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📣📣……今日复盘……📣📣 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ 5/10号: 🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪…… #UST 昨天下午UsT的推演在4.6点均到达第二/三支撑位,之后有小波空单后即转多行情。🚨🚨🚨🔥🔥🔥找作者Cfst888 💪💪💪特别留意:0.02231这个位置附近,该位置如果能成功回调上,那么多单展现,压力位:0.02258-0.02277这两个位置附近。 请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#USTC.每日智能策略 #UST #USTC.智能策略库 #ust



#UST 昨天下午UsT的推演在4.6点均到达第二/三支撑位,之后有小波空单后即转多行情。🚨🚨🚨🔥🔥🔥找作者Cfst888

请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#USTC.每日智能策略 #UST #USTC.智能策略库 #ust
##UST 📣📣UST行情快报📣📣 各位投资者,以下是UST的行情速览: 当前UST的1小时级别占据多单优势,显示出市场的看多情绪。 然而,在更长的2-4小时级别中,UST处于横盘波动状态,表明市场多空双方力量相对均衡。🚨🚨🚨 找作者Cfst888 关键价位分析: 请特别留意2小时多空价:0.02136这个位置。只要此价位未被下破作为支撑位,我们仍可以期待1小时级别继续看多。 上方目标价位可关注:0.02245、0.02327以及0.02421这三个位置附近。 但市场总是充满变数,若UST无法站上1小时的压力位,则需警惕市场可能转空的风险。此时,下方支撑位将是我们关注的焦点,需留意:0.02062、0.02030以及0.01923这三个位置附近。 风险管理提醒: 铁子们!在交易过程中,风险管理的重要性不言而喻。我们强烈建议各位投资者首先确保防守,合理布局止损止盈,再寻求盈利机会。 请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#USTC.每日智能策略 #USTC.智能策略库 #ust #UST
##UST 📣📣UST行情快报📣📣



然而,在更长的2-4小时级别中,UST处于横盘波动状态,表明市场多空双方力量相对均衡。🚨🚨🚨 找作者Cfst888






请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#USTC.每日智能策略 #USTC.智能策略库 #ust #UST
Whaaat!? Criptomonedas de Terraform Labs consideradas valores no registradosEn una sentencia contundente, un juez federal de Estados Unidos respalda a la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) en un caso crucial contra Terraform Labs y su CEO Do Kwon. La determinación establece que dos de las criptomonedas de la empresa, Luna y Mir, fueron comercializadas como valores no registrados, lo que resultó ilegal. Fallo Judicial y Proyección del Caso El juez Jed Rakoff, en un juicio sumario el pasado jueves, falló a favor de la SEC, sosteniendo que Terraform es responsable de la venta de valores no registrados. Esta decisión sienta las bases para un juicio civil por fraude que está programado para comenzar el 29 de enero en un tribunal federal de Manhattan. Contexto del Ecosistema de Terraform Labs Terraform atrajo la atención de los reguladores cuando su sistema de "stablecoins" colapsó en mayo de 2022, provocando lo que se conoció como el "cripto invierno". La empresa ofrecía dos criptomonedas vinculadas entre sí: TerraUSD ( #UST ) y #luna . Desacoplamiento y Consecuencias UST, una "stablecoin" atada al dólar estadounidense, perdió su valor, lo que afectó a Luna al estar conectada a esta moneda. Este desacoplamiento desencadenó una crisis en el mercado de criptomonedas. ¿Por qué Luna y Mir ahora se consideran valores? El famoso "test de Howey", un criterio legal establecido por la Corte Suprema en 1946, es clave en esta consideración. Define un "contrato de inversión" basado en la inversión de dinero, ganancias provenientes de esfuerzos ajenos e intención de participar en una empresa común. Argumentos Legales y Perspectivas de Terraform Kwon afirmó que los tenedores de Luna solo tenían que esperar y ver ganancias, lo que se asemeja al concepto de un "contrato de inversión". En el caso de Mir, los inversionistas recibían un porcentaje de comisiones de trading y la empresa buscaba activamente mejorar el protocolo Mirror, evidenciando una "empresa común". Ramificaciones y Desafíos para Terraform Este dictamen no solo coloca a Terraform bajo la lupa legal por fraude, sino que también plantea la posibilidad de reclasificar otras criptomonedas en su ecosistema. Para los inversores afectados, la esperanza de recuperar parte de sus pérdidas podría reavivarse en el tribunal.

