Happy New Year! ✨
This year, I'm committed to boosting my savings.
Here are my goals:
1. Increase my emergency fund: Aiming to have 3-6 months of living expenses readily available just incase.
2. Invest in my future: Regularly contribute to my retirement accounts and explore long-term investment options like stocks and crypto.
Strategies I will use to archive my goals:
1. Budgeting: I'll meticulously track my income and expenses using a budgeting app in my phone and ensure that every coin I hold I account for it.
2. Automate savings: Setting up automatic transfers to my savings and investment accounts, this will help me to focus on other issues in relation to my goals.
3. Cut unnecessary expenses: Identifying and eliminating non-essential spending habits and unplanned spending.
4. Explore earning opportunities: Seeking side hustles or freelance work to increase my income in relation to binance.
I'm excited to embark on this journey towards financial security!