Did you know what is Compute-to-Data?

In simple words, it is a technology that allows you to interact with data using various algorithms, without actually taking possession of this data. This means that the buyer can get the necessary information, and the seller of data can get remuneration for working with his information asset without the threat of leakage or loss of the data itself.

Private data is one of the most expensive information assets, as it can have a positive impact on various kinds of research and business, but interacting with such data is complicated by the high risk of losing that data. It is for this purpose that the Compute-to-Data tool was developed.

It is a technological approach used to process data at the point of storage, without the need to move the data to the user or analyst. This approach provides increased security and privacy, as the data does not leave the secure environment in which it is stored. This is especially valuable in areas where data privacy requirements are stringent, such as healthcare, finance or government.

What are the features of Compute-to-Data?

1. Data processing at the source: Computational processes take place where the data physically resides, meaning that data owners always retain control of the data.

2. Huge data sets: Data owners can share or sell data without having to move it, which is ideal for very large data sets that are slow or expensive to move.

3. Compliance: European data protection regulations (GDPR) require sensitive data to stay on European soil. C2D makes that easy, since data stays on-prem.


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