Whaaat!? Criptomonedas de Terraform Labs consideradas valores no registrados

En una sentencia contundente, un juez federal de Estados Unidos respalda a la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) en un caso crucial contra Terraform Labs y su CEO Do Kwon. La determinación establece que dos de las criptomonedas de la empresa, Luna y Mir, fueron comercializadas como valores no registrados, lo que resultó ilegal.
Fallo Judicial y Proyección del Caso
El juez Jed Rakoff, en un juicio sumario el pasado jueves, falló a favor de la SEC, sosteniendo que Terraform es responsable de la venta de valores no registrados. Esta decisión sienta las bases para un juicio civil por fraude que está programado para comenzar el 29 de enero en un tribunal federal de Manhattan.
Contexto del Ecosistema de Terraform Labs
Terraform atrajo la atención de los reguladores cuando su sistema de "stablecoins" colapsó en mayo de 2022, provocando lo que se conoció como el "cripto invierno". La empresa ofrecía dos criptomonedas vinculadas entre sí: TerraUSD ( #UST ) y #luna .
Desacoplamiento y Consecuencias
UST, una "stablecoin" atada al dólar estadounidense, perdió su valor, lo que afectó a Luna al estar conectada a esta moneda. Este desacoplamiento desencadenó una crisis en el mercado de criptomonedas.
¿Por qué Luna y Mir ahora se consideran valores?
El famoso "test de Howey", un criterio legal establecido por la Corte Suprema en 1946, es clave en esta consideración. Define un "contrato de inversión" basado en la inversión de dinero, ganancias provenientes de esfuerzos ajenos e intención de participar en una empresa común.
Argumentos Legales y Perspectivas de Terraform
Kwon afirmó que los tenedores de Luna solo tenían que esperar y ver ganancias, lo que se asemeja al concepto de un "contrato de inversión". En el caso de Mir, los inversionistas recibían un porcentaje de comisiones de trading y la empresa buscaba activamente mejorar el protocolo Mirror, evidenciando una "empresa común".
Ramificaciones y Desafíos para Terraform
Este dictamen no solo coloca a Terraform bajo la lupa legal por fraude, sino que también plantea la posibilidad de reclasificar otras criptomonedas en su ecosistema. Para los inversores afectados, la esperanza de recuperar parte de sus pérdidas podría reavivarse en el tribunal.
I said it yesterday and I'll say it again *** [Claim Reward](🤑🤑🤑 *I know today a lot of people are going to lose money *I know people will buy AEVO for a high amount I know when AEVO launches it will be overrated. *I did my own research, this coin was launched on other trading platforms such as XT.COM official website and AEVO with a very high price, so *avoid buying it immediately * be careful in the end, you don't want losses 🫂Remember: Your generous advice would strengthen our mission and help us work even harder so that you can give the best investment advice. #HotTrends  #HalvingHorizons  #UST
I said it yesterday and I'll say it again ***

Claim Reward🤑🤑🤑

*I know today a lot of people are going to lose money
*I know people will buy AEVO for a high amount
I know when AEVO launches it will be overrated.
*I did my own research, this coin was launched on other trading platforms such as XT.COM official website and AEVO with a very high price, so *avoid buying it immediately
* be careful in the end, you don't want losses

🫂Remember: Your generous advice would strengthen our mission and help us work even harder so that you can give the best investment advice.

#HotTrends  #HalvingHorizons  #UST
1. **Federal Judge's Ruling**: U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff ruled in favor of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Terraform Labs and its former CEO, Do Kwon. 2. **Violation of U.S. Law**: Terraform Labs was found to have violated U.S. law by failing to register two digital currencies, LUNA and MIR, which collapsed in 2022. 3. **Unregistered Securities Allegation**: The SEC alleged that Terraform Labs and Kwon offered and sold unregistered securities, including LUNA, UST, and MIR. 4. **Summary Judgment Granted**: The court granted summary judgment favoring the SEC, citing the failure to register the mentioned digital currencies. 5. **Trial Date Set**: Although summary judgment was denied on fraud claims, a trial is scheduled for January 29, 2024, to address the SEC's fraud allegations against Terraform and Kwon. 6. **Disagreement with Decision**: Terraform Labs strongly disagreed with the ruling, asserting that their tokens were not securities and vowed to continue defending against what they labeled as "meritless" fraud claims by the SEC. 7. **Tokens Deemed Securities**: Judge Rakoff's ruling categorized UST, LUNA, wLUNA, and MIR as securities under the Howey test. 8. **Focus of Upcoming Trial**: The trial will center on the SEC's fraud allegations against Terraform and Kwon, stemming from February filings. 9. **UST Collapse and Legal Consequences**: The lawsuit originated from the collapse of UST, an algorithmic stablecoin, causing substantial value loss and impacting the cryptocurrency market. 10. **Criminal Charges and Legal Issues for Kwon**: Do Kwon faces additional legal challenges, including criminal charges from the Department of Justice, involving eight counts of fraud and an arrest in Montenegro after fleeing charges in South Korea. #UST #LUNA
1. **Federal Judge's Ruling**: U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff ruled in favor of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Terraform Labs and its former CEO, Do Kwon.

