Binance Square
Označeno To se mi líbí
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dej mi velkou ztrátu😅😅 teď si nikdy nezapomenu vzít tp / sl
dej mi velkou ztrátu😅😅
teď si nikdy nezapomenu vzít tp / sl
Zobrazit originál
1.Když jsme ve ztrátě, říkáme, co je to za hovno 2. když bereme zisk, říkáme, jaká 😁skvělá mince
1.Když jsme ve ztrátě, říkáme, co je to za hovno
2. když bereme zisk, říkáme, jaká 😁skvělá mince
Zobrazit originál
Proč NEpadá? 🌋Na projekt byly přiděleny obrovské finanční prostředky, ale mentalitou lidí je nejprve vyskočit z lodi a rozhoupat ji a donekonečna sypat minci. 🫡 Očekávání jsou nafouknutá - mnozí měli očekávání zcela odlišná od ekonomiky, nemluvě o tom, že cena tokenu je odtržená od pracovníků v reálném světě. 🥹 Přinejmenším je potřeba uvolnit slabé ruce, aby mohly napájet raketu, pokud to ještě má být. ✅ Celkově nesplnil svůj úkol a držel TON na 7 $ po dobu dvou týdnů. Otázkou nyní je, jak moc je v tom skutečná potřeba. 👩‍💻 Počítal jsem pracovní náročnost / zisk pomocí NOT, dostal jsem 0,003 $ za token - férová cena. $NOT NE 0,005628 -15,13 % Zřeknutí se odpovědnosti: Zahrnuje názory třetích stran. Žádné finanční poradenství. Může zahrnovat sponzorovaný obsah. Viz Všeobecné podmínky. Sdílejte s přáteli hned teď
Proč NEpadá?
🌋Na projekt byly přiděleny obrovské finanční prostředky, ale mentalitou lidí je nejprve vyskočit z lodi a rozhoupat ji a donekonečna sypat minci.
🫡 Očekávání jsou nafouknutá - mnozí měli očekávání zcela odlišná od ekonomiky, nemluvě o tom, že cena tokenu je odtržená od pracovníků v reálném světě.
🥹 Přinejmenším je potřeba uvolnit slabé ruce, aby mohly napájet raketu, pokud to ještě má být.
✅ Celkově nesplnil svůj úkol a držel TON na 7 $ po dobu dvou týdnů. Otázkou nyní je, jak moc je v tom skutečná potřeba.
👩‍💻 Počítal jsem pracovní náročnost / zisk pomocí NOT, dostal jsem 0,003 $ za token - férová cena.
-15,13 %
Zřeknutí se odpovědnosti: Zahrnuje názory třetích stran. Žádné finanční poradenství. Může zahrnovat sponzorovaný obsah. Viz Všeobecné podmínky.
Sdílejte s přáteli hned teď
Zobrazit originál
$TRB = potíže . Jde to nahoru tak rychle a super rychlý výpis zpět, váš veškerý zisk se může během vteřiny změnit ve ztrátu. Tak si nehrajte s ohněm 🔥
$TRB = potíže .
Jde to nahoru tak rychle a super rychlý výpis zpět, váš veškerý zisk se může během vteřiny změnit ve ztrátu. Tak si nehrajte s ohněm 🔥
Zobrazit originál
$TRB = potíže . Jde to nahoru tak rychle a super rychlý výpis zpět, váš veškerý zisk se může během vteřiny změnit ve ztrátu. Tak si nehrajte s ohněm 🔥
$TRB = potíže .
