Binance Square
Tacones Cripto
Amante del mundo cripto desde 2019! Con éxitos y fracasos pero sobre todo lecciones aprendidas! Lover of the crypto world since 2019! With successes and failure
Synes godt om
Alt indhold
ahora ellos pagan para escanear , pronto los demás pagarán para ser escaneados!
ahora ellos pagan para escanear , pronto los demás pagarán para ser escaneados!
Esta moneda se ara global más que nada está llamando la atención de personas que no tienen ni idea de criptos una ves que empiecen a óperas en las naciones que le tienen una investigación se ara viral y toda la gente irá corriendo a registrarse más que nada una ves que empiecen a interactuar con la moneda el precio puede que llegue a más de mil dólares por moneda es cosa de tiempo los que entraron en esta etapa creo que no se arrepentirán ya que se adoptará con el mismo fin que xrp $XRP $WLD
cat 🚀🚀🚀💅
cat 🚀🚀🚀💅
Det citerede indhold er blevet fjernet
Abro este tema por lo que me sucedió recientemente con metagalaxyland! ¿Cuál es el tiempo de bloqueo de liquidez en las criptomonedas? Entre los aspectos más importantes de las criptomonedas se encuentra el concepto de liquidez. En general, se acepta que un activo líquido es aquel que se puede cambiar fácilmente por efectivo y que no afecta a su valor de mercado en el proceso. Entre todas las inversiones líquidas, el dinero en efectivo es el más líquido, y en el mundo de las criptomonedas, la moneda más líquida es el Bitcoin. Existen diferentes maneras de mantener la liquidez alta de los activos en los exchanges de criptomonedas. Estas formas dependen de qué tipo de exchange estemos hablando: centralizado o descentralizado. Para mantener la descentralización y la liquidez, las empresas nuevas en finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) usan grupos de pools de liquidez cripto. El tiempo de bloqueo del token tiene un papel importante en el apoyo a la liquidez de los proyectos cripto nuevos. Con este instrumento, los desarrolladores de startups pueden estar tranquilos de que el precio de sus tokens recién emitidos se derrumbe debido a problemas de liquidez. Sin embargo, para conocer mejor el tema, analicemos primero cómo funciona la liquidez en la industria de las criptomonedas. comenta si alguna vez invertiste en un proyecto y sus creadores se robaron la liquidez ! éxitos y verificar que los proyectos estén auditados! más adelante en otro post seguiré ampliando el tema!
Abro este tema por lo que me sucedió recientemente con metagalaxyland!

¿Cuál es el tiempo de bloqueo de liquidez en las criptomonedas?

Entre los aspectos más importantes de las criptomonedas se encuentra el concepto de liquidez. En general, se acepta que un activo líquido es aquel que se puede cambiar fácilmente por efectivo y que no afecta a su valor de mercado en el proceso. Entre todas las inversiones líquidas, el dinero en efectivo es el más líquido, y en el mundo de las criptomonedas, la moneda más líquida es el Bitcoin.

Existen diferentes maneras de mantener la liquidez alta de los activos en los exchanges de criptomonedas. Estas formas dependen de qué tipo de exchange estemos hablando: centralizado o descentralizado. Para mantener la descentralización y la liquidez, las empresas nuevas en finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) usan grupos de pools de liquidez cripto.

El tiempo de bloqueo del token tiene un papel importante en el apoyo a la liquidez de los proyectos cripto nuevos. Con este instrumento, los desarrolladores de startups pueden estar tranquilos de que el precio de sus tokens recién emitidos se derrumbe debido a problemas de liquidez.

