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🚀🚀Crypto world and Wall Street are teaming up in a rare alliance! They're asking President Biden to rethink his plan to veto a resolution that would cancel a controversial SEC crypto policy.🤝 💼SAB 121, the policy in question, requires banks to treat digital assets differently, keeping them on balance sheets. Crypto companies and banks agree that this could hinder their business.👎 📝In a letter to Biden, groups including the American Bankers Association and Financial Services Forum said SAB 121 "precludes regulated banking organizations from offering digital asset custody at scale." They're asking Biden to reconsider, or at least work with the SEC to rescind the guidance.🙏 🏛️Meanwhile, 11 Senate Democrats, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have also gone against the president on this issue. They argue the SEC's policy sets a different standard for crypto than the rest of the financial sector.🔍 🗣️What do you think? Should Biden veto the resolution or not? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews

🚀🚀Crypto world and Wall Street are teaming up in a rare alliance! They're asking President Biden to rethink his plan to veto a resolution that would cancel a controversial SEC crypto policy.🤝

💼SAB 121, the policy in question, requires banks to treat digital assets differently, keeping them on balance sheets. Crypto companies and banks agree that this could hinder their business.👎

📝In a letter to Biden, groups including the American Bankers Association and Financial Services Forum said SAB 121 "precludes regulated banking organizations from offering digital asset custody at scale." They're asking Biden to reconsider, or at least work with the SEC to rescind the guidance.🙏

🏛️Meanwhile, 11 Senate Democrats, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have also gone against the president on this issue. They argue the SEC's policy sets a different standard for crypto than the rest of the financial sector.🔍

🗣️What do you think? Should Biden veto the resolution or not? Share your thoughts in the comments!👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews

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