2. **Violation of U.S. Law**: Terraform Labs was found to have violated U.S. law by failing to register two digital currencies, LUNA and MIR, which collapsed in 2022.

3. **Unregistered Securities Allegation**: The SEC alleged that Terraform Labs and Kwon offered and sold unregistered securities, including LUNA, UST, and MIR.

4. **Summary Judgment Granted**: The court granted summary judgment favoring the SEC, citing the failure to register the mentioned digital currencies.

5. **Trial Date Set**: Although summary judgment was denied on fraud claims, a trial is scheduled for January 29, 2024, to address the SEC's fraud allegations against Terraform and Kwon.

6. **Disagreement with Decision**: Terraform Labs strongly disagreed with the ruling, asserting that their tokens were not securities and vowed to continue defending against what they labeled as "meritless" fraud claims by the SEC.

7. **Tokens Deemed Securities**: Judge Rakoff's ruling categorized UST, LUNA, wLUNA, and MIR as securities under the Howey test.

8. **Focus of Upcoming Trial**: The trial will center on the SEC's fraud allegations against Terraform and Kwon, stemming from February filings.

9. **UST Collapse and Legal Consequences**: The lawsuit originated from the collapse of UST, an algorithmic stablecoin, causing substantial value loss and impacting the cryptocurrency market.

10. **Criminal Charges and Legal Issues for Kwon**: Do Kwon faces additional legal challenges, including criminal charges from the Department of Justice, involving eight counts of fraud and an arrest in Montenegro after fleeing charges in South Korea.

Unveiling Jump Crypto's Dubious Dealings: A Deep Dive into the SEC Vs Terra Saga The cryptocurrency realm is no stranger to controversy, and the SEC's ongoing investigation into Terraform Labs and its algorithmic stablecoin, TerraUSD (UST), has once again brought the industry under intense scrutiny. At the heart of this saga lies Jump Crypto, a prominent crypto trading firm that allegedly played a significant role in UST's demise. The Unraveling of UST and the SEC's Intervention In May 2022, UST's peg to the US dollar began to falter, triggering a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire Terra ecosystem. As UST's price plummeted, investors rushed to exit their positions, creating a liquidity crisis that Jump Crypto was unable to contain. The SEC, concerned about the potential for fraud and market manipulation, launched an investigation into Terraform Labs and its associates. In its complaint, the SEC alleged that Jump Crypto's involvement with UST was not merely a passive investment but an active effort to manipulate the market for its own financial gain. Jump Crypto's Role in Terraform Labs' Downfall The SEC's allegations paint a damning picture of Jump Crypto's role in UST's downfall. The complaint suggests that Jump Crypto was aware of the risks associated with UST's stability mechanism and yet continued to provide liquidity support, potentially exacerbating the crisis. Moreover, the SEC alleges that Jump Crypto profited from UST's collapse by purchasing LUNA tokens at a discounted price while simultaneously selling them on the open market. This suggests that Jump Crypto may have prioritized its own financial interests over the stability of the broader cryptocurrency market. The SEC's investigation into Terraform Labs and Jump Crypto is still ongoing, and it remains to be seen whether the allegations will result in any charges. However, the case has already sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency industry, raising concerns about the potential for manipulation and fraud in the digital asset space. #SECvsCrypto #UST
Unveiling Jump Crypto's Dubious Dealings: A Deep Dive into the SEC Vs Terra Saga

The cryptocurrency realm is no stranger to controversy, and the SEC's ongoing investigation into Terraform Labs and its algorithmic stablecoin, TerraUSD (UST), has once again brought the industry under intense scrutiny. At the heart of this saga lies Jump Crypto, a prominent crypto trading firm that allegedly played a significant role in UST's demise.

The Unraveling of UST and the SEC's Intervention

In May 2022, UST's peg to the US dollar began to falter, triggering a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire Terra ecosystem. As UST's price plummeted, investors rushed to exit their positions, creating a liquidity crisis that Jump Crypto was unable to contain.

The SEC, concerned about the potential for fraud and market manipulation, launched an investigation into Terraform Labs and its associates. In its complaint, the SEC alleged that Jump Crypto's involvement with UST was not merely a passive investment but an active effort to manipulate the market for its own financial gain.

Jump Crypto's Role in Terraform Labs' Downfall

The SEC's allegations paint a damning picture of Jump Crypto's role in UST's downfall. The complaint suggests that Jump Crypto was aware of the risks associated with UST's stability mechanism and yet continued to provide liquidity support, potentially exacerbating the crisis.

Moreover, the SEC alleges that Jump Crypto profited from UST's collapse by purchasing LUNA tokens at a discounted price while simultaneously selling them on the open market. This suggests that Jump Crypto may have prioritized its own financial interests over the stability of the broader cryptocurrency market.