Jde to nahoru tak rychle a super rychlý výpis zpět, váš veškerý zisk se může během vteřiny změnit ve ztrátu. Tak si nehrajte s ohněm 🔥
Zobrazit originál
$BTC nenapadněte malé pumpě, bude to zase klesat, tohle jsou jen některé velryby, které jedí poslední jídlo z vašeho talíře, než to půjde dolů býčí trend je ukončen, prodejní objednávky jsou vysoké, v příštích 48 hodinách budete vědět to! Uvidíme se, kluci, je nejlepší čas na otevření krátkých objednávek #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #dipprofit #BearishAlert #BEARISH📉
$BTC nenapadněte malé pumpě, bude to zase klesat, tohle jsou jen některé velryby, které jedí poslední jídlo z vašeho talíře, než to půjde dolů býčí trend je ukončen, prodejní objednávky jsou vysoké, v příštích 48 hodinách budete vědět to! Uvidíme se, kluci, je nejlepší čas na otevření krátkých objednávek #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #dipprofit #BearishAlert #BEARISH📉
Zobrazit originál
$TRB Nejedná se o finanční poradenství Můžu vám říct, že TRB není skvělá mince na investování, protože co? hlasitost a pořadí je odpověď Nízký objem a nízké hodnocení znamená, že je manipulováno, když je cena pumpovaná Jaký je největší manipulátor? Výměník Víš co ? Řekl bych vám, že největší zisk na jakékoli burze to není z poplatku obchodníků, to je z věčného trhu, takže mají zisk z vaší ztráty Je to opravdu k ničemu, pokud chcete, aby některé národy prodaly své mince, protože hlavním kupujícím je manipulátor sám Můžete vidět můj předchozí příspěvek, kterému říkám, abyste na tuto minci nevstupovali, protože vím, že je napumpovaná manipulátorem, vsadím se, že tato mince půjde stále výš a výš, když noví lidé vstoupí na tuto minci A na konci tohoto bodu vám řeknu, nezkracujte se na minci, která má nízký fundament
Nejedná se o finanční poradenství
Můžu vám říct, že TRB není skvělá mince na investování, protože co? hlasitost a pořadí je odpověď
Nízký objem a nízké hodnocení znamená, že je manipulováno, když je cena pumpovaná
Jaký je největší manipulátor?
Víš co ? Řekl bych vám, že největší zisk na jakékoli burze to není z poplatku obchodníků, to je z věčného trhu, takže mají zisk z vaší ztráty
Je to opravdu k ničemu, pokud chcete, aby některé národy prodaly své mince, protože hlavním kupujícím je manipulátor sám
Můžete vidět můj předchozí příspěvek, kterému říkám, abyste na tuto minci nevstupovali, protože vím, že je napumpovaná manipulátorem, vsadím se, že tato mince půjde stále výš a výš, když noví lidé vstoupí na tuto minci
A na konci tohoto bodu vám řeknu, nezkracujte se na minci, která má nízký fundament
$TRB expected support and resistance levels - initial Resistance Level: $99 - Target Price: $121 (if resistance level is maintained) - Pullback: Possible drop to $85 before further movement - Support Level: $80 - Warning: If $TRB breaks support level and fails to recover within 5 minutes, a further drop to $65 or lower is possible - Note: Always consider Bitcoin ($BTC ) scale while trading. #altcoins #BTC #BullorBear #BlackRock #FollowAndRetweet
$TRB expected support and resistance levels
- initial Resistance Level: $99
- Target Price: $121 (if resistance level is maintained)
- Pullback: Possible drop to $85 before further movement
- Support Level: $80
- Warning: If $TRB breaks support level and fails to recover within 5 minutes, a further drop to $65 or lower is possible
- Note: Always consider Bitcoin ($BTC ) scale while trading.
#altcoins #BTC #BullorBear #BlackRock #FollowAndRetweet
$ENA Today support is above 0.800, MACD and histogram is in ideal position also indication up trend, check my previous post where I predict that in one day candle it will take 5 to 7 days to rise because MACD histogram was not in ideal position and slowly moving up side, it is slowly moving but it is stronger, according to my calculation in 24 hours a huge bull run can start so be prepare
$ENA Today support is above 0.800, MACD and histogram is in ideal position also indication up trend, check my previous post where I predict that in one day candle it will take 5 to 7 days to rise because MACD histogram was not in ideal position and slowly moving up side, it is slowly moving but it is stronger, according to my calculation in 24 hours a huge bull run can start so be prepare
WHALES PERFECT GAME HAS GOT BTC TO TOUCH $63,000. IT'S A FALSE RISE DONT BUY ELSE YOU'LL BE IN TEARS IN FEW DAYS. I warned few days ago that BTC would make an unusual rise to $63,000 within 14 days. Just as I rightly said we're now seeing BTC hitting the exact same value I mentioned. This tells you that my price information are gotten from the fabrics and roots of the crypto market. The earlier you start taking me seriously your chances of loosing your money gets slimmer. The false rise strategy is a very Smart, carefully crafted out method crypto biggest whales use to manipulate the market so as to draw more than usual profit from the market. This is how it works; Whales pumps in a few billions into the market space. This then makes the market Green and flourishing and all litted up again. This green, bright and flourishing atmosphere attracts mostly small scale investors who trades the market with $100,000 and below. These unsuspecting preys sees a bright market, with hopes of drawing profit or multiplying their funds by 2X or 3X throws in their funds massively into the market which accumulates to billions of dollars. While the preys are pouring in funds into the market the whales are waiting for the right time to pull the plug and drain the market dry. They eventually pull the plug and pull out their billions out of the market alongside multiple billions more in profit which was made from the massive funds small investors brought in. Whales takes home billions of dollars in profit while the small investors lose again. This strategy is the major concept behind the crypto market. The crypto space is a large market set up for big guys to always win while the small guys lose all the time. In this market Whales never lose because the system was set up to keep them at an advantage while the small boys, $100,000 and below investors, lose very often. This time around another false rise will happen within the next two weeks and the whales are hoping to draw at least $1.5 Billion in profit from it. Always stick around for more details. #BullorBear
I warned few days ago that BTC would make an unusual rise to $63,000 within 14 days. Just as I rightly said we're now seeing BTC hitting the exact same value I mentioned. This tells you that my price information are gotten from the fabrics and roots of the crypto market.