Sin embargo, para conocer mejor el tema, analicemos primero cómo funciona la liquidez en la industria de las criptomonedas.

comenta si alguna vez invertiste en un proyecto y sus creadores se robaron la liquidez !
éxitos y verificar que los proyectos estén auditados!

más adelante en otro post seguiré ampliando el tema!
me pasa igual! 😭
me pasa igual! 😭
$RSR solo me sucede a mi? o es casualidad ? a veces pienso que espían mis órdenes... cuando entro inmediatamente se desploman los precios... no puede ser que yo tenga tan mala suerte, es muy extraño, empecé hace poco, llegué ganar 2000 en 7 días, poco a poco, y de ahí en adelante en todo lo que abro posición se desploman en cuestión de segundo , ya llevo - 4000😔
Alguien puede explicarme que sucedió ? los pase a mexc y nunca llegaron ! metagalaxyland me creí el cuento de la libertad financiera por un ratito 😔 Diossss elige otra guerrera please! #memecoins #GameFi #helpMe espero sus comentarios gracias besitos
Alguien puede explicarme que sucedió ? los pase a mexc y nunca llegaron ! metagalaxyland
me creí el cuento de la libertad financiera por un ratito 😔 Diossss elige otra guerrera please! #memecoins #GameFi #helpMe

espero sus comentarios gracias besitos te invito a unirte a ICE comprueba por ti mismo lo que puedes lograr ¡Hola, ☃️ muñeco de nieve! Únete a mi equipo en Ice y recibe 10 monedas de Ice al registrarte usando mi código de recomendación:

te invito a unirte a ICE comprueba por ti mismo lo que puedes lograr

¡Hola, ☃️ muñeco de nieve! Únete a mi equipo en Ice y recibe 10 monedas de Ice al registrarte usando mi código de recomendación:
整理 | Odaily星球日报

编辑 | Loopy Lu

与以往每周大量项目解锁有所不同。下周仅 4 个项目的代币解锁值得关注。

而下周迎来的 4 代币解锁中, ID 是解锁规模最为庞大的。价值超 500 万美元的 ID 代币,占当前 ID 流通量的超 4% 。





本次解锁数量: 1849 万枚

本次解锁金额:(约) 517 万美元

Space ID 是一款去中心化域名项目,该项目为用户提供了“.bnb”、“.eth”、“.arb”域名服务。意图将这一项目打造为用户的去中心化多链身份。此外,项目方还为用户提供了域名交易市场。ID 为   SPACE ID   的治理代币,总供应量 20 亿枚。ID 主要有三种功能。目前,仍有高达 78% 的 ID 代币仍在锁定之中。

本次解锁代币超 1800 万枚 ID,仅为总供应的 0.8% 。但鉴于该代币绝大多数均未流通,因此其解锁量仍较为可观。以当前流通量计算,约占流通量的 4.29% 。解锁代币市值约为 517 万美元。

从流通量来看,这一解锁规模或对 ID 代币交易形成一定冲击。但此类解锁规模在以前已多次发生,自代币发行至今,每月均存在一次规模类似的解锁。




本次解锁数量: 12.3 万枚

本次解锁金额:(约) 41.8 万美元

Euler 是一个定制的无许可借贷协议,可帮助用户借出和借入比以往更多的基于以太坊的代币。作为一个定制的无许可借贷协议,该协议具有一系列新功能,可帮助用户借出和借入比以往更多类型的代币。在借贷方面,借贷加密资产的长尾资产仍有大量未满足的需求。

本次解锁规模仅占不足流通量 1% ,从解锁历史和交易规模来看,本次解锁可称之为小额解锁。




本次解锁数量: 1250 万枚

本次解锁金额:(约) 255 万美元

NYM 是一个隐私基础设施项目。Nym 主打的是更为底层的网络传输层面的隐私保护。该协议旨在通过保护网络和应用层的每个数据包的元数据来防止这种数据泄露。

NYM 代币被用于其混合网络隐私系统,只有持 NYM 访问混合网络者才能运行混合节点,保证了运营者的高质量。混合节点运营者可获得 NYM 代币奖励。代币经济学显示,NYM 总供应量 10 亿枚。该代币于 2022 年 4 月 14 日开始发放。

从解锁历史来看,本次解锁规模不足流通量 1% ,并不庞大。此前已有多次远高于本次解锁的情况发生。
🚨 Attention Crypto Community! Beware of the Fake Token Pump! 🚨

In a recent announcement, #Binance introduced the $ACE token on its Launchpool, sparking significant market activity. However, it's crucial to exercise caution as the ACE token mentioned is listed on and has experienced an astonishing surge of over 300% in the last 24 hours.

