2024 is destined to be a pivotal year for Web3 development. With concepts like decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN)and the metaverse continuing to gain traction, Web3 is attracting widespread attention and a surge of capital. Among the various tracks within Web3, social networking undoubtedly stands out as one of the most vibrant and innovative sectors.As an early participant in this track, INTO has been actively establishing its presence since early 2023, and within just a few months of its launch, it has distinguished itself within the industry with its unique appeal. INTO’s emergence brings new possibilities for social networking within the Web3 space, actively paving the way for a comprehensive decentralized social ecosystem.

With a blue ocean market of 4.5 billion users, Web3 social leads the trend

Since the dawn of the internet, social networking has consistently been a focal point of interest and value. From the bulletin board systems (BBS) and blogs that characterized the Web1 era to the rise of platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Facebook, and Twitter during the Web2 era, and onto today’s blockchain-based social platforms in the Web3 era, the evolution of social platforms is evident. Yet, through all these changes, their commercial value and influence have only continued to expand every day..

According to statistics, the global social media user base has exceeded 4.5 billion and is still growing at a rate of 10% per year. Social platforms not only connect people but also reshape people’s lifestyles and business models. It’s often said that whoever controls the social platform controls the future of the Internet.

The emergence of Web3 is bringing unparalleled opportunities to the social field. Web3 emphasizes decentralization, data privacy protection, and user rights, factors which are fundamentally different from those associated with traditional centralized social platforms. In Web3 social networking, users can truly control their own data assets.This concept has resonated widely since its introduction.

At the same time, Web3 social provides users with more diversified ways of creating and obtaining value. For example, users can tokenize their influence, realize the rights and transactions of digital assets; they can get token incentives by contributing content; and they can participate in DAO governance, truly becoming the owners of the platform. These possibilities are unimaginable in traditional Web2 social networking.

Hence, Web3 social networking signifies an untapped blue ocean market, with a potential scope that is vast and difficult to quantify. An increasing number of leading projects and entrepreneurial teams are venturing into the Web3 social arena, signaling the onset of a quiet social revolution. Among the myriad of Web3 social initiatives, INTO stands out prominently. With a sharp sense of the evolving trends in Web3 social networking, INTO has adopted a distinctive product design strategy.

Endorsed by Millions of Users, INTO’s Global Community Ecosystem Layout

Since its official launch in June 2023, INTO has risen at an astonishing pace, becoming a well-deserved star project in the Web3 social realm.

From its initial testing phase, to the launch of social mining, and further to the public beta and mainnet launch, INTO has amassed a user base of millions in just a few short months. According to official data, as of March 2024, INTO has nearly 10 million registered users, with close to 800,000 users completing SBT digital identity authentication, and a stable daily active user count in the hundreds of thousands. In the entire Web3 landscape, few projects have achieved such results in such a short period of time.

The rapid growth of INTO is attributed to its remarkable achievements in global community building. Since the second half of 2023, INTO has embarked on a global community layout. Currently, INTO has coverage in nearly 100 countries or regions worldwide, and has established local communities and offline offices in some key cities, with city nodes spanning major regions globally. This “rooted in local, layout global” community strategy has enabled INTO to quickly establish a globally spanning social network.

In addition to community building, INTO also places great emphasis on the expansion of its ecosystem applications. INTO understands the internet rule of “content is king, traffic is emperor”. In order to retain and activate users, and thus the platform has expanded into areas such as content and entertainment beyond social networking. Among them, blockchain gaming is a recent highlight in the INTO ecosystem, with the highly anticipated debut blockchain game “PhantomArena” receiving cooperation intentions from several leading gaming guilds including YGG. It is anticipated that this game will be deeply integrated with the INTO ecosystem, bringing users more diverse entertainment experiences and income opportunities. And this is just the beginning of the INTO blockchain gaming ecosystem. Looking ahead, INTO will collaborate with more high-quality gaming projects to jointly create the “blockchain gaming flagship” of the Web3 era.

Meanwhile, INTO is actively embracing the NFT track. INTO sees NFTs as a bridge connecting digital content creators and consumers, and is planning to build a decentralized NFT issuance and trading platform. Creators can freely issue personal NFT works here and share revenue with fans. This will undoubtedly attract more content creators to join the INTO ecosystem, injecting a continuous stream of high-quality content into the platform.

Undoubtedly, INTO remains committed to building its ecosystem. As the INTO ecosystem broadens, the bond between INTO and its users strengthens, enhancing the platform’s value. INTO is more than a mere social network; it’s a portal that bridges users to the digital realm. This pivotal role is the key reason why INTO is at the forefront of the Web3 social movement.

Privacy security, rights protection, INTO interprets true decentralized social networking

INTO’s swift ascent and leadership in the Web3 social space can be attributed to its distinctive product design and technological breakthroughs. Essentially, INTO has established its own unique “moat” rooted in its product philosophy and core strengths.

