I'd like to inform you that there is a very interesting event for scientists who work with data, organized by @Ocean Protocol

The French challenge on Innovation and Prediction of Fiscal Artificial Intelligence: using data for municipal financial analytics.

In this event, participants will have to analyze French fiscal data for the last 40 years, in order to identify correlations between population and tax revenues, as well as to assess the impact of tax policy changes on municipal revenues and ultimately the impact of tax policy changes on municipal revenues and ultimately provide practical ideas for the financial management of French municipalities.

📅 June13 - July 13
💰 $15,000 USD

If you are interested, Whether you are an experienced data scientist or just starting out, there is a place for you in our community of data scientists

You can access the competition here - https://competitions.desights.ai/challenge/26?utm_source=bp2d&utm_medium=bp2d&utm_campaign=bp2

#data  #ArtificialIntelligence