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Toncoin übertrifft Ethereum bei täglich aktiven Adressen und Transaktionen. In letzter Zeit war Toncoin, die mit Telegram verbundene Blockchain, aktiver als das etablierte Ethereum-Netzwerk. On-Chain-Daten von Artemis zeigen, dass Toncoin Ethereum in diesem Monat bei täglich eindeutigen Adressen durchweg übertroffen hat. Am 3. Juni erreichte die Anzahl der täglich eindeutigen Adressen von Toncoin einen Jahreshöchststand von 568.300 und übertraf damit Ethereums Adressenanzahl von 351.400 um 62 %. Dieser schnelle Anstieg unterstreicht die sich verändernde Landschaft in der Kryptoindustrie. Das tägliche Transaktionsvolumen von Toncoin hat Ethereum seit Mitte März ebenfalls übertroffen. Bemerkenswerterweise erreichte Toncoin am 17. Mai 9 Millionen tägliche Transaktionen und übertraf damit die 1,1 Millionen Transaktionen von Ethereum am selben Tag deutlich. Diese Beschleunigung der Benutzeraktivität ist laut Delphi Digital größtenteils auf die große Benutzerbasis von Telegram von 900 Millionen zurückzuführen. Derzeit wird TON bei 7,65 USD gehandelt und hat sich damit von seinem Zweimonatstief von 6,76 USD am 11. Juni erholt. In den letzten 24 Stunden stieg das Handelsvolumen des Tokens um über 100 % und erreichte insgesamt 491 Millionen USD, berichtete CoinMarketCap. Diese Preiserholung brachte vielen TON-Inhabern Gewinne und der Wert des Tokens stieg um 9 %.

Toncoin übertrifft Ethereum bei täglich aktiven Adressen und Transaktionen.

In letzter Zeit war Toncoin, die mit Telegram verbundene Blockchain, aktiver als das etablierte Ethereum-Netzwerk. On-Chain-Daten von Artemis zeigen, dass Toncoin Ethereum in diesem Monat bei täglich eindeutigen Adressen durchweg übertroffen hat.

Am 3. Juni erreichte die Anzahl der täglich eindeutigen Adressen von Toncoin einen Jahreshöchststand von 568.300 und übertraf damit Ethereums Adressenanzahl von 351.400 um 62 %. Dieser schnelle Anstieg unterstreicht die sich verändernde Landschaft in der Kryptoindustrie.

Das tägliche Transaktionsvolumen von Toncoin hat Ethereum seit Mitte März ebenfalls übertroffen. Bemerkenswerterweise erreichte Toncoin am 17. Mai 9 Millionen tägliche Transaktionen und übertraf damit die 1,1 Millionen Transaktionen von Ethereum am selben Tag deutlich. Diese Beschleunigung der Benutzeraktivität ist laut Delphi Digital größtenteils auf die große Benutzerbasis von Telegram von 900 Millionen zurückzuführen.

Derzeit wird TON bei 7,65 USD gehandelt und hat sich damit von seinem Zweimonatstief von 6,76 USD am 11. Juni erholt. In den letzten 24 Stunden stieg das Handelsvolumen des Tokens um über 100 % und erreichte insgesamt 491 Millionen USD, berichtete CoinMarketCap. Diese Preiserholung brachte vielen TON-Inhabern Gewinne und der Wert des Tokens stieg um 9 %.