📍Here's the catch – the ACE token associated with Fusionist is currently not listed on any exchange. This emphasizes the importance of thorough research before diving into any token investment, especially in a space where multiple tokens may share identical tickers.

The crypto world is dynamic, and with the excitement of new launches, the risk of falling victim to fake token pumps increases. This incident serves as a reminder of the need for due diligence and careful examination of project details.

As an informed investor, always verify the legitimacy of tokens and projects before making any financial commitments. Be wary of potential scams and discrepancies in ticker symbols. Vigilance is key to navigating the crypto landscape safely.

Let this be a call to action for the community – share this information, stay informed, and empower each other to make sound decisions in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies. Knowledge is your shield against potential pitfalls. Stay safe and trade wisely! 🛡️💡 #ETH #BTC #BinanceTournament $BTC $ETH $BNB #tia #sol
@elonreevezmusk #BabyGrok #cryptonews #bullish #The Gem that will give you the opportunity to create good capital and even become a Millionaire! Conoce a Babygrok es una verdadera gema defi viene a hacerte ganar dinero. Revolutionizing DeFi Baby Grok is not just another project; It is a revolutionary innovation inspired by the genius of Elon Musk and powered by the latest artificial intelligence technology. 🤖AI Superiority In a world where AI reigns supreme, Baby Grok stands out. Elon Musk's latest AI creation may be making waves, but Baby Grok is here to redefine the game. Join us on this journey into the future! About 👶 Meet Baby Grok Baby Grok is not just a coin; It's a movement. Born from the visionary mind of Elon Musk, Baby Grok combines the power of DeFi with the brilliance of AI. 🌌 Inspired by Elon Baby Grok is not just another project; It is a revolutionary innovation inspired by the genius of Elon Musk and powered by the latest artificial intelligence technology. 🌐 Community Driven At Baby Grok we believe in the strength of community. Join us as we create a decentralized ecosystem that empowers all incumbents. Your journey with Baby Grok is as important as the destination. Remember it is not an Investment Advice, Research first is essential, be aware of your decisions, Happy New Crypto Year!
@Elon Musk Crypto Investment #BabyGrok #cryptonews #bullish #The Gem that will give you the opportunity to create good capital and even become a Millionaire!

Conoce a Babygrok es una verdadera gema defi viene a hacerte ganar dinero.