Firstly, INTO is a truly decentralized social network. Unlike the concept of “users serve me” on traditional Web2 social platforms, INTO adheres to the principle of “platform serves users,” fully respecting and protecting user rights. In the INTO ecosystem, users can fully control their social data and digital assets, and the platform will not steal or misuse user privacy in any form. This decentralized product logic allows users to truly share and socialize on INTO with peace of mind, which is the key factor for INTO to quickly accumulate user reputation and trust.

Secondly, INTO has achieved a breakthrough innovation of “on-chain social relationships” through a sophisticated SBT (Soul bound Token) system. On the INTO platform, each user has a unique SBT digital identity. This identity not only consists of an address or ID but also carries key information such as the user’s social relationships, interaction behaviors, and contribution values, on the INTO platform. The SBT identity enables seamless correspondence between users’ online and offline identities, quantifying and circulating social relationships and user value. This distinctive advantage is what separates INTO from competing social media offerings

Moreover, INTO displays remarkable innovation in its technical framework. It integrates a variety of advanced technologies, including IPFS, zero-knowledge proofs, and homomorphic encryption, to balance high performance with robust user privacy protection. For instance, INTO leverages zero-knowledge proofs to facilitate “blind following relationships,” enabling users to demonstrate their social connections without revealing their follower lists. Simultaneously, homomorphic encryption technology allows the storage of user-sensitive data on the blockchain in an encrypted format, inaccessible even to the project team. Such technological innovations offer strong backing to the foundational principles of INTO’s products.

Finally, INTO has a clear and grand vision for development. INTO’s ultimate goal is to establish a true “Web3 social space” owned by users and serving users. In this empire, every user is an equal node, participating in community governance and ecosystem construction together. Every digital footprint left by users on INTO will be transformed into a manifestation of personal value. This is a magnificent blueprint comparable to Web2 social giants and is the core competitiveness that sets INTO apart from other projects.

Technology-driven with ecosystem growth, INTO is brimming with potential

Looking at INTO’s development trajectory and ecosystem layout, it’s easy to see that INTO is not just a rapidly growing social platform, but also a Web3 ecosystem project with enormous development potential and investment opportunities.

Firstly, INTO is backed by a highly capable and influential team. Most of INTO’s core members come from top Internet companies such as Tencent and Alibaba, accumulating rich experience in product, technology, and operations. Additionally, INTO has attracted a group of top talents from the blockchain industry, who possess deep understanding and forward-thinking about Web3. It is with the support of such a strong team that INTO has emerged as a rising star in the Web3 social track and continuously positioned itself ahead in ecosystem construction. It is foreseeable that as the INTO ecosystem continues to expand, this team will continue to lead INTO towards higher goals, leveraging the “leader effect”.

Secondly, INTO has demonstrated extraordinary ability in integrating industry resources. Since the second half of 2023, INTO has frequently appeared at various industry summits and forums. From global Web3 ecosystem conferences to Asian blockchain leader summits, and to investment forums of top exchanges, INTO’s presence is everywhere. Through these industry events, INTO has rapidly accumulated a large number of cooperative resources and industry connections. For example, INTO has successively reached ecological cooperation with top projects such as MEXC, HTX, and Gate, jointly promoting the construction of Web3 social infrastructure. This development strategy of “joining forces” has earned INTO high reputation and influence in the industry, laying a solid resource foundation for its future development.

Lastly, the track where INTO is positioned has vast growth potential. Web3 social is one of the most imaginative areas in the decentralized wave. With the awakening of internet users’ privacy protection awareness and the increasing demand for digital asset ownership, decentralized social networking will undoubtedly become the mainstream direction of future development. Innovative projects like INTO are the pioneers and leaders in this track.

For investors, INTO represents an attractive opportunity that combines growth prospects with a safety margin. On one hand, INTO’s tokenomics are meticulously crafted, closely linking the token’s value to the platform’s expansion. As the platform ecosystem flourishes, the inherent value of the token is bound to increase. Particularly with the deflationary mechanism of $TOX and the ongoing diversification of its use cases, the token is poised for strong growth potential and solid foundational support.

Looking back at INTO’s development journey at the 2024 time node, we have every reason to be full of imagination and expectations for its future. INTO is building an unprecedented decentralized social ecosystem, representing the most exciting innovative force and trend of change in the Web3 era.


INTO is a pioneering Web3 social protocol, leveraging blockchain and AI technology. It offers features such as crypto wallets, SocialFi, the SoulBound Token (SBT), AI tools, and more. INTO’s mission is to create a globalized Web3 social network, fostering an open, free, engaging, compatible, and secure communication environment for users worldwide.

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