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🧙‍♂️ Spot Bitcoin ETFs erreichten am 4. Juni mit Zuflüssen von 886,6 Millionen US-Dollar einen neuen Rekord. 🧙‍♂️ Der Fidelity Bitcoin ETF war mit 378,7 Millionen US-Dollar der ETF mit dem höchsten Zufluss. 🧙‍♂️ Der #Bitcoin ETF von BlackRock verzeichnete einen Zufluss von 274,4 Millionen US-Dollar. 🧙‍♂️ Die Bithumb-Börse gab bekannt, dass sie den Token #XAI listen wird.

🧙‍♂️ Spot Bitcoin ETFs erreichten am 4. Juni mit Zuflüssen von 886,6 Millionen US-Dollar einen neuen Rekord.

🧙‍♂️ Der Fidelity Bitcoin ETF war mit 378,7 Millionen US-Dollar der ETF mit dem höchsten Zufluss.

🧙‍♂️ Der #Bitcoin ETF von BlackRock verzeichnete einen Zufluss von 274,4 Millionen US-Dollar.

🧙‍♂️ Die Bithumb-Börse gab bekannt, dass sie den Token #XAI listen wird.

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A New Era In Artificial Intelligence Will Begin in 2026 With The Rubin Platform Nvidia, which is one of the companies that has adapted the fastest to AI development in the chip world, whose rising value is one of the most important components of artificial intelligence, announced that it plans to launch the next generation AI chip platform in 2026. #Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang made an important statement about artificial intelligence chips during his keynote speech at National Taiwan University as part of the Computex trade fair. The California-based company announced that its next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) chip platform, called Rubin, will be released in 2026. This new platform will include a family of chips that includes updated graphics (#GPU ), central processor (CPU) and networking chips. The Rubin platform is part of Nvidia's plan to put AI at the center of its technology development strategy. The company plans to release a new family of AI chips every year, accelerating from its previous roughly two-year schedule. Nvidia, which dominates approximately 80% of the AI ​​chip market, is both a major supporter and beneficiary of the rapid development in #AI . The upcoming CPU in the Rubin family is called Versa, and the new graphics chips will power AI applications with next-generation high-bandwidth memory made by companies like SK Hynix, Micron, and Samsung. This advancement is expected to significantly increase #AI capabilities and performance. Nvidia's move to update its AI accelerators annually is seen as a response to the growing demand for more powerful and efficient AI computing solutions. With the rise of generative artificial intelligence, Nvidia sees this technology expanding into personal computers and beyond as a new industrial revolution and aims to play a key role in this field. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Qatar has launched the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) project. Qatar Central Bank (QCB) has launched the first phase of the experimental initiative by completing the infrastructure of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) project. The QCB will examine large-scale payments between various local and foreign institutions. Few details about the project have been released publicly. Priorities include distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, increasing liquidity and improving securities transactions, according to the state news agency. It was stated that the project will last until October. QCB said it would launch a project in June this year after starting research on #CBDC technology in March 2022. “We are at the foundational stage and evaluating the pros and cons of issuing a central bank digital currency,” QCB governor Sheikh Bandar bin Mohammed bin Saud al-Thani said at the Qatar Economic Forum in May, according to press reports. said. Neighboring United Arab Emirates (UAE), along with China, Hong Kong and Thailand, was a founding member of the mBridge initiative. Remittance payments to India and wholesale transfers between mBridge project members have already been sent using mBridge. The #UAE has also collaborated with Saudi Arabia on a CBDC proof-of-concept project called Project Aber, which runs until 2020. A day before the CBDC project was announced, QCB opened a new fintech sandbox. For qualified participants, Express Sandbox offers “reduced testing time, rapid testing cycles, and a simplified overall evaluation process.” Although CBDC is not specifically addressed in any of the official national development strategies, the #CBDC initiative was introduced as part of the new #sandbox . $BTC $SAND

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