Will the cryptocurrency market peak in the 4th quarter of 2024?

Will it reach its peak in the 1st quarter of 2025?

Could the peak come in the 2nd quarter of 2025?

What about the 3rd quarter of 2025?

Or perhaps the 4th quarter of 2025?

Could the peak happen in the 1st quarter of 2026?

The only two scenarios that make sense to me are either the 4th quarter of 2024 or, at the very latest, the 1st quarter of 2025.

All the others, in my humble opinion, are part of the narrative the crowd will keep pushing as we approach the macro peak.

But would I call them impossible?

Not at all.

I’m here to make money and change lives.

If I see signs that I’m wrong, I’ll adjust my stance and focus on optimizing other scenarios.

Money is more important than pride.

This market is unpredictable, and we’re living through one of the most chaotic times in human history.

So, in reality, anything can happen.

To improve your odds of success, follow these steps:

- Create a core plan and set clear goals, but always remain flexible.

- Adopt a "level-by-level" strategy and be ready to pivot quickly if conditions change.

- Be fluid, like water.

That’s the key to success in this market.

We don’t get many chances, so make sure you don’t miss yours.