Binance Square
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アルトコインの季節がやってくる?アルトコイン市場はどちらに向かうのか? 暗号通貨市場はボラティリティが高いことで有名で、過去 2 週間にわたってアルトコイン市場でもそのボラティリティが見られました。特に昨年 3 月、ビットコインの価格が史上最高値に達したとき、市場ではアルトコインの季節が少し見られました。その後、ポイントの価格は変動しましたが、アルトコインの価格は過去 2 週間下落傾向にあります。ただし、アルトコインの最近の下落は、相対的な勢いの底を示している可能性があります。歴史が繰り返されるなら、すぐに協調的な上昇が見られるかもしれません。 #BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance

暗号通貨市場はボラティリティが高いことで有名で、過去 2 週間にわたってアルトコイン市場でもそのボラティリティが見られました。特に昨年 3 月、ビットコインの価格が史上最高値に達したとき、市場ではアルトコインの季節が少し見られました。その後、ポイントの価格は変動しましたが、アルトコインの価格は過去 2 週間下落傾向にあります。ただし、アルトコインの最近の下落は、相対的な勢いの底を示している可能性があります。歴史が繰り返されるなら、すぐに協調的な上昇が見られるかもしれません。
#BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance
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Binance Web3 WalletとStarryNiftの合同イベントへようこそ!MPC Binance Web3 Wallet(キーレスウォレット)を作成し、で市民権カードを作成し、賞金プールをシェアしましょう!より多くの特典を楽しむには、私の紹介コード:_CMfF-Fr6Lを使用してください!
Binance Web3 WalletとStarryNiftの合同イベントへようこそ!MPC Binance Web3 Wallet(キーレスウォレット)を作成し、で市民権カードを作成し、賞金プールをシェアしましょう!より多くの特典を楽しむには、私の紹介コード:_CMfF-Fr6Lを使用してください!
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ETH ETFは、ETHに投資したい方やETHEに投資したい方にとって素晴らしい選択肢です。 これを使用して、より良い購入決定を行うことができます。このウェブサイトは、お客様の体験を向上させるためにCookieを使用しています。 ETHEは9日にオファーを午前7時に1.15%割引し、午後11時には46%に引き上げたことが明らかになりました。したがって、ETHEに投資したい場合は、適切なETFの使用を検討し、それに応じてオプションを選択する必要があります。 ビットコインETFは、「GBTC」に投資することで、お客様の体験を向上させるのに役立ちます。店頭ETFでETHに投資するか、より安い価格でETHを購入するかを選択できます。 21日後、「S-1」を介して購入したS&P ETF(SEC)の80%を受け取ります。 SECは9月8日にETF S-1を配布し、最新のレポートを公開します。詳細については、SEC にアクセスしてください。定期的に確認します #BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance #ETF_ETH #ETFApprouval
ETH ETFは、ETHに投資したい方やETHEに投資したい方にとって素晴らしい選択肢です。




21日後、「S-1」を介して購入したS&P ETF(SEC)の80%を受け取ります。

SECは9月8日にETF S-1を配布し、最新のレポートを公開します。詳細については、SEC にアクセスしてください。定期的に確認します
#BinanceTurns7 #Menuju7TahunBinance #ETF_ETH #ETFApprouval
Zobrazit originál
投資家は、毎日暗号市場に上場されているコインに注意する必要があります。 ビットコインが誕生して以来、新しいコインが市場に参入しています。さまざまな取引所を見ると、多くのコインが絶えず取引所に追加されていることがわかります。そして、このようなコインの絶え間ない追加は、投資家にとって非常に心配なことであり、多くの投資家に考えさせています。これらのオンラインベースのデジタルコインが市場に含まれることは悪いことではありませんが、問題は、それらの寿命について多くの疑問があることです。市場に上場されるコインが絶えず見られるのと同じように、市場から退出するコインも絶えず見られます。新しい暗号コインが絶えず市場に上場されると、投資家はどのコインに投資するかを決めるのが難しくなります。 #Menuju7TahunBinance

Zobrazit originál
こんなことが起きる可能性はありますか? 以前にも似たような状況がありました... 以下のようなことが起きるとは思いませんが、どうなるかはわかりません... 前回起きたときと同じ状況ですが、価格はずっと安くなっています: #Menuju7TahunBinance #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

