel cell. All of these uses need energy.
Defecation has the potential to be a valuable resource for the production of both energy and manure if we only look outside the box. “I have released this value into ecological circulation,” remarked Cho.
There is no reason humans can’t make this a gigantic phenomenon, contrary to the opinions of certain commenters who believe it isn’t worth doing until it works on a large scale.
A person defeces around 500 grams of the good stuff daily, the outcome is 50 liters of methane gas, which generates 0.5-kilowatt hours of power. This will power a car for 1.2km or 0.75 miles.
Realizing that this means that the more people that use your bathroom, the more energy you will have, public places like gyms and restaurants would be wise to work on persuading humans to come and spend time in the areas of the building that are the smallest.
To encourage individuals to defecate in areas where it can be put to beneficial use, Professor Cho has devised a new cryptocurrency that he calls Ggool (which translates to “honey”). Everyone who defecates in the unique throne in exchange for 10 Ggool will get the reward.
The Ggool may already be used to purchase various items. On campus, students at the institution have access to various retail options, including coffee shops, noodle restaurants, and book stores.
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