The earlier you start taking me seriously your chances of loosing your money gets slimmer.
The false rise strategy is a very Smart, carefully crafted out method crypto biggest whales use to manipulate the market so as to draw more than usual profit from the market.
This is how it works; Whales pumps in a few billions into the market space. This then makes the market Green and flourishing and all litted up again. This green, bright and flourishing atmosphere attracts mostly small scale investors who trades the market with $100,000 and below. These unsuspecting preys sees a bright market, with hopes of drawing profit or multiplying their funds by 2X or 3X throws in their funds massively into the market which accumulates to billions of dollars.
While the preys are pouring in funds into the market the whales are waiting for the right time to pull the plug and drain the market dry.
They eventually pull the plug and pull out their billions out of the market alongside multiple billions more in profit which was made from the massive funds small investors brought in.
Whales takes home billions of dollars in profit while the small investors lose again. This strategy is the major concept behind the crypto market. The crypto space is a large market set up for big guys to always win while the small guys lose all the time.
In this market Whales never lose because the system was set up to keep them at an advantage while the small boys, $100,000 and below investors, lose very often.
This time around another false rise will happen within the next two weeks and the whales are hoping to draw at least $1.5 Billion in profit from it.
Always stick around for more details.
𝙍𝙀𝙕 After hours, $REZ coins will be listed on #Binance BinanceLabs One of the most important investors in it. In this article, I will explain what its project is and what its price will be? The Renzo Protocol project specializes in the field of Liquid Restaking The problem with Restaking protocols is that to stake them you need to reserve your coins. So the idea of ​​Liquid Restaking projects like Renzo is that you get a coin like $ezETH that is equivalent to $ETH. This way you can participate in Restaking and maintain your liquidity. The Liquid Restaking sector is considered new to the market, but the Renzo project leads as the second largest project in this sector. REZ coin
After hours, $REZ coins will be listed on

One of the most important investors in it. In this article, I will explain what its project is and what its price will be?
The Renzo Protocol project specializes in the field of Liquid Restaking
The problem with Restaking protocols is that to stake them you need to reserve your coins.
So the idea of ​​Liquid Restaking projects like Renzo is that you get a coin like $ezETH that is equivalent to $ETH.
This way you can participate in Restaking and maintain your liquidity.
The Liquid Restaking sector is considered new to the market, but the Renzo project leads as the second largest project in this sector.
REZ coin
WIF Price Speculation: Possible Climb to $4? - Conduct Your Own Research Before Investing Whispers on the wind suggest WIF (unspecified cryptocurrency) could potentially reach $4 soon. However, this is purely speculation, not financial advice. Here's why some might be eyeing WIF: Market Momentum: Perhaps there's a positive buzz surrounding WIF, leading to speculation about a price increase. Previous Performance (Not a Guarantee): If WIF has a history of price surges, some might be hoping for a repeat. $WIF
WIF Price Speculation: Possible Climb to $4? - Conduct Your Own Research Before Investing
Whispers on the wind suggest WIF (unspecified cryptocurrency) could potentially reach $4 soon. However, this is purely speculation, not financial advice.
Here's why some might be eyeing WIF:
Market Momentum: Perhaps there's a positive buzz surrounding WIF, leading to speculation about a price increase.
Previous Performance (Not a Guarantee): If WIF has a history of price surges, some might be hoping for a repeat.