The SEC's investigation into Terraform Labs and Jump Crypto is still ongoing, and it remains to be seen whether the allegations will result in any charges. However, the case has already sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency industry, raising concerns about the potential for manipulation and fraud in the digital asset space.

Terra Classic (LUNC): A Cryptocurrency Showing Potential for Growth!As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, a digital asset called Terra Classic (LUNC) is still managing to attract the attention of investors and crypto enthusiasts. This token, which is the original chain of the Terra (LUNA) ecosystem, has entered a potential recovery phase with the introduction of the LUNC/USTC trading pair. Based on CoinMarketCap's cryptocurrency price prediction feature and community data, it is expected that LUNC has the potential to appreciate in value in the near future. #LUNC #LUNACLASSIC #UST #TerraLuna $LUNC $LUNA $USTC Upside Potential: The LUNC community predicts an average transaction price of $0.0001445 as of July 16th. This prediction indicates an approximately 54% increase relative to its current price. Furthermore, the community anticipates that the upward trend will continue until August, with LUNC trading at $0.0001355 by August 31st. This forecast suggests an approximately 44% increase from its current value. Another source called PricePredictions, which utilizes machine learning algorithms, predicts that Terra Classic could be trading around $0.000076 by July 31st. Sustainability and Community Initiatives: Since the collapse of the Terra ecosystem, the sustainability of LUNC relies on community initiatives. With the introduction of the LUNC/USTC trading pair, the community focuses on continuously burning tokens. Additionally, they have set ambitious goals such as increasing the LUNC token price to $1 and have initiated token burning processes. Leading platform Binance supports community initiatives by pledging to burn spot and margin trading fees associated with LUNC. Binance Support and USTC Repeg Target: The Terra Luna Classic community aims to achieve USTC repeg with the support of Binance. This support is expected to enhance the stability and growth of the ecosystem. Currently, LUNC is trading at $0.00009143 and has gained over 5% in the past 24 hours. Analyses also indicate an overall upward trend for LUNC. In Summary: Terra Classic (LUNC) emerges as a notable asset in the cryptocurrency market. Community predictions and analyses indicate the potential for future growth in LUNC. However, it is important to monitor general market price movements and assess risks. The potential for LUNC to reach new highs is strengthened by community initiatives and support from platforms like Binance. Investors should make their own decisions considering the future performance of LUNC.

Terra Classic (LUNC): A Cryptocurrency Showing Potential for Growth!

As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, a digital asset called Terra Classic (LUNC) is still managing to attract the attention of investors and crypto enthusiasts. This token, which is the original chain of the Terra (LUNA) ecosystem, has entered a potential recovery phase with the introduction of the LUNC/USTC trading pair. Based on CoinMarketCap's cryptocurrency price prediction feature and community data, it is expected that LUNC has the potential to appreciate in value in the near future. #LUNC #LUNACLASSIC #UST #TerraLuna $LUNC $LUNA $USTC

Upside Potential:

The LUNC community predicts an average transaction price of $0.0001445 as of July 16th. This prediction indicates an approximately 54% increase relative to its current price. Furthermore, the community anticipates that the upward trend will continue until August, with LUNC trading at $0.0001355 by August 31st. This forecast suggests an approximately 44% increase from its current value. Another source called PricePredictions, which utilizes machine learning algorithms, predicts that Terra Classic could be trading around $0.000076 by July 31st.

Sustainability and Community Initiatives:

Since the collapse of the Terra ecosystem, the sustainability of LUNC relies on community initiatives. With the introduction of the LUNC/USTC trading pair, the community focuses on continuously burning tokens. Additionally, they have set ambitious goals such as increasing the LUNC token price to $1 and have initiated token burning processes. Leading platform Binance supports community initiatives by pledging to burn spot and margin trading fees associated with LUNC.

Binance Support and USTC Repeg Target:

The Terra Luna Classic community aims to achieve USTC repeg with the support of Binance. This support is expected to enhance the stability and growth of the ecosystem. Currently, LUNC is trading at $0.00009143 and has gained over 5% in the past 24 hours. Analyses also indicate an overall upward trend for LUNC.

In Summary:

Terra Classic (LUNC) emerges as a notable asset in the cryptocurrency market. Community predictions and analyses indicate the potential for future growth in LUNC. However, it is important to monitor general market price movements and assess risks. The potential for LUNC to reach new highs is strengthened by community initiatives and support from platforms like Binance. Investors should make their own decisions considering the future performance of LUNC.
GM fam, FIAT BACKED STABLECOINS LIST, what is your favourite? Which one is the most safe and secure? Comment below ❤️ follow me for more content like this #BUSD #USDT #UST #USDP #Binance
GM fam, FIAT BACKED STABLECOINS LIST, what is your favourite? Which one is the most safe and secure? Comment below ❤️ follow me for more content like this #BUSD #USDT #UST #USDP #Binance
On June 19, the Podgorica Basic Court in #Montenegro found #DoKwon and his partner Han Chang-joon guilty of document forgery. They were charged for attempting to flee the country with forged Costa Rican passports and other documents. The Podgorica court has sentenced them, both of them, to spend 4 months in #prison for the crime committed. From the 4 months, the court will deduct the months they have been in police custody, so they will spend only 1 month in detention for this charge. #Terra #UST
On June 19, the Podgorica Basic Court in #Montenegro found #DoKwon and his partner Han Chang-joon guilty of document forgery. They were charged for attempting to flee the country with forged Costa Rican passports and other documents.