Revolutionizing DeFi Baby Grok is not just another project; It is a revolutionary innovation inspired by the genius of Elon Musk and powered by the latest artificial intelligence technology. 🤖AI Superiority In a world where AI reigns supreme, Baby Grok stands out. Elon Musk's latest AI creation may be making waves, but Baby Grok is here to redefine the game. Join us on this journey into the future! About 👶 Meet Baby Grok Baby Grok is not just a coin; It's a movement. Born from the visionary mind of Elon Musk, Baby Grok combines the power of DeFi with the brilliance of AI. 🌌 Inspired by Elon Baby Grok is not just another project; It is a revolutionary innovation inspired by the genius of Elon Musk and powered by the latest artificial intelligence technology. 🌐 Community Driven At Baby Grok we believe in the strength of community. Join us as we create a decentralized ecosystem that empowers all incumbents. Your journey with Baby Grok is as important as the destination. Remember it is not an Investment Advice, Research first is essential, be aware of your decisions, Happy New Crypto Year!
##BinanceSquare #merrychristmas @Square-Creator-72e786275 @Square-Creator-8ca5df031 @Square-Creator-72e786664 #binacewishy Have you ever had a dream, a Christmas dream? Do you remember when you were a child and you watched those Christmas movies where everything always ends well, dreams come true, and you imagined playing in that white snow, or you were the boy in the movie in front of that big and beautiful tree, today I am the girl I watched those movies, and I also want a miracle at Christmas, my Christmas dream is that many children like you and me can have a Christmas with a beautiful tree, full of lights and pretty Christmas decorations, that they can have dinner and be grateful because they have a Good night, for those little tears and for those big smiles that you see through the glass, help me fulfill the dream with @binance and #binacewishy remember that you too may have been waiting for a toy, no matter how simple it was, my mom is also waiting for me. Christmas and so it's been 6 Christmases since she's been waiting for me with my plate on, toasting an absent daughter abroad, my mom no longer expects gifts, my mom no longer waits for Santa, she waits for me, just as many expect a miracle at Christmas, I want to thank because @binance helped me fulfill that dream in #binanceWishy today that is my little Christmas miracle, with the prize I will go visit mom, I will taste her Christmas dish again, and I will bring Christmas to many children who today They don't just wait for a Santa, they expect a hug, a coat and above all things they want hope that today everything can also change! Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous crypto New Year! Give me a like and help me share this dream! Thank you
##BinanceSquare #merrychristmas @Master ZE @Claire450 @GameKing #binacewishy Have you ever had a dream, a Christmas dream? Do you remember when you were a child and you watched those Christmas movies where everything always ends well, dreams come true, and you imagined playing in that white snow, or you were the boy in the movie in front of that big and beautiful tree, today I am the girl I watched those movies, and I also want a miracle at Christmas, my Christmas dream is that many children like you and me can have a Christmas with a beautiful tree, full of lights and pretty Christmas decorations, that they can have dinner and be grateful because they have a Good night, for those little tears and for those big smiles that you see through the glass, help me fulfill the dream with @binance and #binacewishy remember that you too may have been waiting for a toy, no matter how simple it was, my mom is also waiting for me. Christmas and so it's been 6 Christmases since she's been waiting for me with my plate on, toasting an absent daughter abroad, my mom no longer expects gifts, my mom no longer waits for Santa, she waits for me, just as many expect a miracle at Christmas, I want to thank because @binance helped me fulfill that dream in #binanceWishy today that is my little Christmas miracle, with the prize I will go visit mom, I will taste her Christmas dish again, and I will bring Christmas to many children who today They don't just wait for a Santa, they expect a hug, a coat and above all things they want hope that today everything can also change! Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous crypto New Year! Give me a like and help me share this dream! Thank you
#criptoactivos #gemas #NEWS $BTC $ETH $BNB #criptoIt may seem easy, although in reality it is frustrating when you are looking with low capital to invest, because you have the doubt of not knowing if it will be worth every penny or it will be a failure, if they will really list it or it will be a scam, based on my experience, which let me tell you. It is a lot in this world. 1* enter Twitter now 2* Take the risk of buying, about 10 dollars can make you a millionaire, those same 10 that you would easily spend on a drink and a couple of snacks. 3* Do not let yourself be overcome by anxiety, if you have already bought, stay calm in your hold position and wait for your time to shine, do not jump from project to project. 4* Research everything you can, verify each step, join the communities on discord, telegram, Twitter. Surround yourself with people who seek that same goal and the law of attraction will do the rest. *Remember this is not investment advice, don't risk what you can't lose and finally tip me "Remember you get what you give"
#criptoactivos #gemas #NEWS $BTC $ETH $BNB #criptoIt may seem easy, although in reality it is frustrating when you are looking with low capital to invest, because you have the doubt of not knowing if it will be worth every penny or it will be a failure, if they will really list it or it will be a scam, based on my experience, which let me tell you. It is a lot in this world.
1* enter Twitter now

2* Take the risk of buying, about 10 dollars can make you a millionaire, those same 10 that you would easily spend on a drink and a couple of snacks.