$ENA TIME TO BUY MORE⁉️ Absolutely. It’s always good to buy the dip. But ENA dip not like any other dip. Why❓ Coinbase is listing ENA sooner than expected. What this means❓ Means substantially more than one billion in market cap minimum within few days if not few hours of launch 🚀 As we said ENA 2$ to 5$ in 2024 is not a dream. ENA 10$ 2024 is a great possibility after this news. ENA 100$ is a dream but we can make it happen if WE ARE THE PEOPLE gathering together to achieve it. - Is it good time to buy more now❓ For me it’s always better when everyone is giving up on it I add more to my portfolio. It’s your call to buy more now or even sell. Me buy all the way. Adding more around 0.80 I’m here for the long term, mostly I’m doing it right, however it’s always possible that I’m wrong. But I’m willing to give it a shot. ENA USDe wins. - Do not belive me believe on your self
It’s always good to buy the dip.
But ENA dip not like any other dip.
Coinbase is listing ENA sooner than expected.
What this means❓
Means substantially more than one billion in market cap minimum within few days if not few hours of launch 🚀
As we said ENA 2$ to 5$ in 2024 is not a dream.
ENA 10$ 2024 is a great possibility after this news.
ENA 100$ is a dream but we can make it happen if WE ARE THE PEOPLE gathering together to achieve it.
Is it good time to buy more now❓
For me it’s always better when everyone is giving up on it I add more to my portfolio.
It’s your call to buy more now or even sell.
Me buy all the way.
Adding more around 0.80
I’m here for the long term, mostly I’m doing it right, however it’s always possible that I’m wrong.
But I’m willing to give it a shot.
ENA USDe wins.
Do not belive me believe on your self
$WIF Time has com to buy $WIF while it is now at lowest price and it will bullish soon to above 4$. Thanks me later 🙏. #WIF_Usdt #bullish #2024 Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs. Share with friends now
Time has com to buy $WIF while it is now at lowest price and it will bullish soon to above 4$. Thanks me later 🙏.
#WIF_Usdt #bullish #2024
Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
Share with friends now
$ENA Guys take patient, hold it, don't make the rush decision. this is crypto market, it may be trap. $ENA will touch 1.12 to 1.14 again.
$ENA Guys take patient, hold it, don't make the rush decision. this is crypto market, it may be trap. $ENA will touch 1.12 to 1.14 again.
🔥🔥$WIF PREDICTION🔥🔥 ✅As i have correctly analyzed yesterday, the sellers did enter the market and the price got pushed back down below the SNR level eventhoug the price managed to pass though that level. ✅There has been a huge exchange of assests between buyers and sellers shown by the very high volume. ✅The candle yesterday has a long upper wick suggesting that the buyers have initially hunted for stoplosses of sellers, as well as trapped small traders into bad trades. ✅Then the sellers were actively selling into the buying and has overwhelmed the buyers and managed to push the price down makind small traaders to cut losses. ✅So, if sellers are commited, the price will fall back down to the SNR level below. ✅If this bearish move is not followed up, naturally the buyers will take back the control and price will rise.. Follow..Share..Like.. Comment your thoughts... 😇😇If ou find this useful, support me by giving a tip so i can keep doing this..
✅As i have correctly analyzed yesterday, the sellers did enter the market and the price got pushed back down below the SNR level eventhoug the price managed to pass though that level.
✅There has been a huge exchange of assests between buyers and sellers shown by the very high volume.
✅The candle yesterday has a long upper wick suggesting that the buyers have initially hunted for stoplosses of sellers, as well as trapped small traders into bad trades.
✅Then the sellers were actively selling into the buying and has overwhelmed the buyers and managed to push the price down makind small traaders to cut losses.
✅So, if sellers are commited, the price will fall back down to the SNR level below.
✅If this bearish move is not followed up, naturally the buyers will take back the control and price will rise..
Comment your thoughts...
😇😇If ou find this useful, support me by giving a tip so i can keep doing this..
