Binance Square
The Bitcoin white paper is back on, following a failed court bid by Craig Wright to establish himself as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin's anonymous creator. Previously, due to legal issues, had to limit access to the white paper for UK users. In 2021, Wright won a copyright infringement case against the site's anonymous operators, leading to the removal of the white paper. However, Wright's claim to be Nakamoto has since been debunked, invalidating his copyright claim. The white paper is now under an MIT open-source license, allowing anyone to use and modify the code freely.

The Bitcoin white paper is back on, following a failed court bid by Craig Wright to establish himself as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin's anonymous creator. Previously, due to legal issues, had to limit access to the white paper for UK users. In 2021, Wright won a copyright infringement case against the site's anonymous operators, leading to the removal of the white paper. However, Wright's claim to be Nakamoto has since been debunked, invalidating his copyright claim. The white paper is now under an MIT open-source license, allowing anyone to use and modify the code freely.

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