Okay, we’re gonna keep this short and sweet.

Kim wants ur ETH <> USDC LP.

You want a tonne of rewards to, potentially, convert to more ETH/USDC.

(Then you could even provide more ETH <> USDC LP?).

If that’s the case, follow along to be in with a chance to earn another slice of that sweet Mode DevDrop.

How To Feed Muh Familia, Ser

It’s super easy:

  • Be in the top 2,000 Kim Points Leaderboard

  • Provide a minimum of $100 in new  LP to the ETH <> USDC pair on Kim.

So long as you’re in the top 2,000 on the leaderboard and provide new LP on the pool you’ll take home a chunk of the Mode DevDrop - that’s photons and orbs (whatever tf they are, but the folks from Mode said there’s alpha behind them and they have a TGE soon(™) so let’s see 🤷)).

⚠️Top tips for boosting ur points:

  • Invite ur friends with the Kim referral programme

  • Provide LP in any verified pool (keep an eye out for the ones with boosted points!)

  • Swap verified tokens (wash trading doesn’t count btw)

Good Luck, Anon

It’s hard to fumble the bag on this one, anon.

Follow us on socials, and provide LP.

#ETH #USDC #Airdrop‬ #ModeNetwork #Mode