$PEPE Stop spreading the news 🗞️ pepe will reach 1 $ it's not possible do a logical analysis if you are new to crypto don't miss guide people people are investing amount in it dreaming of being millionaire and facing loss pepe can't reach 1 cent as market capital shoul be in trillion which ain't possible . dear users please don't listen anyone you can hold pepe for long term for some good profit ,not millionaire dreams $FLOKI $SHIB
$PEPE Stop spreading the news 🗞️ pepe will reach 1 $ it's not possible do a logical analysis if you are new to crypto don't miss guide people
people are investing amount in it dreaming of being millionaire and facing loss pepe can't reach 1 cent as market capital shoul be in trillion which ain't possible .
dear users please don't listen anyone you can hold pepe for long term for some good profit ,not millionaire dreams $FLOKI $SHIB
Binance has announced the launch of a new coin called #OMNI formerly known as Mastercoin. Omni operates on the Bitcoin blockchain, offering next-gen features and enabling the creation and trading of custom digital tokens. It serves as a bridge between traditional finance and crypto, with a current supply of around 619,403 OMNI tokens in circulation and a price of approximately $1.55 USD per OMNI. Despite a modest 24-hour trading volume, Omni presents diverse use cases, from tokenized real estate to gaming assets, and shows promising market potential. Make sure to stay updated on its progress .#BinanceLaunchPool🔥 #OMNILAUNCHPOOL #etf #OMNICOIN $BTC $ETH $BNB
Binance has announced the launch of a new coin called #OMNI formerly known as Mastercoin. Omni operates on the Bitcoin blockchain, offering next-gen features and enabling the creation and trading of custom digital tokens. It serves as a bridge between traditional finance and crypto, with a current supply of around 619,403 OMNI tokens in circulation and a price of approximately $1.55 USD per OMNI. Despite a modest 24-hour trading volume, Omni presents diverse use cases, from tokenized real estate to gaming assets, and shows promising market potential. Make sure to stay updated on its progress
Bitcoin halving new update 🚀🚀🚀 As of today, Sunday, April 14, 2024, there is no official confirmation that the Bitcoin halving has happened yet. Here's what we know about the upcoming halving: Estimated Date: The halving is expected to occur around April 20, 2024. However, the exact date depends on the rate at which new blocks are mined, which can fluctuate slightly. Block Reward Reduction: When the halving occurs, the block reward for miners will be cut in half, going from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block mined. Potential Impact: The halving is a significant event for Bitcoin, and it could potentially influence the price. Historically, halvings have been followed by price increases, although the timing and extent of these increases can vary. Here are some resources for staying updated on the Bitcoin halving: Bitcoin Block Explorers: Websites like or Mempool can track block production in real-time and provide an estimate of when the halving might occur. Cryptocurrency News Sites: Major news outlets covering cryptocurrency will likely report on the halving when it happens. Keep in mind that the impact of the halving on the price of Bitcoin is uncertain. It's important to do your own research and consider all factors before making any investment decisions. $BTC $ETH $BNB #bitcoinhalvingn #BTCHalvingApril2024
Bitcoin halving new update 🚀🚀🚀
As of today, Sunday, April 14, 2024, there is no official confirmation that the Bitcoin halving has happened yet.
Here's what we know about the upcoming halving:
Estimated Date: The halving is expected to occur around April 20, 2024. However, the exact date depends on the rate at which new blocks are mined, which can fluctuate slightly.
Block Reward Reduction: When the halving occurs, the block reward for miners will be cut in half, going from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block mined.
Potential Impact: The halving is a significant event for Bitcoin, and it could potentially influence the price. Historically, halvings have been followed by price increases, although the timing and extent of these increases can vary.
Here are some resources for staying updated on the Bitcoin halving:
Bitcoin Block Explorers: Websites like or Mempool can track block production in real-time and provide an estimate of when the halving might occur.
Cryptocurrency News Sites: Major news outlets covering cryptocurrency will likely report on the halving when it happens.
Keep in mind that the impact of the halving on the price of Bitcoin is uncertain. It's important to do your own research and consider all factors before making any investment decisions.
$BTC $ETH $BNB #bitcoinhalvingn #BTCHalvingApril2024
$BTC 🚨  Bitcoin will drop to $45,000 at halving date - my personal opinion. All non-professional traders and ordinary people will be liquidated. After panic selling, whales will begin with their massive buying to super pump prices. My opinion: spread funds between a few coins, buy on a daily basis, follow drops, buy at dip, and wait for a massive pump. The point is to make a fortune with a small investment. Don't give your money to the whales. #meme #floki #shib #dent $BNB $SOL
$BTC 🚨

 Bitcoin will drop to $45,000 at halving date - my personal opinion. All non-professional traders and ordinary people will be liquidated. After panic selling, whales will begin with their massive buying to super pump prices. My opinion: spread funds between a few coins, buy on a daily basis, follow drops, buy at dip, and wait for a massive pump. The point is to make a fortune with a small investment. Don't give your money to the whales.

#meme #floki #shib #dent $BNB $SOL
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