#Menuju7TahunBinance #BTC☀ $BTC
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クジラが介入し、Coinbase で 2 億ドルを購入 誰もがパニックに陥っているわけではない... 誰もが 4 万ドルを待っている間に、クジラはすでにこの安値で購入している。 数時間前に Coinbase で 2 億ドルの購入が行われた: #Menuju7TahunBinance #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
クジラが介入し、Coinbase で 2 億ドルを購入

誰もが 4 万ドルを待っている間に、クジラはすでにこの安値で購入している。

数時間前に Coinbase で 2 億ドルの購入が行われた: #Menuju7TahunBinance
What Are Advantages Of Cryptocurrency? One of the primary benefits of cryptocurrencies is its capacity to enable quick, secure, and low-cost transactions. Transactions can be completed directly between two parties, eliminating the need for a third party, such as a bank. This can lead to lower transaction fees and faster processing times. Another advantage of cryptocurrencies is anonymity. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on the blockchain, but the identities of the parties involved are unknown. This may be appealing to folks who respect privacy and prefer to keep their financial actions private. Most cryptocurrencies' supply is regulated and controlled by the network, making them resistant to inflation. This may make it an appealing investment option for people who want to protect their capital from the effect of Inflation
What Are Advantages Of Cryptocurrency?

One of the primary benefits of cryptocurrencies is its capacity to enable quick, secure, and low-cost transactions. Transactions can be completed directly between two parties, eliminating the need for a third party, such as a bank. This can lead to lower transaction fees and faster processing times.

Another advantage of cryptocurrencies is anonymity. Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on the blockchain, but the identities of the parties involved are unknown. This may be appealing to folks who respect privacy and prefer to keep their financial actions private.

Most cryptocurrencies' supply is regulated and controlled by the network, making them resistant to inflation. This may make it an appealing investment option for people who want to protect their capital from the effect of Inflation
Does it look familiar to anyone else? There is a ton of FUD out there, but the setup is there never the less. Does this look familiar to you? It looks very familiar to me. Onwards and upwards! #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Does it look familiar to anyone else?
There is a ton of FUD out there, but the setup is there never the less.

Does this look familiar to you?
It looks very familiar to me.

Onwards and upwards!
Should be a good month I am looking for 20% returns this month July should be good after a bad June. History points to a 15% to 20% month in store for us. Here's why:
Should be a good month

I am looking for 20% returns this month
July should be good after a bad June.
History points to a 15% to 20% month in store for us.

Here's why:
Breakout or Fakeout? Bitcoin moving above the downtrend line Is this a real breakout or just a fake out? Looks like it could be real as long as this price holds today and tomorrow. #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Breakout or Fakeout?

Bitcoin moving above the downtrend line
Is this a real breakout or just a fake out?

Looks like it could be real as long as this price holds today and tomorrow.
Bitcoin targets $90,000! Prepare for the bull rally! The cryptocurrency industry is buzzing with excitement as a result of recent research that suggests Bitcoin may aim to reach a price of $90,000 based on long-term bullish signals. These traditional signs, which forecast an upcoming price breakout for Bitcoin, are the source of this cautious optimism. In spite of the fact that Bitcoin had a mixed performance in June, it continues to be a good investment over longer periods of time. #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin targets $90,000! Prepare for the bull rally!

The cryptocurrency industry is buzzing with excitement as a result of recent research that suggests Bitcoin may aim to reach a price of $90,000 based on long-term bullish signals. These traditional signs, which forecast an upcoming price breakout for Bitcoin, are the source of this cautious optimism.

