$ZEN /USDT is currently priced at $8.95, up 12.58%. In the past 24 hours, it has fluctuated between $7.36 and $9.00, with a trading volume of 2.42M ZEN and 19.48M USDT. The depth chart indicates strong buy support at $8.95 and resistance at $9.14. Moving averages, MA(5) at 392,599.66 and MA(10) at 323,281.23, reflect bullish momentum. Notably, significant volume (436,414.04) underscores active trading. Traders should watch support at $7.36 and resistance at $9.14 for potential breakout or pullback opportunities, leveraging technical indicators like MACD and RSI for better insights.#SOFR_Spike #IntroToCopytrading #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #VanEck_SOL_ETFS