Binance Square
Dan Altman
Explaining Economics Like You're 9 Years Old! How Money, Jobs, and Spending Keep Our Town (and Economy) Running! Alright! Think of the economy like a big, bustling town with lots of people and businesses. Money is like the energy that keeps everything moving. When people have jobs and earn money, they can buy things they need or want. Businesses use that money to make more products or provide services, which creates more jobs and more money flowing around. Now, imagine there's a big balance scale in this town. On one side, there's all the money people have to spend (income), and on the other side, there are all the things they want to buy (goods and services). When these two sides are balanced, it means the economy is doing well. However, sometimes things can get out of balance. For example, if people start losing jobs and don't have as much money to spend, the scale tips, and businesses might not sell as much. This can slow down the economy. To help keep things in balance, governments and central banks step in. They might adjust interest rates (the cost of borrowing money) or spend money on big projects to stimulate the economy when it's slow. They also have tools to control inflation (when prices rise too fast) and deflation (when prices fall). So, the economy is like a big, interconnected system where money, jobs, businesses, and government policies all work together to keep things running smoothly. Simple Right? Shalom.

Explaining Economics Like You're 9 Years Old!

How Money, Jobs, and Spending Keep Our Town (and Economy) Running!

Alright! Think of the economy like a big, bustling town with lots of people and businesses. Money is like the energy that keeps everything moving. When people have jobs and earn money, they can buy things they need or want. Businesses use that money to make more products or provide services, which creates more jobs and more money flowing around.

Now, imagine there's a big balance scale in this town. On one side, there's all the money people have to spend (income), and on the other side, there are all the things they want to buy (goods and services). When these two sides are balanced, it means the economy is doing well.

However, sometimes things can get out of balance. For example, if people start losing jobs and don't have as much money to spend, the scale tips, and businesses might not sell as much. This can slow down the economy.

To help keep things in balance, governments and central banks step in. They might adjust interest rates (the cost of borrowing money) or spend money on big projects to stimulate the economy when it's slow. They also have tools to control inflation (when prices rise too fast) and deflation (when prices fall).

So, the economy is like a big, interconnected system where money, jobs, businesses, and government policies all work together to keep things running smoothly.

Simple Right?


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People who know how to make money will always make money, no matter how or where from. Simple! Read till the end! They know how to take money from you! They know you aren't stable. While you don't have such money, you're still buying expensive things just to impress people you don't like, with money you don't have. People outside dress well just for other people, but their bank accounts look like 🗑! They are so afraid that you might even think they're broke. Everything is fake! Broke people will tell you, 'fake it till you make it,' but by acting this way, you're missing true opportunities! Why? Because you're pretending to be someone you're not! Most of y'all don't know crypto or are just holding a few dollars, but your actions and behavior say something else. I had a similar experience with a stranger that day! He was such a j3rk and so proud that he's been into crypto for a few years. He talked so much about it, but when it came to 'show me,' the results were awful. Yet, he acted like he had at least half a million! What a stupid kid. From there, I understood there are so many like him, living in their imaginations of 'One Day, I will make it.' Why wonder if you can start now? Instead of learning charts and these stupid things, learn economics. Learn how money works and flows. Learn what happened in 2008 and back until 3 BC, what led to it. Learn how reserve banks work. Learn why they print money. Learn about inflation. Learn cause and effect. Choose one book on economics and ecosystems, and read it. Once you've done that, move on to the next one, then the third one, and so on. After a few years, you will be amazed at how much knowledge you have about finances and economics. Our brains are like sponges, get used to reading books! If you're young, it's amazing. Start little by little. Personally, I read a book per week, which is around 50 books a year! What about you? Shalom.
Beginners! Sitting at home and earning a few dollars online each day will lead you to a dead end! In my free time, I provide online finance education to my clients, sometimes to friends, relatives, or their cousins, for free. I simply enjoy helping people, and I particularly love economics. Today, I had a very interesting client who told me he's into crypto and has found a way to earn a few dollars a day, around $2 - $3. Initially, I was happy for him, but when he mentioned it takes him around 6 hours a day, I felt frustrated and disappointed. I explained to him politely that he's focusing too much on earning dollars rather than considering the time and effort required. It's simply not worth it! You can't buy back your time, so why waste it for a few dollars online when you could earn more with a 9 to 5 job and invest the rewards in your crypto account? I understand the skepticism some people have towards 9 to 5 jobs, but they are crucial, especially in the beginning. You need to build your fundamentals, and if your job involves physical work, it's even better for you. We are meant to move and engage in physical activities. Don't forget about the social aspect too; you meet new opportunities and people daily. Please don't harbor negative feelings towards 9 to 5 jobs. They mark the beginning of a new era. Many people are misled into thinking that 9 to 5 jobs are bad or that they're selling their dreams for a monthly salary, but that's not true. You're laying the foundation for your future. Our parents worked 9 to 5 jobs without complaint. Personally, I've worked 9 to 5 jobs for a few years just to build myself up. I met great people who are still in my life today. Yes, I sweated, complained every morning, and hated the job, but I stuck to my plan because I knew success was on its way! Shalom.

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