In spite of the fact that Bitcoin had a mixed performance in June, it continues to be a good investment over longer periods of time.
Crypto: Altcoin season may be about to start!The altcoin season, which is a moment that crypto investors have been waiting for for a very long time, is about to arrive, according to a well-known market expert. A turnaround is becoming more apparent, despite the fact that the capitalization of alternative cryptocurrencies has recently decreased. Even in the face of the current volatility, the well-known trader Mister Crypto maintains his bullish outlook. The mechanics of the market, in his opinion, are following a pattern that has been around for quite some time. The beginning of it all begins with a period of focus on Bitcoin, which is then followed by an increase in interest in Ethereum cryptocurrency. Consequently, this movement sets the door for a genuine rush towards other cryptocurrencies During the first stage, capital is poured into Bitcoin, which results in a large increase in the price of the cryptocurrency, as explained by Mister Crypto. After then, attention is shifted to Ethereum, which ultimately exceeded Bitcoin in terms of performance. As a result of this movement, a domino effect is triggered, which initially serves to drive high-cap altcoins before spreading to the entire market. Throughout the course of history, this cycle has gone through multiple times. In the year 2021, during the final altcoin season, the value of certain cryptocurrencies increased by a factor of one hundred or even one thousand, which logically stoked the appetite of investors. However, despite the recent loss of 17% in the capitalization of alternative cryptocurrencies, evidence indicate to an imminent return. The prediction made by Mister Crypto is that we are on the verge of entering a new phase of euphoria. Not only are the fundamentals stronger than they have ever been, but adoption is also picking up speed. The cryptocurrency ecosystem has, without a doubt, developed quite a bit during the past several years. For a great number of projects, concrete use cases have been produced, which has attracted the interest of institutional investors. In addition, advances in regulation are being made, which provides a framework that is both more transparent and more reassuring for the entire market. At first, the most well-established projects should be the ones to gain from the influx of funds, and then it should extend to the lesser cryptocurrencies. This final phase is where the most dramatic gains can be made, the expert emphasises, and it is during this time that the gains can be made. When it comes to intelligent investors, the cryptocurrency season appears to be promising. Even while the cryptocurrency industry is still characterised by its natural volatility, the potential for expansion appear to be substantial. #BTC☀ #altsesaon #CryptoNewss #BinanceTournament

Crypto: Altcoin season may be about to start!

The altcoin season, which is a moment that crypto investors have been waiting for for a very long time, is about to arrive, according to a well-known market expert. A turnaround is becoming more apparent, despite the fact that the capitalization of alternative cryptocurrencies has recently decreased.
Even in the face of the current volatility, the well-known trader Mister Crypto maintains his bullish outlook. The mechanics of the market, in his opinion, are following a pattern that has been around for quite some time.
The beginning of it all begins with a period of focus on Bitcoin, which is then followed by an increase in interest in Ethereum cryptocurrency. Consequently, this movement sets the door for a genuine rush towards other cryptocurrencies
During the first stage, capital is poured into Bitcoin, which results in a large increase in the price of the cryptocurrency, as explained by Mister Crypto. After then, attention is shifted to Ethereum, which ultimately exceeded Bitcoin in terms of performance.
As a result of this movement, a domino effect is triggered, which initially serves to drive high-cap altcoins before spreading to the entire market. Throughout the course of history, this cycle has gone through multiple times.
In the year 2021, during the final altcoin season, the value of certain cryptocurrencies increased by a factor of one hundred or even one thousand, which logically stoked the appetite of investors.
However, despite the recent loss of 17% in the capitalization of alternative cryptocurrencies, evidence indicate to an imminent return.
The prediction made by Mister Crypto is that we are on the verge of entering a new phase of euphoria. Not only are the fundamentals stronger than they have ever been, but adoption is also picking up speed.
The cryptocurrency ecosystem has, without a doubt, developed quite a bit during the past several years. For a great number of projects, concrete use cases have been produced, which has attracted the interest of institutional investors. In addition, advances in regulation are being made, which provides a framework that is both more transparent and more reassuring for the entire market.
At first, the most well-established projects should be the ones to gain from the influx of funds, and then it should extend to the lesser cryptocurrencies. This final phase is where the most dramatic gains can be made, the expert emphasises, and it is during this time that the gains can be made.
When it comes to intelligent investors, the cryptocurrency season appears to be promising. Even while the cryptocurrency industry is still characterised by its natural volatility, the potential for expansion appear to be substantial.
#BTC☀ #altsesaon #CryptoNewss #BinanceTournament
Crypto Losses from Deep Fakes  The Threat of Deep Fakes What are Deep Fakes? Deep fakes are synthetic media created using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques. These technologies can generate highly realistic videos, audio, and images of people, making it appear as if they are saying or doing things they never actually did. While deep fakes have legitimate uses in entertainment and other fields, they have also become a tool for cybercriminals. How Deep Fakes Target Crypto In the context of cryptocurrency, deep fakes can be used to create convincing videos or audio recordings of influential figures, such as crypto project leaders, CEOs, or financial advisors. These fraudulent media are often used to scam investors, spread false information, or manipulate markets. Common tactics include: Impersonation: Creating fake videos of trusted figures announcing fraudulent investment opportunities. Phishing: Using deep fake voices or images to trick individuals into revealing private keys or passwords. Market Manipulation: Disseminating false information to sway market sentiment and influence crypto prices. #BinanceTournament #NewsAboutCrypto
Crypto Losses from Deep Fakes 