3* Do not let yourself be overcome by anxiety, if you have already bought, stay calm in your hold position and wait for your time to shine, do not jump from project to project.

4* Research everything you can, verify each step, join the communities on discord, telegram, Twitter. Surround yourself with people who seek that same goal and the law of attraction will do the rest.

*Remember this is not investment advice, don't risk what you can't lose and finally tip me "Remember you get what you give"
#ETFs #ETF #ETF #bullish #Bitcoin: $BTC $ETH $BNB Difference between a Bitcoin ETF and a Bitcoin ETF Token! heyyy! Do not get confused! It is important to clarify that a Bitcoin ETF and a Bitcoin ETF token are not common concepts in the financial industry. 1. Bitcoin ETF: An ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is an exchange-traded investment fund that seeks to replicate the performance of a specific underlying asset, in this case, Bitcoin. A Bitcoin ETF would allow investors to buy and sell shares of the fund on an exchange, and the value of the shares would be tied to the price of Bitcoin. However, as of now, there are no Bitcoin ETFs approved by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), nor in most financial markets. 2. Bitcoin ETF Token: The concept of a “Bitcoin ETF token” is not commonly used or recognized in the financial industry. Tokens typically refer to digital assets that are issued on a blockchain such as Ethereum. These tokens can represent different types of assets or rights. However, a “Bitcoin ETF token” could be interpreted as a digital asset that represents a stake in a Bitcoin ETF. That being said, it is important to note that the term “Bitcoin ETF token” could be a theoretical or hypothetical conceptualization, and there is no practical implementation or official regulation for these types of financial instruments at present. With any investment in Bitcoin or any other financial asset, it is always advisable to seek professional financial advice and fully understand the associated risks before making any decision. Many crypto investors in the commotion of the ETF news have bought the Bitcoin ETF token and believe that they have already invested in the ETFs that they have not yet approved. They are two very different things, The Blackrock will trade the shares on Coindesk until now, so don't be confused! Be careful with crypto scams! Follow me and support me, we all grow here! Aquí te dejo el enlace del token de etf el cual es un meme que puede darte grandes ganancias
#ETFs #ETF #ETF #bullish #Bitcoin: $BTC $ETH $BNB Difference between a Bitcoin ETF and a Bitcoin ETF Token! heyyy! Do not get confused!

It is important to clarify that a Bitcoin ETF and a Bitcoin ETF token are not common concepts in the financial industry. 1. Bitcoin ETF: An ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is an exchange-traded investment fund that seeks to replicate the performance of a specific underlying asset, in this case, Bitcoin. A Bitcoin ETF would allow investors to buy and sell shares of the fund on an exchange, and the value of the shares would be tied to the price of Bitcoin. However, as of now, there are no Bitcoin ETFs approved by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), nor in most financial markets.

2. Bitcoin ETF Token: The concept of a “Bitcoin ETF token” is not commonly used or recognized in the financial industry. Tokens typically refer to digital assets that are issued on a blockchain such as Ethereum. These tokens can represent different types of assets or rights. However, a “Bitcoin ETF token” could be interpreted as a digital asset that represents a stake in a Bitcoin ETF. That being said, it is important to note that the term “Bitcoin ETF token” could be a theoretical or hypothetical conceptualization, and there is no practical implementation or official regulation for these types of financial instruments at present. With any investment in Bitcoin or any other financial asset, it is always advisable to seek professional financial advice and fully understand the associated risks before making any decision.