The Podgorica court has sentenced them, both of them, to spend 4 months in #prison for the crime committed.

From the 4 months, the court will deduct the months they have been in police custody, so they will spend only 1 month in detention for this charge.

#Terra #UST
One year after the fall of Luna and UST of Terraformlabs Called Lesson LearnedApproximately a year ago the terra ecosystem collapsed, and with it also hit part of the crypto ecosystem. The Terra collapse was one of the most dramatic events in cryptocurrency history. In a matter of days, the value of TerraUSD (UST), a stablecoin that was supposed to be pegged to the US dollar, lost almost all of its value. This caused the price of Terra (LUNA), the cryptocurrency backing UST, to also plummet. The entire value of the Terra ecosystem was wiped out and many investors lost their life savings. The collapse of Terra has raised a number of questions about the future of cryptocurrencies. Some experts believe that the crash was a sign that the entire cryptocurrency market is built on shaky foundations. Others believe that the collapse was an isolated incident that will not have a lasting impact on the industry. Here are some of the lessons the cryptocurrency community can learn from the Terra collapse: Stablecoins are not as safe as they seem. UST was supposed to be a safe haven for investors, but it turned out to be the opposite. This shows that even the most popular and respected stablecoins are not immune to collapse. The cryptocurrency markets are volatile. The price of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly, and investors should be prepared to lose money. Do your research before investing in cryptocurrencies. There are many scams in the cryptocurrency space, so it is important to do your research before investing in any project. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrency is a high risk investment and you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Terra's collapse was a wake-up call for the cryptocurrency community. It showed that even the most popular and respected projects are not immune to collapse. The cryptocurrency community needs to learn from this event and take action to prevent it from happening again. #feedfeverchallenge #Terra #Luna #UST #TerraformLabs

One year after the fall of Luna and UST of Terraformlabs Called Lesson Learned

Approximately a year ago the terra ecosystem collapsed, and with it also hit part of the crypto ecosystem.

The Terra collapse was one of the most dramatic events in cryptocurrency history. In a matter of days, the value of TerraUSD (UST), a stablecoin that was supposed to be pegged to the US dollar, lost almost all of its value. This caused the price of Terra (LUNA), the cryptocurrency backing UST, to also plummet. The entire value of the Terra ecosystem was wiped out and many investors lost their life savings.

The collapse of Terra has raised a number of questions about the future of cryptocurrencies. Some experts believe that the crash was a sign that the entire cryptocurrency market is built on shaky foundations. Others believe that the collapse was an isolated incident that will not have a lasting impact on the industry.

Here are some of the lessons the cryptocurrency community can learn from the Terra collapse:

Stablecoins are not as safe as they seem. UST was supposed to be a safe haven for investors, but it turned out to be the opposite. This shows that even the most popular and respected stablecoins are not immune to collapse.

The cryptocurrency markets are volatile. The price of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate wildly, and investors should be prepared to lose money.

Do your research before investing in cryptocurrencies. There are many scams in the cryptocurrency space, so it is important to do your research before investing in any project.

Only invest what you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrency is a high risk investment and you should only invest what you can afford to lose.

Terra's collapse was a wake-up call for the cryptocurrency community. It showed that even the most popular and respected projects are not immune to collapse. The cryptocurrency community needs to learn from this event and take action to prevent it from happening again.