Haftungsausschluss: Enthält Meinungen Dritter. Die hier bereitgestellten Informationen stellen keine Finanzberatung dar. Kann gesponserte Inhalte enthalten. Siehe AGB.
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What Are the Best AI Coins on the Solana Network? As the crypto market continues to evolve day by day, investors are showing great interest in the top AI crypto tokens on the Solana network. At the same time, due to its speed and scalability, Solana has become a preferred platform for various projects, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). Render (RNDR) #Render is an AI coin that focuses primarily on decentralized GPU rendering. It allows users to share GPU power for rendering tasks, thus creating a distributed network of rendering resources. This method significantly reduces costs and speeds up the rendering process for all digital artists and content creators. The Graph (GRT) #TheGraph is an indexing protocol for extracting and querying data from blockchains. It primarily uses artificial intelligence to make blockchain data easily accessible and searchable. This is very useful for developers who want to build more efficient and faster queries on blockchain data. Dither (DTH) #Dither focuses on using AI technology for predictive analysis, providing businesses with actionable insights from data. It helps medium and large-sized companies predict trends, optimize operations and make data-driven decisions. Synesis One (SNS) #Synesis One is one of the decentralized platforms that focuses on data annotation with the help of artificial intelligence. It uses multiple crowdsourcing platforms to label and organize the large data sets required to effectively train AI models. With the help of a global community, Synesis One provides high-quality and diverse data annotations. Nosana (NOS) #Nosana directly integrates AI technology with DevOps to automate and improve software development processes. It provides developers with tools for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD). They can easily leverage AI-powered insights for code optimization and deployment efficiency. $SOL $RNDR $GRT
Ethereum ETFs: Nate Geraci Critiques Media Bias and Highlights Political Reasons Behind Regulatory Delays. The financial community has been shaken when Nate Geraci, President of The ETF Store, accused the mainstream media of providing biased and misinformation about Ethereum ETFs. Geraci argues that regulatory delays are portrayed in the media for political reasons, thus misinforming the public and investors. Comparing the regulatory hurdles faced by Ethereum ETFs with the success of #Bitcoin ETFs reveals the difference in treatment in the industry. Geraci praises Grayscale's strategic approach to gaining approval for #Bitcoin ETFs and notes that this success would also be possible for Ethereum ETFs if it were not for political obstacles. The proposition is clear: where Grayscale has effectively navigated the complex regulatory structure, the same is not true for Ethereum ETFs due to political pressures. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler's recent comments at the Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing have created new layers of speculation in the crypto industry. Gensler noted that a clear timeline for approval of a spot #Ethereum ETF may have been set, but that depends on issuers adequately responding to regulatory feedback. This announcement sparked a mix of hope and skepticism among investors and industry stakeholders. This regulatory uncertainty could have significant consequences for the broader cryptocurrency market. As policy and market dynamics continue to evolve, investors need to remain informed and agile. The possibility of approval of the Ethereum #ETF could be an important step in gaining wider acceptance and providing a significant amount of capital inflow to the cryptocurrency market. As debate over #Ethereum ETFs and their regulatory future continues, the financial community remains vigilant. Nate Geraci's criticisms and Gary Gensler's potential approval signals stand out as important points of discussion. $BTC $ETH
A record has been reached in Ethereum (ETH): Demand is increasing. The #Ethereum ecosystem's combined transactions per second (TPS) reached an all-time high with the sudden TPS increase in Ethereum layer-3. L2BEAT data shows that #Ethereum scaling networks, including layer-2 and layer-3 blockchains, recorded a total of 246.18 TPS on June 16, equating to an estimated 21.2 million transactions throughout the day. More than 41 percent of these transactions occurred on Xai, a new ETH layer-3 scaling solution focused on gaming applications. Before June 10, Xai's TPS was hovering around 1 per day, but since then it has increased almost every day, reaching 101.72 TPS on June 16. Base and Arbitrum rounded out the top three with TPS of approximately 33 and 21 held on June 16. In fourth place was Proof of Play Apex, another gaming-focused Ethereum layer-3 scaler launched by Offchain Labs. However, the total value locked (TVL) in #Xai and Proof of Play Apex remains relatively small at $1.38 million and $695,000 respectively. By comparison, TVL's two largest Ethereum scaling solutions, #Arbitrum One and Base, currently secure $18 billion and $7.6 billion. Some analysts believe that TPS is an overrated metric when measuring the performance of blockchains. “It's like counting the number of bills in your wallet but ignoring that some are singles, some are twenties, and some are hundreds,” Steven Goldfeder, co-founder of Offchain Labs, explained in an interview with Cointelegraph Magazine earlier this month. $BTC $XAI $ARB

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