Many crypto investors in the commotion of the ETF news have bought the Bitcoin ETF token and believe that they have already invested in the ETFs that they have not yet approved. They are two very different things, The Blackrock will trade the shares on Coindesk until now, so don't be confused! Be careful with crypto scams! Follow me and support me, we all grow here!
Aquí te dejo el enlace del token de etf el cual es un meme que puede darte grandes ganancias
#abundancia 5 Tips when Investing in the Crypto World.🧐 #criptoactivos #Criptomonedas #criptos #CriptoAnálisis 1. Do thorough research: Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it is important to research and understand the different projects and underlying technologies. Examine the development team, the project roadmap, and its long-term potential. It is also essential to understand how cryptocurrencies work and how they differ from each other. 2. Diversify your portfolio: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to reduce risk. You can also consider diversifying into other asset classes, such as stocks or bonds, to further balance your portfolio. 3. Set a loss limit: Although cryptocurrencies have significant growth potential, they are also volatile and can experience substantial losses. Set a loss limit at which you are willing to exit your investment to minimize losses before they become devastating. 4. Stay updated: Follow the news and developments in the world of cryptocurrencies. Regulatory changes, security issues, or any other event can have a significant impact on the value of cryptocurrencies. Stay informed to make more informed investment decisions. 5. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose: Investing in cryptocurrencies always carries risk. Never invest more money than you are willing to lose. Consider your financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before making any investment decisions. 🔆 Follow me and support me, here we grow together!
#abundancia 5 Tips when Investing in the Crypto World.🧐 #criptoactivos #Criptomonedas #criptos #CriptoAnálisis

1. Do thorough research: Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it is important to research and understand the different projects and underlying technologies. Examine the development team, the project roadmap, and its long-term potential. It is also essential to understand how cryptocurrencies work and how they differ from each other.

2. Diversify your portfolio: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies to reduce risk. You can also consider diversifying into other asset classes, such as stocks or bonds, to further balance your portfolio.

3. Set a loss limit: Although cryptocurrencies have significant growth potential, they are also volatile and can experience substantial losses. Set a loss limit at which you are willing to exit your investment to minimize losses before they become devastating.

4. Stay updated: Follow the news and developments in the world of cryptocurrencies. Regulatory changes, security issues, or any other event can have a significant impact on the value of cryptocurrencies. Stay informed to make more informed investment decisions.

5. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose: Investing in cryptocurrencies always carries risk. Never invest more money than you are willing to lose. Consider your financial situation, risk tolerance, and investment objectives before making any investment decisions.

🔆 Follow me and support me, here we grow together!
#criptoactivos #criptonews #Criptoemprendedores #Criptomonedas $BTC $XRP #InversionesCripto $SOL [Cripto posibilidades]( ###InversionesCripto The formula to generate profits! We small entrepreneurs in the crypto world cannot invest a thousand or two thousand USD in a high value crypto like Bitcoin, the big secret is in the new projects, those that are not worth more than 0.00000020 or less although it is a risk since The most likely thing is that it is not reliable, you would invest about 5 dollars with the possibility of obtaining thousands if that new crypto positions itself and increases considerably. disclaimer: This is never investment advice, your decisions are at your own risk. Here I leave you the link to some cryptos that could have a chance! Remember don't risk money you can't lose! positive mind everything comes with Joy, Ease and Glory, everything that prevents it can and Poc! until the next post! Let me know in the comments what you think of this investment strategy!
#criptoactivos #criptonews #Criptoemprendedores #Criptomonedas $BTC $XRP #InversionesCripto $SOL Cripto posibilidades ###InversionesCripto The formula to generate profits!

We small entrepreneurs in the crypto world cannot invest a thousand or two thousand USD in a high value crypto like Bitcoin, the big secret is in the new projects, those that are not worth more than 0.00000020 or less although it is a risk since The most likely thing is that it is not reliable, you would invest about 5 dollars with the possibility of obtaining thousands if that new crypto positions itself and increases considerably.

disclaimer: This is never investment advice, your decisions are at your own risk.

Here I leave you the link to some cryptos that could have a chance! Remember don't risk money you can't lose! positive mind everything comes with Joy, Ease and Glory, everything that prevents it can and Poc! until the next post! Let me know in the comments what you think of this investment strategy!
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