The Threat of Deep Fakes
What are Deep Fakes?
Deep fakes are synthetic media created using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques. These technologies can generate highly realistic videos, audio, and images of people, making it appear as if they are saying or doing things they never actually did. While deep fakes have legitimate uses in entertainment and other fields, they have also become a tool for cybercriminals.

How Deep Fakes Target Crypto
In the context of cryptocurrency, deep fakes can be used to create convincing videos or audio recordings of influential figures, such as crypto project leaders, CEOs, or financial advisors. These fraudulent media are often used to scam investors, spread false information, or manipulate markets. Common tactics include:

Impersonation: Creating fake videos of trusted figures announcing fraudulent investment opportunities.
Phishing: Using deep fake voices or images to trick individuals into revealing private keys or passwords.
Market Manipulation: Disseminating false information to sway market sentiment and influence crypto prices.

#BinanceTournament #NewsAboutCrypto
Bitcoin might start going up with the calander flips I've seen it before Bitcoin and stocks often just start going up or down when the month and quarter and years change. Time changes things at times. And bitcoin looks setup for this to be one of those times. #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin might start going up with the calander flips

I've seen it before
Bitcoin and stocks often just start going up or down when the month and quarter and years change.

Time changes things at times.

And bitcoin looks setup for this to be one of those times.
When in doubt, zoom out This sums it up very well... Sometimes a picture sums things up much better than a long drawn out paragraph. It seems like a hard climb at first, until we look back and see that it was just a hill on a much bigger mountain. Something like this does quite well: #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)
When in doubt, zoom out

This sums it up very well...
Sometimes a picture sums things up much better than a long drawn out paragraph.

It seems like a hard climb at first, until we look back and see that it was just a hill on a much bigger mountain.

Something like this does quite well:
US government sending bitcoin to Coinbase? What is this? Bitcoin getting hit from all sides right now. #BTC☀
US government sending bitcoin to Coinbase?
What is this?
Bitcoin getting hit from all sides right now.
Does this mean we need to go lower? Bitcoin has yet to see a 30% draw-down since the lows of 2022 This is pretty surprising... BItcoin hasn't seen a single 30% drawdown since we made those lows during this cycle. Right now we are in the midst of a 22% drop, does that mean it needs to go lower? Maybe, maybe not... We are about to find out. Check it out: #BTC☀
Does this mean we need to go lower?

Bitcoin has yet to see a 30% draw-down since the lows of 2022
This is pretty surprising...

BItcoin hasn't seen a single 30% drawdown since we made those lows during this cycle.
Right now we are in the midst of a 22% drop, does that mean it needs to go lower?

Maybe, maybe not...

We are about to find out.

Check it out: #BTC☀
They aren't even here yet Morgan Stanley said they will open up the Bitcoin ETFs to all clients by end of August They aren't even all here yet. The ETFs have primarily been driven by retail flows. At least that is what I have read. The big wire houses haven't even gotten involved yet. The rumors are they will start getting here in the 3rd and 4th quarter of this year. That would be really good for the price if true. If bitcoin is going up by then it will be even more attractive. Here's part of that:
They aren't even here yet

Morgan Stanley said they will open up the Bitcoin ETFs to all clients by end of August
They aren't even all here yet.

The ETFs have primarily been driven by retail flows.

At least that is what I have read.

The big wire houses haven't even gotten involved yet.

The rumors are they will start getting here in the 3rd and 4th quarter of this year.

That would be really good for the price if true.

If bitcoin is going up by then it will be even more attractive.

Here's part of that:
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