#feedfeverchallenge #Terra #Luna #UST #TerraformLabs
The Defense's Rebuttal to the SEC's Jump-Trading Investigation of Do KwonNew evidence pertaining to the involvement of Jump Trading in the collapse of the TerraUSD (UST) stablecoin has been provided by the defence representing Terraform Labs and Do Kwon. The correspondence, formally presented to the Supreme Court of Singapore, provides valuable perspectives on the trading of UST on the KuCoin platform throughout its depegging periods in May 2021 and May 2022. The Singapore Supreme Court made a formal request for evidence subsequent to allegations made by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Terraform Labs. The SEC claimed that Terraform Labs had provided misleading information on the capability of their algorithm to restore the peg of UST in 2021. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) asserts that the decoupling of the currency in 2021 was orchestrated by Jump Trading, a market maker based in the United States. Notably, Jump Trading was not involved during the coin's subsequent fall in 2022. Exchange Data Reveals Role of Jump Trading According to the defence counsel, the depegging event that occurred in May 2021 may be attributed to the withdrawal of USDT by traders from KuCoin, which was thereafter transferred to both decentralised exchanges (DEX) and centralised exchanges (CEX). The data obtained from KuCoin, the initial exchange to include UST in its offerings, indicates a notable surge in selling activity coinciding with the depegging event. Based on the analysis of Dr. Bruce Mizrach, an expert in the field of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), it is said that Jump, a financial firm, was responsible for a majority of the acquisitions that contributed to the subsequent increase in UST's price, bringing it back up to $1. The legal representatives have verified that Jump Crypto engaged in trading activities on the specified day and furnished wallet addresses to facilitate comprehension of the trading approach employed by Jump and its associated entities. The withdrawal activity of #UST on the KuCoin platform had a notable increase in proximity to the depeg event of 2021. This surge in withdrawals coincided with the subsequent decline of UST's value below the $1 mark in May 2022. The traders withdrew U.S. Treasury (UST) funds from the KuCoin platform and subsequently transferred them to other centralised exchanges and decentralised exchanges (DEXes). Similar to the year 2021, the data from KuCoin once again indicates that Jump engaged in trading activities on the specified day. However, the precise magnitude of their trading remains uncertain. The examination of addresses associated with Jump will provide further insight into the potential influence of its trading activities on the re-pegging of UST in 2021. If Jump's involvement in the acquisition of UST in 2022 was significantly reduced, it would provide an opportunity for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to potentially demonstrate the inadequacy of Terraform's algorithm in maintaining the stability of UST at $1. Regulatory Authorities Intensify Scrutiny of Cryptocurrency Business Models The involvement of Jump Crypto in the well-being of Do Kwon's Terra ecosystem has brought to light the extent to which crypto enterprises have pushed the limits of prevailing legislation in order to enhance their operations during the peak of the bullish market. In the year 2021, there was a notable trend towards adopting a hybrid business model that encompassed brokerage, market-making, and settlement activities, coinciding with the surge in Bitcoin's value to $66,000. However, the convergence of these disparate corporate entities under a solitary retail platform raised apprehensions among regulatory authorities. A cryptocurrency exchange has the potential to exploit its many functions in order to enhance its own financial gains while detrimentally impacting investors. The failure of the #crypto exchange group FTX Trading in the previous year can be attributed to the extensive interconnection between the FTX exchange and its affiliated market-maker, Alameda Research. The financial sheet of Alameda consisted of FTX's FTT tokens, which were utilised by Alameda as collateral for borrowing funds. The repercussions of the firms' downfall reverberated across the entirety of the #cryptocurrency sector, resulting in a significant depletion of essential liquidity from global crypto marketplaces. The adverse impact of these shocks on investors has led to an escalation in regulatory actions by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Coinbase, the preeminent cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, has faced allegations of functioning as an unregistered broker-dealer, so contravening established securities regulations that have been in place for several decades. The use of two-tier exchanges, which involve a distinct exchange and settlement mechanism, has gained popularity due to their ability to adhere to established exchange regulations. However, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a warning stating that companies who fail to comply with regulations would be subject to penalties, pending a review of its exchange definitions.

