Driven exclusively by our love for bald headed CEOs, Kim is embarking on its next chapter.

We’re going (to) Base(d).

Yep, the hottest L2 on the Optimism Superchain, the lovechild of Coinb*** and Ethereum, Brian and Vitalik, is getting Kim-ified.

It’s true; we’re launching on Base 🎉

Why Base

Because it’s based.

No, Really, Why Base?

  1. It’s Based

  2. Ski to where the puck is heading, kiddo.

We’re absurdly bullish Web3. We’re even more bullish Superchain. And, as part of that, we’re bullish Base.

The Base team (s/o Jesse, pls acknowledge us 👋) have been working miracles when it comes to bringing users onchain.

And we don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon.

More users will have access to Kim; the most rewarding DEX in Web3.

For our current users - expect deeper liquidity pools, more incentives, and a more refined user experience.

Get Based With Us, Anon

If you’re a new user from the Base ecosystem, welcome - and enjoy the dank-load of rewards heading your way.

Existing users? Thank you for the support. Thank you for the liquidity. You will be rewarded.

Oh, and follow us on X, and join us on Discord.