Based on the latest data for $SOL

/USDT, the price of SOL is currently $153.63, showing a 4.06% increase in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour high is $153.86 and the low is $146.00. The moving averages indicate bullish momentum with MA(7) at $149.68, MA(25) at $145.29, and MA(99) at $139.32. The 24-hour trading volume for SOL is 2.65M, equivalent to $395.79M in USDT, highlighting significant market activity. Over the past year, SOL has seen a remarkable increase of 698.54%, despite short-term fluctuations with a 48.20% rise over the last 180 days but a 17.58% decline over the past 90 days. This technical data suggests strong long-term growth potential with short-term volatility, making it crucial for traders to use indicators like moving averages and volume analysis for informed decision-making.#IntroToCopytrading #BinanceTournament #LayerZero #LayerZero