The Defense's Rebuttal to the SEC's Jump-Trading Investigation of Do Kwon

New evidence pertaining to the involvement of Jump Trading in the collapse of the TerraUSD (UST) stablecoin has been provided by the defence representing Terraform Labs and Do Kwon. The correspondence, formally presented to the Supreme Court of Singapore, provides valuable perspectives on the trading of UST on the KuCoin platform throughout its depegging periods in May 2021 and May 2022.
The Singapore Supreme Court made a formal request for evidence subsequent to allegations made by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Terraform Labs. The SEC claimed that Terraform Labs had provided misleading information on the capability of their algorithm to restore the peg of UST in 2021. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) asserts that the decoupling of the currency in 2021 was orchestrated by Jump Trading, a market maker based in the United States. Notably, Jump Trading was not involved during the coin's subsequent fall in 2022.
Exchange Data Reveals Role of Jump Trading
According to the defence counsel, the depegging event that occurred in May 2021 may be attributed to the withdrawal of USDT by traders from KuCoin, which was thereafter transferred to both decentralised exchanges (DEX) and centralised exchanges (CEX). The data obtained from KuCoin, the initial exchange to include UST in its offerings, indicates a notable surge in selling activity coinciding with the depegging event.
Based on the analysis of Dr. Bruce Mizrach, an expert in the field of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), it is said that Jump, a financial firm, was responsible for a majority of the acquisitions that contributed to the subsequent increase in UST's price, bringing it back up to $1. The legal representatives have verified that Jump Crypto engaged in trading activities on the specified day and furnished wallet addresses to facilitate comprehension of the trading approach employed by Jump and its associated entities.
The withdrawal activity of #UST on the KuCoin platform had a notable increase in proximity to the depeg event of 2021. This surge in withdrawals coincided with the subsequent decline of UST's value below the $1 mark in May 2022. The traders withdrew U.S. Treasury (UST) funds from the KuCoin platform and subsequently transferred them to other centralised exchanges and decentralised exchanges (DEXes).
Similar to the year 2021, the data from KuCoin once again indicates that Jump engaged in trading activities on the specified day. However, the precise magnitude of their trading remains uncertain. The examination of addresses associated with Jump will provide further insight into the potential influence of its trading activities on the re-pegging of UST in 2021.
If Jump's involvement in the acquisition of UST in 2022 was significantly reduced, it would provide an opportunity for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to potentially demonstrate the inadequacy of Terraform's algorithm in maintaining the stability of UST at $1.
Regulatory Authorities Intensify Scrutiny of Cryptocurrency Business Models
The involvement of Jump Crypto in the well-being of Do Kwon's Terra ecosystem has brought to light the extent to which crypto enterprises have pushed the limits of prevailing legislation in order to enhance their operations during the peak of the bullish market. In the year 2021, there was a notable trend towards adopting a hybrid business model that encompassed brokerage, market-making, and settlement activities, coinciding with the surge in Bitcoin's value to $66,000.
However, the convergence of these disparate corporate entities under a solitary retail platform raised apprehensions among regulatory authorities. A cryptocurrency exchange has the potential to exploit its many functions in order to enhance its own financial gains while detrimentally impacting investors.
The failure of the #crypto exchange group FTX Trading in the previous year can be attributed to the extensive interconnection between the FTX exchange and its affiliated market-maker, Alameda Research. The financial sheet of Alameda consisted of FTX's FTT tokens, which were utilised by Alameda as collateral for borrowing funds.
The repercussions of the firms' downfall reverberated across the entirety of the #cryptocurrency sector, resulting in a significant depletion of essential liquidity from global crypto marketplaces.
The adverse impact of these shocks on investors has led to an escalation in regulatory actions by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Coinbase, the preeminent cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, has faced allegations of functioning as an unregistered broker-dealer, so contravening established securities regulations that have been in place for several decades.
The use of two-tier exchanges, which involve a distinct exchange and settlement mechanism, has gained popularity due to their ability to adhere to established exchange regulations. However, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued a warning stating that companies who fail to comply with regulations would be subject to penalties, pending a review of its exchange definitions.
[Claim reward in USDT]( 💰💰💰 I said it yesterday and I'll say it again *** *I know today a lot of people are going to lose money *I know people will buy AEVO for a high amount I know when AEVO launches it will be overrated. *I did my own research, this coin was launched on other trading platforms such as XT.COM official website and AEVO with a very high price, so *avoid buying it immediately * be careful in the end, you don't want losses 🫂Remember: Your generous advice would strengthen our mission and help us work even harder so that you can give the best investment advice. #HotTrends  #HalvingHorizons  #UST #Aevo
Claim reward in USDT 💰💰💰

I said it yesterday and I'll say it again ***
*I know today a lot of people are going to lose money

*I know people will buy AEVO for a high amount
I know when AEVO launches it will be overrated.
*I did my own research, this coin was launched on other trading platforms such as XT.COM official website and AEVO with a very high price, so *avoid buying it immediately

* be careful in the end, you don't want losses
🫂Remember: Your generous advice would strengthen our mission and help us work even harder so that you can give the best investment advice.

#HotTrends  #HalvingHorizons  #UST #Aevo
#UST #LUNC #LUNA -- The algorithmic stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) collapsed almost one year ago, but some Terra-related projects are still live and trying to overcome some issues #Binance #BTC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- The algorithmic stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) collapsed almost one year ago, but some Terra-related projects are still live and trying to overcome some issues

#Binance #BTC
A year ago today, #UST & #LUNA crashed with nearly $40 billion in total gone, and BTC's 28K to 19K journey began crashing markets. Now, Learn from your mistakes, sit, and enjoy the ride of #crypto #Binance #crypto2023
A year ago today, #UST & #LUNA crashed with nearly $40 billion in total gone, and BTC's 28K to 19K journey began crashing markets.

