While XRP is a well-known altcoin globally, the mainnet ecosystem built on the XRP Ledger receives relatively less attention. This Quicktake will cover the basic elements for XRP Ledger on-chain analysis, with plans to offer deeper insights in the future.

Daily Transaction Count

• Minimum: 1,347,681

• Maximum: 1,935,274

Key Transaction Types

• Payment

• Minimum: 311,341

• Maximum: 807,382

A payment transaction represents the transfer of value from one account to another.

• TicketCreate

• Minimum: 310

• Maximum: 18,557

TicketCreate allows for the creation of tickets to process specific transactions without following the strict sequence number order in the XRP Ledger.

• AccountSet

• Minimum: 26

• Maximum: 85

The AccountSet transaction modifies the properties of an account in the XRP Ledger.

• TrustSet

• Minimum: 24,340

• Maximum: 44,932

Creates or modifies a trust line linking two accounts.

• NFTokenCreateOffer

• Minimum: 1,832

• Maximum: 11,689

Creates an offer for an NFT.

• NFTokenAcceptOffer

• Minimum: 636

• Maximum: 5,239

Accepts an offer to complete the trade of an NFT.

• NFTokenCancelOffer

• Minimum: 362

• Maximum: 703

Cancels an offer for an NFT.

• NFTokenMint

• Minimum: 486

• Maximum: 26,758

The NFTokenMint transaction creates an NFT with unchangeable properties, such as TokenFlags.

• NFTokenBurn

• Minimum: 31

• Maximum: 6,169

The NFTokenBurn transaction removes an NFT from the ledger, effectively burning it.

Written by Wenry