Now, Learn from your mistakes, sit, and enjoy the ride of #crypto

#Binance #crypto2023
If Bitcoin breaches the support level of 60,000 💥, we might witness Bitcoin at 50-52k support 📉. If Bitcoin surpasses the 60,000 support and the candle closes above 65k 📈, then Bitcoin's next move could be above 74,000 💰. #BTC🚀🚀 #HotTrends📈 @mmbtcholder📊 BTC #HotTrends #BTC #CryptoVision2030 #UST #ETH
If Bitcoin breaches the support level of 60,000 💥, we might witness Bitcoin at 50-52k support 📉. If Bitcoin surpasses the 60,000 support and the candle closes above 65k 📈, then Bitcoin's next move could be above 74,000 💰. #BTC🚀🚀 #HotTrends📈 @mmbtcholder📊
BTC #HotTrends #BTC #CryptoVision2030 #UST #ETH
Price of Terra Classic rises by 15% in a week - For LUNC, what's up next?This week, Terra Classic (LUNC) has been one of the best performers in the cryptocurrency market, with a price increase of almost 15%. Although #LUNC is currently 99.9 percent below its all-time high in 2022, some investors believe the coin is on the cusp of a prolonged bull run. There are numerous opportunities for profit in the cryptocurrency industry, but many investors are choosing to ignore Terra Classic in favour of other tiny cryptocurrencies. There is hope for the future of the troubled Terra Classic. Trading volume for Terra Classic has increased 164% during the past 24 hours, and the price is currently hanging around the $0.000064 level. Despite the token's problematic past, this places LUNC at number 47 on CoinMarketCap's list of the most traded cryptocurrencies. The Terra blockchain's first native token, LUNC, was used to back various stablecoins, notably the doomed $USTC . But, as most investors are aware, $LUNC collapsed once #UST abandoned its peg to the US dollar in May 2022. As a result, the Terra community decided to divide the blockchain in two, with the original chain becoming Terra Classic while keeping the LUNC coin. One notable distinction is that collateralized stablecoins are used on the Terra Classic chain rather than algorithmic stablecoins. Given that LUNC must now compete with the new Terra chain, which uses the LUNA token and has more developer support, the future of LUNC is murky at best. In addition, LUNC is always fighting to recover the confidence of the larger crypto market, since the great majority of investors have lost faith in its stability after the crisis of 2022. The SEC and other organisations are attempting to enact new legislation that might have a negative effect on LUNC's status in the market, adding to the challenges the token already faces. Notwithstanding these obstacles, an increase in trading volume and price for LUNC indicates that there may still be some interest in the cryptocurrency. In addition, the Terra Classic Telegram channel has over 79,000 members, demonstrating that a sizable community is still interested in the future of the project, which may be a crucial aspect in LUNC's capacity to recover.

Price of Terra Classic rises by 15% in a week - For LUNC, what's up next?

This week, Terra Classic (LUNC) has been one of the best performers in the cryptocurrency market, with a price increase of almost 15%.
Although #LUNC is currently 99.9 percent below its all-time high in 2022, some investors believe the coin is on the cusp of a prolonged bull run.
There are numerous opportunities for profit in the cryptocurrency industry, but many investors are choosing to ignore Terra Classic in favour of other tiny cryptocurrencies.

There is hope for the future of the troubled Terra Classic.
Trading volume for Terra Classic has increased 164% during the past 24 hours, and the price is currently hanging around the $0.000064 level.
Despite the token's problematic past, this places LUNC at number 47 on CoinMarketCap's list of the most traded cryptocurrencies.
The Terra blockchain's first native token, LUNC, was used to back various stablecoins, notably the doomed $USTC .
But, as most investors are aware, $LUNC collapsed once #UST abandoned its peg to the US dollar in May 2022.
As a result, the Terra community decided to divide the blockchain in two, with the original chain becoming Terra Classic while keeping the LUNC coin.
One notable distinction is that collateralized stablecoins are used on the Terra Classic chain rather than algorithmic stablecoins.

Given that LUNC must now compete with the new Terra chain, which uses the LUNA token and has more developer support, the future of LUNC is murky at best.
In addition, LUNC is always fighting to recover the confidence of the larger crypto market, since the great majority of investors have lost faith in its stability after the crisis of 2022.
The SEC and other organisations are attempting to enact new legislation that might have a negative effect on LUNC's status in the market, adding to the challenges the token already faces.
Notwithstanding these obstacles, an increase in trading volume and price for LUNC indicates that there may still be some interest in the cryptocurrency.
In addition, the Terra Classic Telegram channel has over 79,000 members, demonstrating that a sizable community is still interested in the future of the project, which may be a crucial aspect in LUNC's capacity to recover.
⚡The co-founder of #Terraform Labs, #DoKwon seems to have been arrested in Montenegro The co-founder and CEO of Singapore-based #TerraformLabs , has been arrested in Montenegro, according to a tweet by the country's minister of interior. #crypto2023 #UST
⚡The co-founder of #Terraform Labs, #DoKwon seems to have been arrested in Montenegro

The co-founder and CEO of Singapore-based #TerraformLabs , has been arrested in Montenegro, according to a tweet by the country's minister of interior. #crypto2023 #UST
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